
Why Are You So Annoying?

Luhan quickly runs towards the whole gang except Sehun wasn’t there. “Guys! I have something to show you!” They all stopped chitchatting among themselves and stare at Luhan, anticipating in what this little sass ball is about to say. “Sehun has a diary.”

They all teared their eyes away from Luhan and looks at each other, bursting into laughter. “Really?” Tao laughed even harder. “And apparently, what he wrote in the diary is like reading a shoujo manga and he’s gay for me.” They all collapsed on the ground, rolling in laughter.

 “No way!”Kris shouted, “I always knew he’s gay after all!” Suho shook his head, “No wonder he stalked you.” Luhan tilted his head in confusion, “Wait, what?” Suho shook his head this time with seriousness, “Nothing.” Luhan is still confused but shakes off the feeling, “Anyways, don’t tell Sehun or anybody else that I know this or told you about it, understood?” They all nodded while derping like little kids.


Luhan made way running late towards his first class. He kicked the door open and the whole classroom stopped to stare.

“Well, isn’t it nice to see you come to class, Luhan.” Luhan nods his head apologetically, “It’s also nice to see you in class too, Mr. Seungho.” Mr. Seungho laughed, “Yea, whatever, just take a seat.” Luhan took his usual seat in the back by the window.

The first class flew by so quickly than he expected and another thing he didn’t notice till now is that Sehun wasn’t in class.


Everybody floods into the cafeteria. What is everybody so excited for? Luhan heads over to his locker which is by the girl’s restroom. “Have you heard? Sehun has a diary and he’s really in love with Luhan!” Luhan locker-palmed, “You and you’re big ing mouths!” Luhan runs over towards the cafeteria. “They are so dead!”

All of exo heard Luhan’s cry and immediately ducked down, behind the nearest trash can. Luhan spotted them already since the tall ones’ legs are sticking out.

“Don’t even try to hide! You guys always at playing hide-and-seek!” Luhan boomed.

They’re all shivered in fear that even the trash can shivers with them.

“K-Kris, the d-devil came out of its c-c-cave.” Tao grabs Kris to shield himself.


Luhan walks up slowly towards the trash can and kicked it away with all his rage building up inside of him.  “Which one of you pieces of told the whole school about it?” Baekhyun pushes Kris in front of him, “He did, sir.”

Luhan glares at Kris, feeling his rage bubbling up again. “Why did you pass on rumors when I told you not to spread anything about it!”

“I-I don’t know anything about it.” Kris said innocently.

“Don’t with me giant!” Luhan yelled.


Kris gets cut off by Luhan’s fist, cutting him off mid-sentence, sending him sliding across the floor.

“And you! Why didn’t you try to stop him from opening his mouth?” Tao backs up into the corner.

All of a sudden a loud bang was heard. There Sehun is standing there with anger written all over his face, much scarier than Luhan. He runs over towards Kris and jumped kick him. Kris screamed in pain.

“I knew you were the one to make up such rumors!” Kris coughed up some blood. Everybody gasped at the sight of Kris’s blood.

Sehun and Luhan both looked at each other, realizing that there’s the whole school body staring at them in fear.


Finally, the teachers came in to see what’s going on(they’re pretty crappy on doing their jobs like real life ones but not all lol).

“Alright! Break it up here!” Mr. Seungho comes out of the crowd, holding a large tub of popcorn.

“Nice hits you two. As expected from my students. I taught you well.” The normal teachers looks at him weirdly.

Both Sehun and Luhan kicked Kris for the last time. Kris whimpers in pain.

“That’s what you get, .” Luhan and Sehun smiled at each other. Kris wipes off the blood from his mouth.

Tao’s eyes widen, “Kris! Your nose is bleeding!” Before kris can wipe off the blood from his nose, something landed on his lap and a flash of light, blinding him. Kris grabs whatever was on his lap. “ magazine?” Mr. Seungho chuckled,” The best kind too. Now, I’ll take you to the nurse’s office.”

Mr. Seungho grabs both of Kris’s arms and drags him.

“Are you going to use the picture to blackmail me?” Kris asked. Mr.Seungho laughed, “Maybe if you do something stupid again.”


After all that craziness, both Sehun and Luhan are sent to the Principal’s office. They were meant with a tiny structured man with abnormally small hands. He motioned for them to sit. They both give in to his command.

Sehun observes around the room, “Are you the principal?” Yesung looks at him proudly, “Why, yes I am.”

Luhan laughed, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Yesung rolls his eyes, “I’m guessing it’s your first time to see me then, judging by both of your reactions.”

Yesung sits right in front of them and looks into his files on his desk.”You know why you two are here.”

Luhan looks at him dumbfounded, “I only did justice, sir.” Yesung twitched and grabs Luhan’s tiny wrist and knocked him on the floor, twisting his arm.

“Listen up kid, I may be small but I can still rip you a new in seconds.” Yesung tightens his grip more.

For the very first time, Sehun is afraid of someone. Yesung removes himself off of Luhan and smiles at Sehun, “Sorry for that inconvenience.” He fixes up his suit and cleared his throat, “As for your punishment, you two will have to do community service for one week and don’t miss them for I’ll rip off your balls and feed them to my dogs.” Yesung giggled. Luhan and Sehun both looked at each other and ran out of his office.


“I wonder what kind of community service we have to do.” Sehun shrugs, “Beats me, but all I know is that you’re doing my job for me.”

Luhan scoffs, “Hell no, I’m not your . Besides, you don’t deserve getting help from others.” Sehun smirked, “That hurts.”

“Here you go. This is for your community service.” They both take the papers and read it. After a while of reading, both their eyes jumped out of its socket. “A DAYCARE?!!”

Mr. G.O nodded, “Don’t worry, it’ll be tons of fun.” Luhan chuckles, “Of course it’s fun for you, you’re a pedo.” G.O laughs with Luhan, “Sure, anyways, this would be a perfect opportunity for the future when you guys have kids. You lovebirds are meant to be.” They both choked on their own spit.

Sehun spoke up, “Don’t tell me you ship us together? I can’t even stand looking at this ratchet’s face.”

Luhan glares at Sehun, “You’re pretty ratchet yourself.” G.O cracks a smile, “Young love.”

Luhan heard what Mr. G.O said and jumps over his desk, choking him.

“Stop, Luhan! If you keep choking him, we’ll have double community service!” Luhan stopped and puts his hands away from G.O. “Sorry.”

Mr. G.O glares at Luhan and rubs his neck. “Just get out and be outside the gates tomorrow at seven o’ clock AM.” 

SORRY GUYZ IM SOOOO LATE BUT I HAD JAZZ DANCE CLASS AND CLEANING THE DAY CARE WITH MY DAD thank you new subbies for subscribing this story and welcome! :D oh and i have a treat for you guys in Halloween SORRY GUYZ FOR BEING LATE!

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hey guys i broke another promise my english teacher thrown me a surprise and so did my nephew so ill for sure update tomorrow


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 10: Lulu so wild °∆°
Chapter 24: What kind of ending is this? -.-
ZaulieIZzy #3
Chapter 24: he dead?
EXObsesser #4
Author nim pls update
Chapter 24: Wha- o.o what just happened-
wtfamireading #6
Chapter 24: what did just happened omfg sehun you better be ok or i will punch ur sorry face
Thats a helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa long foreword!!! XD