Chapter 3.

The Dark One.
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Storyline are scripted and credited to the person who wrote this movie. I did not come up with any of this.

Seohyun's POV

I went into my room to calm myself down.

I looked out to the window and see Luhan telling me to meet him at the grass patch.

"You cam back." I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what happened to me." He said.

"Its not your fault." I said.

He took a pieace of my hair and covered haf of my face.

"I hope this doesn't sound weird but I think I've been dreaming about you every night for months." He said.

"Oh right I came back for your present." He said.

" So it opens you see.. um..  ECW & GKD December 21st 1863." He said.

I was a little taken aback.

"December 21st?" I asked.

He nodded.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing its.. December 21st is my birthday. I will be 16." I replied.

"Wow, thats amazing. So you're 15 and you're a junior? You must be smart. You skipped a grade?" He said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Then consider this an early sweet 16 birthday present." He said.

He placed it in my hand.

The necklace was in between our hands.

Suddenly, the background changed.

We saw a flashback of my mother, there was a fire.

And a gunshot.

And also someone holding the necklace.

Luhan's POV

And then I woke up, I was on my bed.

And I saw the necklace on the floor.

I ran downstairs and saw Christina.

"How did I get home?" I asked.

"When I reached home, you were already in bed. I guess you got some sleep." She said.


"Why are you shouting?" She replied.

"I am sorry.." I said.

"Where did you get that?" She said, looking at the necklace on my hand.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Don't lie to me." She said.

"What's wrong?" I said.

"You listen to me, you go and bury that and pretend that you didn't even found it." She said.

I went to Seohyun's house.

I entered the gate and started walking.

But when I walked, in front of me, was my car again.

I turned around and walked back.

and then, I saw my car and there was a duplicate of me opening the gate there.

There is two of me.

What is going on?

I tried to run away and I was running through trees.

And then I fell down.

I looked up and the sky got dark.

There was black things getting on to me.

It was reahing my face, trying to suffocate me.

Seohyun's POV

I got up from my bed.

I sensed something was going to happen.

I hurriedly went downstairs, and collected the curse my uncle placed.

Luhan's POV

I gasped for air.

It was the most terrfying moment of my life.

I saw Seohyun standing right in front of me when I opened my eyes.

She brought me up to her room and wrapped me up in a blanket.

"My family is different." She said.


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I am going to upload the sequel story teaser video soon!


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mylovefromneverland #1
nadhirahain #2
how to subsribe ?
May I have your permission to translate this fic into my language which is Vietnamese ? I'll send you the link when I finish
julie-61 #4
Chapter 18: Thanks for completing the story. Hope to see you update new story.
Miyoungssi88 #5
Miyoungssi88 #6
aysan-seo #7
Chapter 15: Wow too nice thanks author I hope you can make another story of seohan like this one hehe anyway you worked greatly thanks again .~~~~~
SoshiLuver327 #8
Chapter 14: YAY!!! I LOVE your Story ^^
I;m so happy tour gonna make a sequel :D
KYAAA!!!! \(^0^)/
iheartkpop27 #9
Chapter 12: Yay!! Happy Ending!! Love it!! ^_^
iheartkpop27 #10
omo!! Seohan!! Why?! T^T update soon