Big Surprise

Why Are You So Annoying?

Luhan arrived at the dorms, at first he hesitated whether to go back or not. The hesitation is because of Sehun. The fact about Luhan thinking about him makes him feel anger stirring inside of him. Luhan hated him for trying to break his ego and sticking his nose to his own business. Luhan just wants to chop off Sehun’s balls before Sehun sticks it up in his . Luhan stopped in front of his dorm room as he turns the knobs silently. He tip toed inside then gently closes the door behind him.

“Well, well, well, look who we have here, a transvestite who went off to a gay bar and slept with his very own orthodontist.”

Luhan turned stiffly with wide eyes as he sees Sehun with his arms cross and a blank look on his face. Luhan remained calm as he relaxes, “Think however you want to think.”

Sehun unfolds his crossed arms. His expression is still unreadable, then it hits Luhan, he forgotten that Sehun has the hots for him in anime style.

Luhan cleared his throat, “Chanyeol isn’t gay for me, hes…gay for N.O.M.”

Sehun’s contorted into confusion, “Who the is N.O.M?”

Luhan’s body shivered, “I think you would like that boy group as well.”

Sehun shook off what Luhan said, “I’m going to take a nap.”

As soon as Sehun shut the door to his room, Luhan heaved a sigh. Five down and the rest is walking vegetables to deal with.


“Hey guys, have you seen Baekhyun?”Everybody shook their heads. Kyungsoo curses under his breath. Kai stares at Kyungsoo with a glint of anger in his eyes. “I heard he’s very pissed about something.” Kris grins under his breath.

 Kris grins even more as he sees Luhan coming towards their way. As Luhan took a seat at the end of the table, Kris decided to more since Luhan seemed to be in a bad mood. “Was the good? You should be e than a hostess; you’ll earn a lot more money than being a hostess.”

Luhan sighed; he knew Kris would say something to him and .”Could you shut the up you dickwad.”

Kris laughed and claps his hands together like a retarded seal, “I guess it wasn’t better than that night with Sehun!”

The whole cafeteria stopped moving. Hungry fans looked over and stared at Luhan with glint of hope in their eyes.

Luhan face palmed. He has a strong urge to knock out Kris and that’s what he would do.

Luhan slings off his backpack and throws it at Tao’s face even though he didn’t say anything yet but Luhan figured he would anyways.

Luhan climbed on top of the table and throws himself on Kris, scratching his face.

“Stop! Not my beautiful God-like face!” Kris shrieked. “Tao help me!”

Apparently, tao is knocked out by Luhan’s brick filled backpack.


Kyungsoo slowly backs away, “Sorry Kris you’re the one who asked for it.”


Kai stares at both Kris and Luhan, scrambling to his feet, “I’m not going to help either, I can still feel my wound from last time.”

“Well, fine then! I’ll handle it!” Kris pushes Luhan’s hands away, successfully. Now that Luhan is pried off, kris grabs his metal tray and hits his head.

Luhan crouched down, holding his head, “OW !” Kris smirks in his victory.

Xiumin struts his way to their table, seeing his little brother hitting Luhan with the tray. As he approaches, he flings Luhan off to the side for some space.

“Can you guys just get along for once?!” Xiumin yelled into Kris’s ear.

Luhan, Kyungsoo, and Kai are all surprised by Xiumin’s strength.

“But Kris-“

“Shut your mouth Luhan and you too Kris.” Xiumin said in a slight aggressive tone.

“I didn’t even say anything!” Kris shouted at Xiumin.

“Doesn’t matter, I know you well enough that you’ll sass talk me.”

Kris puts down his head and so did Luhan but in annoyance than defeat.

Xiumin stands there proudly with his hands on his hips. “Since I see you guys like this, I might as well get us all tickets to an amusement park and you guys will spend with each other not fighting. And if you do fight well I might as well drug you guys into being gay with each other.”

Kris and Luhan both of their adam’s apple bobbed up then down.



Luhan shook off his fear and stood up. Xiumin is too innocent to carry drugs with him or doing drug dealing. “What the Xiumin!”

Xiumin’s eyebrows furrowed and start walking towards Luhan. Xiumin raises his hand and slaps the hell out of Luhan.

The whole cafeteria grabbed popcorn and so did the lunch lady.

“You sound like a whiny .” Xiumin said in a demon-like voice.

Luhan raises his hand to rub his now red right cheek.

Kris stood up from his seat, “Xiumin, what the hell are you doing?!”

Xiumin fumes in anger, “What I’m doing is to stop you’re guy’s annoying fights. So just do as I say! I’m the big bro!”

Xiumin left Kris speechless, he never heard Xiumin talk back at him like that before.

Xiumin struts off angrily yet fabulously out of the cafeteria. Everybody watched how every step he took a miniature earthquake goes on as he left, the fans took off their 3D movie glasses.

Luhan and the three others are left agape by Xiumin’s sudden change.

Luhan broke the silence, “Is he on his period?” 

Xiumin walks back in with his normal attitude. “Here! I got tickets for the amusement park!!” Xiumin squeals as he passes it to each member.

“Oh and don’t worry Luhan, Chanyeol is invited and so is Sehun! By the way, where’s Tao?”

All four of them stuck out their finger, pointing to a lifeless body on the ground besides Kai.

Xiumin smiles widely and jumps over Tao’s body to set a ticket on top of his stomach.

“Alright guys, we’ll meet at 8 am and whiny es about waking up early! I can’t wait for tomorrow!” Xiumin excitedly claps and struts off to the exit.

The whole cafeteria fell silent till Luhan breaks it again, “My apologies everyone he’s not in his period he’s actually pregnant.”

All of a sudden the bell rang and everyone dispersed from the cafeteria.

Kyungsoo’s eyes open wider than how they usually are, “Luhan, you’re bleeding!”

“I am?” Luhan asked, questionably. “Yea, you are. We can take you to the nurse’s office.” Kai offered.

“No thanks, I’ll go back to class.” Luhan suggested.


“Oh no you’re not; I don’t want you spilling blood here and there in my fabulous classroom. You two should head to class, I’ll handle this little .”

Luhan turns around and is met with Mr. Seungho’s kawaii eyes. Luhan frowned at the sight of him especially how he called him a little .

Kyungsoo and Kai quickly scurry off from the tension in the air.

“Why don’t you take me if you don’t want your class dirty?” Luhan asked.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want my clothes dirty because I have date with a hottie tonight.” Mr. Seungho has a mischievous look in his eyes.

Luhan scoffed, “I doubt that you’re going on a date, who would date a ing like you.”

Mr. Seungho smirks, “Watch how you talk to your teacher and to answer your question, you need to be an to survive in this ed up place.”

“It wasn’t even a question, it’s a fact.”

Mr. Seungho laughs, “This is why you’re my favorite student Luhan.” Mr. Seungho places his hand on Luhan’s shoulder. Luhan shakes it off, “I’m nobody’s favorite.”

“I’m here, Mr. Seungho.”

Mr. Seungho clasps his hands together, “Oh perfect, Sehun will take you to the nurse. Bye-bye now!”

Before Luhan could object, Mr. Seungho left in a flash. Luhan turns to face Sehun, feeling an awkward tension around them.


Sehun breaks off the tension and swoops down to carry Luhan in a princess-style. Luhan felt dazed by the sweet smell of strawberries till he realizes Sehun is carrying him. Luhan has his arms around Sehun’s neck and his face is buried on his shoulder.

Luhan tries to lift his head but the bouncing that Sehun does as he walks makes his head come right back to his shoulder. Luhan felt a very bad pain like something is crushing his brain as Sehun walks up the steps. Luhan decides not to talk since the pain is getting worse and worse.

Sehun comes to a halt and gently puts Luhan down, “We’re here.”

Luhan just nodded since he didn’t felt that good. Luhan felt dizzy all of a sudden and started tilting forward. Sehun grabs a hold of Luhan.

Sehun frantically opens the door and slings Luhan’s arm over his shoulder, “His head is bleeding!”

A woman who looked like in her early twenties came out of her office to greet us, she has her hair up in a high ponytail and has a free no makeup face but still manages to be beautiful.

“Oh dear, what happened?” Her voice sounds light and sweet.

“I’m not sure but I’m guessing this idiot got into a fight.” Sehun said.


“Okay then just put him on the bed there and I’ll treat your boyfriend, quickly.”

Sehun paused over hearing that word but he didn’t care at this moment. Sehun gently leads Luhan to the empty bed and sat him down on the edge.

“Alright honey, I think it’s best that you go back to class and I know you want to look him over but don’t worry I’ll take care of him, okay?” The nurse asked sweetly, as she puts a hand on Sehun’s shoulder to reassure him.

“I-I guess so.” Sehun hesitated. “And we’re not a couple; don’t tell me you’re one of them?”

The nurse chuckled, “I am actually, I ship you guys hard.”

Sehun sighed, “Whatever, see ya.”

Sehun closes the door behind and face palmed, “What the was that?”


“Alright then Luhan, let me treat your wound.” The nurse grabs the cotton balls and a bottle of alcohol.

The nurse dips a little alcohol onto the cotton ball. She grabs a hold of Luhan’s hair in one hand and the other holding the cotton ball.

“It will sting a lot so good luck.” She said cheerfully.

Luhan groaned in response and shrieked as she dabs the cotton ball on his wound.

“Shhh, it’ll be alright.” She lets go of Luhan’s hair and caress his arm. “I’m all done, let me get a band aid and an ice pack for you.”

Luhan felt like he knew the woman even though it could be just his headache but he can’t seem to shrug it off. Her kind gestures reminded him of Chanyeol for some reason. 

The nurse came back with a band aid in one hand and the other an ice pack. “What’s your name?”

The nurse’s eyes lit up, “My name is Dara, Park Dara, and what about your name?”

Luhan’s eyes widen but then he realizes there’s a whole bunch of Parks everywhere. “Luhan, Xi Luhan.”

Dara’s eyes lit up even more, “Ah I see so you are Luhan! My little brother talks about you everytime!”

Luhan felt nervous, “Is your brother Chanyeol?”

Dara giggled, “Yes, he is.”

HERE IT IS NEW UPDATE THANK YOU FOR THE NEW SUBSCIBERS~~ AND FOR THE OLD ONES FOR WAITING PATIENTLY GRACIAS!!! I survived from a car crash so did my parents and thank god for that honestly it's really scary because i knew we were gonna crash and so I closed my eyes and thought to my head 'this iss it this is where my life ends'  and literally it's just...scary but im glad that i am back thanks guys well i have to go to bed now GOOD NIGHT!

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hey guys i broke another promise my english teacher thrown me a surprise and so did my nephew so ill for sure update tomorrow


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 10: Lulu so wild °∆°
Chapter 24: What kind of ending is this? -.-
ZaulieIZzy #3
Chapter 24: he dead?
EXObsesser #4
Author nim pls update
Chapter 24: Wha- o.o what just happened-
wtfamireading #6
Chapter 24: what did just happened omfg sehun you better be ok or i will punch ur sorry face
Thats a helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa long foreword!!! XD