Another Me


Another Me

It took two years.

Two years later, I was finally discharged from rehab. I felt like a different person – a new Mei. I felt healed and I felt like the darkness that I was once in was so much brighter. Granted, I still had my problems, but I acknowledged them now and could face them. I learned how to deal with pain and how to accept that pain is a feeling, and everyone needs to feel something. “It’s better to feel pain than to feel nothing,” is what my doctor always told me.

It was hard at first, but I soon learned what to do. I feel new again, and I feel like I can start over. Mrs. Chen helped me finish my last year of high school to get my degree, and now she’s helping me again. She picked me up from the rehab facility when I was discharged and brought me out to lunch to celebrate.

“You look so much better, Mei,” Mrs. Chen told me as we sat down in the small café she brought me to, “You look happy.”

I smiled, “I feel much better.” Mrs. Chen smiled at me and took a sip of the hot coffee that they had just brought us. I placed my hands around my own mug, warming them. Even though it was only the beginning of October, it was cold and windy outside, creating a chill wherever I went.

“Thank you,” I said to Mrs. Chen, “For everything. Thank you so much for helping me.”

Mrs. Chen reached across the table and held my hand, “Anytime, Mei. Please know that I am here for you whenever you need me.”

I smiled at her and took a sip of my hot chocolate. I took a deep breath before speaking once again.

“I hate to do this,” I said, feeling very nervous about what I was about to ask, “But I need to ask for one more favor…”

“Anything,” Mrs. Chen said, immediately. I stared at her for a second before continuing.

“I can’t go back home,” I told her, finally, “I can’t stand to be in the same house with my father again. I can’t…” I trailed off, fighting back the memories of being with my father. He never called me. I don’t even think he cared when I suddenly disappeared for two years. The only thing he was missing with me gone was a punching bag, but that was easily replaceable.

Mrs. Chen nodded, “I already thought about that problem, Mei, and I can help you.”

I squeezed the cup of hot chocolate in my hands and looked back up at my former high school teacher. “Y-you can?”

She nodded, “You’re twenty years old now, so you have nothing tying you down here in Beijing anymore. I think you should leave – get out of the country.”

I my lips as I listened to her solution. Leave the country? I never thought about doing that. I only thought about maybe living with Mrs. Chen until I could get my life together. But…now that I think about it…

“Where would I go?” I asked.

“I have a friend in South Korea,” Mrs. Chen explained, “She’s my good friend’s daughter. She’s a Chinese language teacher there, and I already spoke to her about you possibly going to live with her. She’s actually looking for a roommate in her apartment…”

South Korea…I’d never been there before. I had no knowledge of the language there. I had no knowledge of the culture there, aside from what I learned in history class (which wasn’t that much). I would be living with a Chinese teacher – a Chinese person, so there wouldn’t be any communication problems. And, I’d be out of Beijing – out of China.

I nodded my head, “I think that’s a good idea.”

Mrs. Chen smiled at me, “Excellent. I can help you make the arrangements. And my friend will help you find a job. You can stay with me until you leave.” I nodded and took another sip of my hot chocolate. Our food came just then, and I picked at my sandwich a bit before taking a bite.

“This’ll be good for you, Mei,” Mrs. Chen told me, “You’ll be able to start fresh in a new place, far away from your past. This is your time to reinvent yourself.”

I smiled and nodded my head, “I’ll work hard to do that.”

Mrs. Chen smiled at me, “I know you will. You’re smart and strong, and I know you’ll be okay.”

“Thank you,” I said, feeling tears come to my eyes. She was so kind to me, and I couldn’t do anything to repay her. I had no money, no family, and nothing to offer her.

“What can I do for you?” I asked her, “You’ve done so much for me already, and I don’t know how to repay you…”

Mrs. Chen reached across and held my hand, “Just seeing you happy is enough for me.” She suddenly put her fork down and brought her napkin to her eyes, and that’s when I noticed the tears that were there.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, not wanting to see her cry.

She took a deep breath, “It’s just…you remind me so much of my own daughter. Unfortunately, I couldn’t help her…” I looked down at the table, feeling sadness rise up in me.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

She let out a small laugh, “There’s nothing you need to be sorry for. It was my own fault.” I shook my head.

“I’m sure it wasn’t your fault,” I told her, honestly. How could this kind-hearted woman be at fault for anything bad that happened to her daughter?

She smiled at me, “One day, maybe I’ll tell you the full story. But not today…today, we celebrate your recovery, and your new life.” She held her coffee cup in the air for a toast. I picked up my own hot chocolate and clinked my glass to hers.

“To my new life,” I whispered, taking a sip of the warm drink. She smiled at me and we both started eating. I couldn’t help but smile as well.

Finally, I felt free. I felt like my own person. When he was around, he was the one holding me up. But now, I can hold myself up. I can be myself and I have the chance to not rely on anyone anymore. I felt so much happier and stronger.

It took two years, but I was reinvented. Another me – a new Huang Mei.

Ok, here's chapter six! Yay! I know that this song doesn't have any lyrics, but I think that the title describes everything enough. Plus...I love the song...and I love Sunggyu...heheh

Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter! Mei is now planning her new life with Mrs. Chen! Hooray, isn't Mrs. Chen so kind? ^_^ Thank you guys for reading, subscribing, and commenting! I seriously never expected this many people to like this story, so thank you so much! I'm glad you guys like it! :) 

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manlyteabubbles #1
Chapter 10: So I kind of left Asianfanfics for a while and I re-read this story and on chapter 5 I was literally bawling my eyes out. Like, usually I never cry in fanfics (with the exception of 10080 lol) my eyes just get watery but I don't cry but I was seriously crying. T-T
Chapter 10: Omaiigod. Please update!
I love the song and im loving the story too.
I cried a bit, hehe xD
mushuu234 #3
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader, and I'm loving the story already! It's really good! I'm keen to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 10: Aaaaaaah I can't wait to read the next chapter! Thank you for updating!
Chapter 10: Wow that was interesting!!!!! Her pov is really heart breaking...I can't wait to read LuHans pov or someone else ^^ nice work!!!
ImNotUglyImExoticc #6
Chapter 10: Update soon, author-nim! And //pouts you always update so slow ; A ;
Chapter 10: You really know how to make a girl cry, huh? Update soon author-nim, I'm a new reader and I absolutely love it!!
Chapter 10: ughhh..pabo luhann >.<
luvlasts41727 #9
Chapter 10: Luhan, why!!!!! Also update soon
manlyteabubbles #10
Chapter 10: You're so mean Luhan!