Chapter 5

Living a lie (NU'EST fanfic)

Wwwaaahhh, im so full! I couldn’t fit another piece of food in my mouth! I looked over to Baekho who was still sitting next to me. He smiled at me so I smiled back. Ren stood up

“You ready?”

I nodded “I’m ready. Take me to him”

Hyunmin nodded and then opened the door “let us go”

We walked for ages, I felt like the corridor really was endless until we reached big huge doors. Bigger doors than the door we entered to go and eat. We stopped right in front of it, I don’t know why but I felt so nervous, like I was going in for a job interview or something.

“Are you going to go in?”

I looked at Ren, smiled then nodded “I don’t know why, but I’m nervous now”

Baekho laughed “there’s nothing to be nervous about, besides y ou were waiting for this the whole day”

I nodded and lifted my hand to knock on the door

*knock knock

“Come in”

I turned to look at their faces, but they were gone. Ren, Baekho and Hyunmin gone! What is with this place and people disappearing? Guess there’s no turning back now. I slowly opened the door only to reveal a huge office, with a big window at the back and in front of it a huge desk and the walls were covered with shelves that were filled with books. This room literally looked like a room that came out of a fairy tale.

While I was observing the room I felt a pair of eyes just looking at me. I looked towards the staring direction and there sitting behind the desk was a huge, built man.  He looked so familiar, I’ve seen him somewhere before

“Please sit”

I don’t know why but under his stare I felt so ….. uneasy. I nodded and walked to the chair furthest away from him and sat down

“You must have a lot of questions”

“Yes, yes I do”

“Where should I begin?”

“How about from the start? Like why I’m here, HOW I got here”

He chuckled and smiled. I’ve seen that smile somewhere before. I’ve heard that laugh somewhere before, but where? Why can’t I remember?

“Ok. You want to start from the beginning? I shall start from the beginning. This may shock you though ….. are you prepared for that?”

Shock? What shock? Am I ready for this? To know why I’ve been kidnapped? I breathed in and nodded me head “I’m ready.”


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