Chapter 2: An Unsuspected Surprise

Filming love or Falling in love?
Kat was having a wonderful dream about a guy she use to have a crush on before he got with another girl. She never had a chance to be with him so she gave up finding a guy and decided to focus on her job. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! She groans in her sleep and turned off the alarm clock and went back to bed. Thirty minutes later she woke up and stood straight up from her bed and grabbed her clock it said: 8:30 am. "Crap! I'm late!!" She yelled. She got up quick from her bed and headed straight inside her walk in closet, she grab a black t-shirt with a vampire logo on it, dark blue jeans, and black sneakers. As she stepped out she brushed her hair, grab her phone and keys to her car and left out the door of her house. She got in her car, started the engine and drove off before morning traffic starts. 'My boss is sooo going to kill me if he hears about this.' She thought as she passes by ten cars that are driving a bit slow. After an hour of driving she finally maded to Tokyo Dome City that is right next to some roller coasters. She parked near by the entrance of Tokyo Dome, she notice two men guarding the entrance. She got out of her car, walked up to the two men standing and showed them her I.D. the first one nodded and let her pass. Once inside the building was like a big open space and some stairs to go on the second floor of the building.
Kat continue walking to the second door that leads to the inside of the dome. When she opened the door, she can already hear the band checking their instruments and their microphones. The inside of Tokyo Dome was so big that almost everyone in Japan can fit in there. "Hey are you the new camera crew?" A young man said looking at her. She nodded while looking around as he leads her to the back of the stage. The Man gave her a few explanations about the camera they'll be using; he gave her a black T-shirt so the security won't mistake her as a fan girl. After he finished explaining everything to her he left to go help the other crew set up. Kat went to the woman’s bathroom to change her shirt. As she steps out she decided to see how the dome looks like standing in the middle of the stage.
Kat can see everything and probably notice how it would feel like singing in front of thousands of people. 'I would be nervous to sing or even speak to the audience.' She thought as she was about to head back behind the stage. "Oi, Is that Kat?" Aoi said pointing at a girl walking towards them. "It is!" Uruha said smiling and running toward her. "Kitty-Chan! Kitty-Chan!" Kat sees Uruha running up to her so she stops walking and waits what will happen. Uruha gave her a big hug and a pat on the head. "Hi Uruha. What are doing here? And who's Kitty-Chan?" She said sounding a bit confused.
"It's your nickname, silly." He said.
"My nickname? Did you give me that nickname?"
"No Ruki did. He kept talking to himself in his room saying, 'Kitty-Chan you look so pretty. Kitty-Chan I love your hair! Kitty-Chan you make me..." A hand appeared and closed Uruha's mouth before things got any worse for Ruki. Kat looked over his shoulder and it was Aoi who was covering his mouth, he smiled at her then whispers into his ear. He nods at Aoi as he releases his hand from Uruha's mouth. Kat wasn't sure what Aoi told him but she knew it has something to do with Ruki. "So what are you doing here, Kat?" Aoi said with a half-smile. "I like to say the same thing to you too. I'm here to record some band because one of the camera crew got sick and won't be able to make it, so they assigned me to do it." Aoi nodded and Uruha's face brightens up with a smile on his face. She wasn't sure why Uruha was smiling like a little kid who found a twenty dollar bill on the floor. "Hey guys, don't you guys still need to- oh hey Kitty-Chan!" Reita said smiling. 'Great I only met these people once, now they already gave me a nickname and to top it all off they are already calling me by my new nickname. Could my day get any worse?' She thought as she smiled back at Reita. "Hi um...your Reita, right?" She said putting a finger on her cheek like she was thinking of something else. He nodded. As the same as before he asked her what she was doing, so she told him like she told the other two guys.
"Wow. I never knew you would be in the camera crew. Ruki will be happy when he hears about this."
"Why? Does he like me or something? Plus I still want to know what you guys are doing here?"
"Are you serious? You have no idea who we are?" Reita points at himself and his other two band mates sitting next to him.
"No not really." She takes a sip of her drink before continuing, "Do you guys know what’s the band's name? Cause I have no idea."
Aoi face palm, Uruha shook his head in disappointment and Reita had to point it out for her. "The band's name is called The GazettE and we are the band members." Kat looked at the three guys sitting across from her. She looked at Reita first who was dressed in a white vest and black jeans with a white line going down his right leg. The second person she looked at was Aoi who was dressed in a black shirt with a black jacket that haves long sleeves and black pants. The last person was Uruha who is dressed in a black and purple sleeveless shirt with silver necklace attach to it and some kind of pants that is cut to only show his thighs while the rest cover his knees all the way to his ankles. It was the same color as his sleeveless shirt.
"Wait, you guys are the band member jerks who are rich and don't care nothing but themselves?!" She said to quickly realizing what’s going on. She thought they were some guys who are here to help out or meet someone, but she was wrong. "You think were jerks?" A familiar voice said behind her. Kat slowly turned around to see Ruki standing over her, he looked sad like he was about to cry at any moment. "N- No I really didn't mean to say jerks it's just that I thought it was going to be some other band who are jerks. I didn't know you guys were in a band. I'm sorry." She looked away from Ruki and just looked down at her cup she was holding. 'I can't believe I hurt his feelings.....even his friends too. I hope he forgives me.' She thought. Kat looked behind her to see if Ruki was still standing there. Which he was still there not even making eye contact with her. She felt a bit weird with just silence in the air. "Ruki we need to go get you ready. Someone call the hair stylist." The man said walking away with Ruki. Kat looked at the three band members who were still seated across from her. "Is...Is he going to be okay?" She said in a low voice. Reita was the first person to stand up and put a hand on her head. "Yeah...He'll be fine." That were the only words he said to her before he left. Aoi and Uruha left as well leaving Kat all alone. "Hey Kitty-Chan! What an unsuspected surprise seeing you here!" A cheerful voice said. She looked up from her cup and sees Kai walking up to her. "Oh um...hi. Your name is Aoi is it?" She said looking at him carefully. Kai shook his head 'No' and told her to guess again. "Is it Kai?"
"Yup! Aoi is the one with a piercing on his lip. I don't."
"Oh okay I'll try to remember that."
"You’re in the camera crew?"
"Yeah. One of their crew got sick so they assigned me to do it."
"That's good. Hey after the concert is over, do you want to drink with me and my friends?"
"Sure, I love that."
"Good. I better go now. Ja ne!"
He patted her on the head and left straight to the stage to get his drums checked. Few hours later the whole place was packed with girls and a few guys getting so excited for the GazettE. 'Wow this place is so packed. Are their music that good?' She thought as she gets her camera ready. Kat was assigned to being close to the stage at the side almost close to the front. The place went dark and a calm music came on while everyone waited for the GazettE to appear on stage. Few people cheered when the lights went out then it got quiet. Suddenly, a beat started playing while a green light outlines a rectangle shape on stage; once it was complete the GazettE appeared playing their music as Ruki started singing. "Aaaaaahhhh!!!! There's Ruki!!" A fan girl yelled. "Aieru!!" Kat had to move away from her screaming or else she will go deaf but why would it matter the music will make her deaf. She just focused on filming them, as she did she had to move a bit close to keep recording every bit while the others record every locations around the stage. She continues recording their every move then start recording Ruki. When two songs finally ended and the lights went out only for a few seconds before turning back on. This time the lights color was yellow. Ruki started singing and dancing after those fireworks appeared. Kat almost jumped out of her own skin. She sees Uruha walking up to Ruki while playing his guitar and smiles, what she saw surprised her a little. Ruki gave Uruha a kiss on the cheek before he walked away. Then she noticed him staring at her and so he gave her a quick smile and a wink before staring back at the crowd. 'What was that for?' She thought, and then it suddenly hit her. He wasn't upset after all? He tricked her this whole time!? Kat was furious. 'You are so luck your on stage while I'm down here.' She wanted to strangle him for tricking her.
Few minutes later Ruki finished two more of his songs. Suddenly, Kai started playing his drums and Aoi dances then turns around to tap his to the beat. Uruha walked up to Ruki again and he pointed at his guitar and said, "Psychedelic Heroine." Uruha start playing his guitar, the crowed started cheering louder much louder. Ruki pointed at Kat and she heard a fan girl said, "OMG! He pointed at me!!" He put one leg up and starts making a humping motion to his microphone. She was not happy about it but the fan girl was that she fainted.
After a two hour long concert it was finally over, the crowed started to leave while some fan girls went to go get their autograph. Kat was packing the camera supplies and gives it to the man standing next to her. "Kitty-Chan, are you done?" Kai said walking up to her. She nodded. "Good. Let’s go."
sorry if i wrote a lot but its kind of my thing until the next chapter XD
PS. some of my chapters are long i don't know if there are short chapters.
well let me know what you think and i will upload the next chapter tomorrow
Ja ne~ :3
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NateNecromancer #2
Chapter 4: I like it :3
Chapter 2: I read both chapters and the are amazing. I can't wait to read more of this.
Your a Gazette fan too? This makes me really happy because I'd never thought I'd find a story about The Gazette!! Update soon? :3