Chapter 7

Appa, please be happy




It was several hours later when night had fallen upon the calm and slightly cold streets. People were too busy mingling with their business rather than counting the stars in the skies when they knew one of those twinkling article could had been a copter. It was not rare for such sight, but it was also had not been a rare sight when people would emitted sighs of disappointment as the thought they had sightseeing the brightest star. But the disappointment would go as easy as it came on ones hearts. And they proceed with their lives monotonously.

But it appears such thing did not happen inside a certain humble little house. 

As we all know, the father and his lovely cub were now preoccupied with a lion documentary playing on the TV. The father was lying lazily on top of his old couch with his young one’s body nestled on his chest comfortably. Once a while the father would chuckle when the child get too excited with several scenes of the lion’s pride.
They were now watching a lion with golden and black mane roar majestically into the air as he had succeeded to claim upon a new land. His lionesses and cubs were not far behind when he crawled down the rocky hill to be greeted by his large family. Several lionesses and young lions dared to paw at his face in a playful manner, only to be greeted by an annoyed growl.

Jongin giggled earnestly before he rubbed his face into his father’s chest to cover the voice. Yifan laughed and his son’s soft locks as he shift position into a comfortable one. The child was still giggling when he finally emerged from his father broad chest and his wide eyes were set back on the show.

The scene showed how the old and proud lion was being playful to his few weeks old cubs. Apparently his lastly mated lioness had finally showed herself with their younglings. She was introducing her cubs to their family and mostly, the head of the family.

Yifan knew this was the moment where Jongin would scramble out of his hold and sat on the carpeted floor just a few feet in front of the couch just so he could get a better view at one of his favorite scenes. Yifan propped his head with one hand as he lay on his side and watched Jongin with amusement.

Jongin’s feet were folded beneath his hips while his fists were balled on top of them. It didn’t take a further scan to make Yifan sure that Jongin’s attentions were all focused only to the scene rolling on the TV.




Yeah. He was right.

Nothing could ever make that child’s eyes averted from the TV now.


Then it was time to put some action, Yifan thought mischievously.


He crawled down from the couch stealthily on all fours behind Jongin. He made sure that the cub’s attention was still focused to the TV before a sly grin stretched on his face. He made a growling voice as his long arms trapped Jongin into his chest. The child shrieked in surprise before it turned into a laughing when his father pretended to claw at his tummy.


“A-appa! Appa stop! You’re not a lion!”

Yifan blinked several times, pretending to be innocent as Jongin faced him.

“Yes I am,” and then he attacked his cub again.


Jongin high shrieks turned into a similar growl as he played along. The father and the son were lying on the carpeted floor as their limbs wriggling. Somehow Jongin managed to bring himself to sit on top of Yifan’s chest while making a roaring voice of victory. Although the sound was… well, off-tune (Yifan himself didn’t knew how a roar could be off-tune), the father didn’t have a heart to spoil the moment.


“Argh~ I’ve lost to a cub?! This is humiliating! Noooo~”

Yifan made a dramatic noise like a whale and his arms flopped lifelessly beside his body.

“Appa… you’re a lion. Lions don’t make that noise,” 

“Lions get turned into whales when they lose to their cubs,”

“No they’re not! Appa is stupid,”


Jongin covered his mouth with his small hands as he giggled when Yifan made a whining noise. “But baby~ it’s true! And how could you say that your Appa is stupid? Appa is hurt,”

When Yifan covered his eyes with his arm, it made Jongin started to get worried. The child bend his body forward to kiss his father’s pointed nose in hope that it would made his father uncovered his eyes.


“Appa~ don’t cry… Jongin is sorry,”


For the love of every cute thing, Yifan tried so hard not to grin when he had Jongin fooled.
He decided to have some mercy and uncovered his eyes. The arm was now wrapped around Jongin’s back as he stared at his son’s worried eyes.


“Aww… Is Jonginnie worried for his Appa?”


The child nodded cutely as he hugged his father’s neck and buried his face in it. A chuckled vibrated in Yifan’s broad chest into Jongin’s bum, it made the child giggle. The older sat up, bringing the cub with him and positioned Jongin into a more comfortable position with his body in between his long legs. The child was now staring at his face in admire. Yifan couldn’t help it to kiss his son right in between the brows.


“Appa is not stupid right, baby?”

Jongin shook his head rapidly, “But Jongin is still smarter than Appa,”


The child giggled happily when the man’s lips puckered in a ─supposedly─ pout. Then the cub lean his body forward to nestle himself in his father’s hold with his head tucked snuggly on his father’s warm chest, sighing loudly as the sound of his father’s beating heart slowly lulled him into a relaxing posture.

Yifan the child’s hair and patted the small back gently a few times before he wrapped his arms around the young cub and kissed the crown of his small head. Inhaling a soft scent of baby shampoo he always bought for Jongin. It comforted him a bit.



When a soft questioning hum entered his ears, Yifan smiled goofily.

“Stay young okay?”

 He laughed along with his son as he gave another kiss to the child’s head lovingly. He would never get tired of the child’s personality. 


Easy to be pleased.


“I’ll try, Appa. I’m still always be younger than you though,”

“Hey~ are you saying your Appa is old?”


Yifan frowned when Jongin nestled his head further into his broad chest while muffling his small giggles.


Oh well… He gave up then.


…, but only because his cub is being adorably annoying.














Yifan’s brows twitched when he felt ripples beneath his bare feet. He didn’t remember turning on the shower. But… he didn’t feel any droplets of waters hitting his head.

Eyelids opening slowly, revealing deep brown orbs within, and blinked several times to make sure he was not in the same place he had always been these days. 
He sighed whether in relief or in annoyance because he was back in the familiar endless sunset landscape with calm water beneath his feet. He was getting used to this surrounding, he didn’t know if he had to be glad because of the familiarity in his senses or he had to be afraid because he was getting comfortable.

He opted for the first…at least for now.

He tried to move his limbs only to sigh again ─this time he was sure it was in annoyance─.

He was immobile, again. Exactly, who controlled him??


Wait… that’s it!


Who was in charge of controlling this? Everything in this place was being controlled right? Someone was trying to─ no, wait… it didn’t make sense.

But…it did too.


God he was so puzzled.


Groaning in distaste he shut his eyes tightly, hoping that in any minute he could move his body again. Because, really… he did not like the feeling of couldn’t do anything at all. It made him felt very helpless.

He opened his eyes and lifted his head upwards to the purplish pink and orange skies.

Well, at least I can move my hea─




─his breath hitched.




Who’s there?




Who’s there?? Please─!

He gasped mutely when a pair of delicate arms wrapped themselves around his waist and chest. His body went rigid when he felt a head leaned on his broad back. He heard a soft sigh behind him and the person behind him hugged him closer gently. 

Yifan felt a strange sense of familiarity from this person.

And just when the person’s arms started to loosen from his body, Yifan’s hands gripped the small wrists on instinct.



But the person suddenly yanked their small hands from Yifan’s gentle grip. It startled Yifan, he quickly turned around ─ just in time to see the person turned their back on him─ and the blonde haired man snatched the person’s arm to prevent them from running away.



He could feel the person ─no… a man. He suddenly realized the person was a male. A head shorter than him with black hair that looked so soft under the evening light of the sunset. The male had a pale skin, milky pale might he add. He…he…


…he was not him.


There was a twinge of disappointment yet relief in his chest. It made him almost sigh but he held it back because he didn’t want to be rude.


“Do I…do I know you?”

The other male didn’t give any response but then he started to struggle away from Yifan’s grip.

“No wait! Please I…don’t go…”

The words did magic as it made the other man stopped his struggles. Yifan could still felt the taut limb in his grip and it made him worry whether the man would run away or not.

“I won’t hurt you…I promise. I’m…I’m sorry if I scared you,”

Then a small smile appeared on Yifan’s handsome face when he felt the arm in his grip slowly started to relax, as well as the other male’s posture, and Yifan hoped it would last for a moment longer.


The taller of the two blinked in surprise and confusion. W-what?

“What? What did you just say?”

He moved forward to look at the man’s face but he faltered when the man looked away from him.

“Hey…it’s alright. What’s wro─”

“Please don’t…” the voice sounded strained and distressed.



What…what was going on?



“D-don’t what?”

Again to his surprise, a small sob floated in the air into his ear. He…why was the man crying? What did he do?


“Please don’t look at me… I─”


─Yifan tried to look at the man’s face but again the man kept avoiding him. It made Yifan frustrated and confused and worried. What did he do wrong? What was going on? Was this real?


“I’m not him…Yifan,”


It was soft. So soft that Yifan almost couldn’t catch it, but he heard the broken whisper. 

The surrounding was so calm and peace if one would actually feel them. But none of those two would care to sight-seeing right now. The peaceful landscape and the quietness felt deafening in Yifan’s ears right now. The whispered words rang in his head.

Another small sob followed by a sigh of dejection was emitted from the shorter male’s lips. 


“Don’t look at me like you look at him, as if I’m him…”

Yifan’s brows furrow in confusion. What was he talking about? Who was him?


And his vision started to darken as his eyelids got heavier. He felt sleepy all of the sudden and his body felt light. He felt as if something heavy was lifted from his lungs, the feeling of relief and craving for air, the content feeling. He knew this feeling, he had experienced it before. 


But why did he not want this now?

He wanted to go back and seek the shorter male for answers. He wanted to know what he meant.

He felt familiar with the man’s voice.

He felt familiar with the presence.

As if he had seen and been with him in the real world.










What was going on?





Was that real?













Who was he?












A/N : Annyeong~ I'm sorry for always updating in such a slow pace T_T I really am, I tried hard everytime I was excited to write. But suddenly it all got stuck in my head and it ended up way out of my liking. Yeah, I admit I'm a slow updater. Please bear with me, I'm very sorry T_T I hope this chapter could satisfy you lovely people. And of course I do hope you guys are enjoying every father and son moment between Yifan and Jongin. Is it wrong to love your own characters? I mean, I don't mean as Yifan and Jongin in real world as mine I wish I could  I mean, them, in my own story. lol alright I'm rambling again.

Do you know who the short male with black hair in Yifan's current dream? Give me your thoughts! I would love to read what you guys thought, it never fails to bring a silly grin in my face xD 

Thank you lovelies! I hope you love this! kekeke~ and of course thank you for the upvoters, commenters and subscribers! 




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It's the first anniversary of Appa Please be Happy! I actually just realized this too .__. And as a gift, I give you chapter 6! (lame, so lame asdfghjkl)


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Chapter 7: I hope you will update in future><
2441 streak #2
Chapter 7: this is a story i really wish was continued... would love to know the implications of the recurring dreams and all those unknown signs and figures in them... plus, Dad Yifan and baby Jongin is an adorable combo!
Em1412 #3
Chapter 7: And it was just getting to the interesting part :( Please update soon author-nim this is a really good story to read!!!
Chapter 7: Will u update this?
Chapter 6: I'm confused? Can anyone explain?
noomico #6
Chapter 7: Ithink kris can see some thing will happen in the future the first man was kai with the kitten the last one was suho maybe in the future he and kris will date and suho will say these words .. Idont know why i feel the man who kissed kai is eather kris or kyungsoo ..ihope hes sehun hes a better choise .. Even if kris related by blood he is his father .. And thank you for this story x3
zaraaki #7
Chapter 6: After awhile.. I reread this.. I have a feeling like we r sailing in yifan's unconscious state/dream... Like he is in a coma and he is living in his unconscious state... Something like that.. I dunno what i am saying.. ( this sounds more like a drama or a really angsty drama)
Chapter 7: The man in all black is him. I think. Kris' old self and maybe his future. The dreams might be foreboding and/or a past. It's blurry. The lines. It's like the black clothed man was pyshing him in a direction. But we don't know what will happen so please update soon
2441 streak #9
Chapter 7: OH... I assume Suho is the person in his latest dream...
this fix is jus mind boggling, I can't say I read the signs well, I am still co fused as frick! HAHAHAHA
But who's the one in all black and the one in pale clothes in his previous ones? and the kitten??? I am dying to know more abt what all those that appear on his dreams signify...
BUT REALLY, all the daddy Kris baby Jongin moments are soooooooo LOVELY... never fail to make me smile whenever I read this :)
kyra81 #10
Chapter 7: Is Yifan meet person who seems look like his past lover??? Is he really mean that he's not the same person or he is the same person who reincarnation of his past...?? ( Errr....... Its not even a century yet.....!! T_T) Confuse.... I hope Yifan could moving on and maybe starts his life with Suho and treat him as he is instead as a replacement of Joonmyeon... Update soon author nim !! >_<