
Little Miss Korean

      "You totally like her!" Sohyun exclaimed as she pointed at Yoseob. They sat outside on the hot, late-April afternoon. "No I don't." Yoseob coolly denied before grabbing a fry from Sohyun's plate. "Yes. You do! I see the way you look at her!" "Do you see the way Doojoon and Gayoon are? It's too obvious they like eachother...not to mention they fit so well together. I only think of her as a friend, Sohyun!" Yoseob explained. "Fine fine! I believe you!"
"Hey guys!" Gayoon greeted, as she sat down next to Yoseob, across from Sohyun. She took a bite of her fruit salad. "Hey Gayoon! Aren't you excited for prom next weekend? That's like a week and a day from now!" Sohyun exclaimed, smiling brightly. "Yes, I am! And Doojoon's sister, Doori is coming home this weekend!" Gayoon implied. Yoseob turned and he looked at her. "Doori? She hasn't visited since Christmas." Yoseob implied. "Those two are close! Doojoon may not seem like the type of guy to be close to his sister, but they are practically best friends!" Sohyun told Gayoon. "She's pretty too. Like the female version of Doojoon." Kikwang said, plopping down at the table next to Sohyun.

     "Ah, you must be Gayoon! Nice to meet you, I'm Doori!" Doojoon's sister said, as she hugged Gayoon. "Nice to meet you too! You're very pretty!" Gayoon exclaimed, examining Doori, with a skinny face and defined features. She really was the female version of Doojoon. "You're quite beautiful, I've heard many things about you!" Doori implied, as she watched Doojoon carry in her things. Doojoon hurriedly walked by. "Have you?" Gayoon questioned. Doori nodded, and then turned. "I need to get my stuff. I can't let Doojoon do all the work!" Doori suddenly exclaimed. "Ah, let me help you!" Gayoon said, following Doori out. Doori handed her a huge box and Gayoon started to walk. Doojoon stopped in front of her. "Can you carry that?" he wondered, raising an eyebrow. "Of course!" Gayoon protested, before making a pouty face. Doojoon laughed and shook his head. "You know where Doori's room is, right?" "Next to your parents, don't worry, I know!" Gayoon replied, impatient. Doojoon smirked and walked to Doori as Gayoon walked into the house. "She's cute. Just like you said." Doori told Doojoon, as she handed him a box. "Yeah right."

     Gayoon sat on the couch, on her laptop writing a paper for Creative Writing. She typed quickly, doing her best to write in perfect grammar. "Mind if I join you?" Doori wondered, shuffling her feet as she walked over to Gayoon. "Of course not!" Doori took a seat next to Gayoon. "That's what I'm supposed to say right?" Gayoon wondered suddenly, looking up. Doori laughed loudly. "Yes. Do you want to watch a movie or something?" "Yes. That would be nice. I'm almost finished too!" Gayoon exclaimed. "Wow, you are an amazing student!" Doori complimented, as she grinned at Gayoon. Gayoon beamed. Doori selected a romance movie and the two made pleasant talk as they watched the movie. Right before the movie ended, Doojoon walked downstairs. "Oh hey guys." he said, plopping down on the other couch. Doojoon's phone beeped and he looked at his message from Lizzy. "Let's go to prom as friends!" He raised an eyebrow, and instantly called her, getting up and walking to the kitchen. "What?" he asked. "I said let's go to prom as friends!" Lizzy exclaimed, sounding annoyed. "Why?" "Doojoon, it's waaaaay to obvious you like Gayoon. We don't even talk that much, and you've grown distant from me." Lizzy implied. She didn't have any bitterness in her voice, she actually seemed okay. "Hey. I don't li-" "I honestly don't mind that you like her, but I wish you would've just told me rather than being in denial." "I don't like her. Not like that." He heard Lizzy sigh. "Stop lying to yourself. We all know! But you're fine if we, you know, stop. Right?" Lizzy wondered. "What?" "Let's be friends. Like for real." Lizzy implied, simply. Doojoon sighed. "Are you serious? That should just be friends?" "Yes. It's the best for both of us. We can go to prom as friends too. Okay?" Doojoon blew out air slowly. "Fine. If that's what you want." Lizzy scoffed. "Okay, bye. I'll see you around!" Lizzy hung up and he fiddled with his phone. He just lost his girlfriend. But he felt fine. "What's wrong with me?" he mumbled, tapping his fingers on the counter. He bit his lip and sighed. Shouldn't he be upset? His girlfriend of almost half a year just broke up with him. He stood in the kitchen for a while, trying to find an ounce of sadness.

     "Goodnight Gayoon!" Doori said, sticking her head into the bathroom. "Goodnight Doori." Gayoon replied, smiling at her. Doori left to her room and Gayoon continued to brush her long hair. Suddenly her phone rang, and she jumped. She grabbed it and brought it to her ear. "Hello?"
"Gayoon! I have news!" Sohyun's cheerful voice exclaimed. Gayoon laughed. "What?" "Doojoon and Lizzy aren't together anymore." "What? How do you know?" "She told me. But she didn't tell me why or anything. I don't even know if he broke up with her or if she broke up with him!" Sohyun implied. Gayoon furrowed her eyebrows, put her brush away, and put her phone on speaker before she grabbed her favorite lotion that smelled like a mixture of vanilla and cotton candy. She started to rub it on her legs, gently. "Ah I see. I hope she's okay." Gayoon implied. "She seemed fine to me. Is Doojoon okay?" Sohyun wondered, suddenly. Gayoon pouted. "I don't know. Doori and I were hanging out so I couldn't tell. Doojoon was-" "I was what?" Doojoon asked, as he casually strolled into the bathroom. "Ah- nothing." Gayoon implied quickly, before she turned her head as focused on lathering lotion on her arms. She heard Sohyun's light giggles on the phone. "Hey Doojoon." "Hi Sohyun. So what were you two talking about?" "It's nothing! Don't worry! Listen, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later Gayoon. Bye you two!" Sohyun exclaimed, before she hung up. Doojoon sniffed the strong scent and grimaced. "What is this?" he wondered, swatting the air around him. Gayoon pouted as she crossed her arms. "It's lotion." "It's too smelly." "No it's not! It makes you smell good." Doojoon shook his head. "It's too strong. I don't get why girls like to put it all over their bodies." he said, as he picked up the bottle. Gayoon sighed and rubbed her temples and Doojoon smirked, before he grabbed a toothbrush. Gayoon followed suit, and they brushed their teeth alongside eachother. After a few minutes, Gayoon left the bathroom and walked to her room.
     "Ah! I forgot my phone." Gayoon said suddenly, turning around and walking back. She turned the knob without thinking, and peered in the bathroom. Doojoon was peeling off his shirt, his back to her. She opened to scream but froze. It would be more awkward if he saw her too. She left her phone on the counter but quickly and quietly closed the door. She tiptoed to her room and jumped onto her bed. She hummed, rearranged the pillows on her bed, tried to read her textbook, and ended up laying on her bed facing the ceiling but her mind couldn't escape what she saw earlier. His back looked so toned and smooth. She wanted to lay a hand on it, to hug him from behind. "GAYOON! What are you thinking? ert!" she scolded herself and kicked the air. She quickly shook her head to get the thoughts out.

     Doojoon exited the bathroom and went to his room, but then walked to the door connecting Gayoon and his room. He had to give her her phone because she left it in the bathroom. And also he wondered if she was asleep. He opened her door, and peered inside. She laid on her bed, on top of her covers and she appeared to be asleep. Doojoon cleared his throat and looked around her room. "Gayoon." he whispered. She didn't budge. "Are you asleep?" he wondered, stepping towards her. She snored quietly and he laughed. "Ah, you are." He smiled as he set her phone on her bed. He noticed something sticking out of her bed frame, it was an envelope. In English, it was written "To Gayoon-ie, from Jonghyun Oppa." He raised an eyebrow. "Isn't an Oppa a boyfriend?" Doojoon wasn't the type to snoop around, in fact he wasn't that curious about many things. But the thought of Gayoon having a boyfriend piqued his interest. He slowly walked towards the letter, and grabbed it.

Gayoon's eyelids fluttered open, and instantly she noticed something was off. "Good morning beautiful." Doojoon whispered, his face inches from hers.

     Gayoon's opened her eyes quickly. " was just a dream..." Her heart was beating quickly against her chest and she took a few deep breaths. "There's something wrong. I never have dreams like that." She shook her head and sat up. "Gayoon. We're heading to iHop, get ready." Doojoon implied, popping his head into her room. "Who's we?" "The Yoon family. We're going to catch up since Doori is back." Gayoon pouted. She wanted the Yoon family to spend time by themselves. Not with an extra, unnecessary member. "I am going out with...Yoseob today. We're going to go somewhere." Gayoon quickly blabbered, as she stood up. "Are you?" He questioned. She nodded. Doojoon locked eyes with her for a moment before he looked away. "Okay. I'll tell my mom."

     Gayoon waved goodbye to the Yoon family as Yoseob pulled up in the Yoon driveway. He grinned at her and waved. She smiled and walked to his car. "Good morning, Gayoon. You're lucky I didn't have plans this morning!" he exclaimed, as he got out and opened the passenger seat for her. She blushed at his comment and took a seat. He hopped into the drivers seat and looked at her as she clicked her seatbelt into place. "Do you drive?" "What? I did...a little in Korea. I'm not good." she replied. Yoseob smirked. "Shall we go driving?"
     "Yah, I thought you were going to make me drive your car. I was scared!"  Gayoon exclaimed, as Yoseob opened the passenger door for her. He laughed and shook his head. "That's risking too much." he replied, jokingly. Gayoon stuck her tongue out and they entered the go-karts track.

     The Yoon family was seated at a table, waiting for their breakfasts to come. "Yah. Mom, would you like it if Gayoon and Doojoon got married?" Doori wondered. Mrs. Yoon looked at her and laughed. "What?" "Don't ask questions like that, Doojoon has a girlfriend." Mr. Yoon scolded Doori. "Actually...we broke up. But Lizzy and I are cool, we're still going to prom as friends." Mr. Yoon raised an eyebrow, and Mrs. Yoon gasped. "What? Why?" "It's nothing." "It's obviously because Doojoon likes-" "I do not!" "Do too!" "No!" "Yes!" "Hey. Stop it you two. You're behaving like kids." Mrs. Yoon suddenly interrupted. The two stuck their tongues out at eachother. "Well, Doojoon, I'm sorry to hear that you two broke up. And if you ever need to talk or vent, we are all here for you." "Thanks Mom. Don't worry though, I'm fine." Doojoon implied, smiling brightly. "Okay. you like Gayoon?" Mr. Yoon cut in, raising an eyebrow. Doojoon felt his cheeks redden. "We are NOT talking about this. Oh look, our food has arrived!" he said, turning his attention towards the waitress, who set the food on the table. "Ah, you do." Mrs. Yoon pointed out. "I don't!"

     Gayoon and Yoseob exited the go-karts track. "Never ever take me here again!" Gayoon joked, as she crossed her arms. Yoseob laughed, and raised an eyebrow. "Why not? You weren't that bad!" "I almost ran into you! Many times!" Gayoon exclaimed. Yoseob laughed, and they walked to his car. "Are you hungry?" he wondered, as he opened the passenger door for her. She hopped into the seat and shrugged. "A little. I didn't eat much before you picked me up." Gayoon implied, as she put her seatbelt on. Yoseob pouted, closed the door and walked around the car. "Let's eat iHop? Have you eaten there?" "Ah..what does iHop stand for?" Gayoon wondered. "International House of Pancakes." he replied. "Sounds good! I want to try some!" Gayoon said, smiling. "Okay, let's go!"

     "It's Gayoon!" Doori exclaimed, pointing out the window. "Haha, very funny, I'm not going to look." Doojoon replied, in a monotone voice. "No, really, it is her...and Yoseob. Oh yeah, you said they were going to hang out today." Mrs. Yoon realized. Doojoon turned around and saw Yoseob and Gayoon. "Oh, they really are here!" he exclaimed, as he watched the waitress usher the duo to a nearby table. Gayoon saw Doojoon and she waved, and then nudged Yoseob. They both waved at the Yoon family, and then settled down at a table nearby. "They look like a couple. They look good offence to you Doojoon." Doori implied. Doojoon rolled his eyes. "None taken."

     Yoseob and Gayoon waved to the Yoon's as the Yoon family left. "Oh, this is good!" Gayoon exclaimed, before she took another bite of her pancake. "Isn't it? I love eating here!" Yoseob implied, smiling. Gayoon shoved some more of the pancakes into . "I can't believe prom is next week...and school will be over soon! This year has gone by so fast, we're graduating too." Yoseob said, as he cut his pancakes. "What are you going to do after school is over?" Gayoon wondered. "I'm going to travel over the summer, and then go to college. You?" "I'm going to university in Korea." Gayoon replied. "Awh, you're not going to stay here?" Yoseob wondered. Gayoon shook her head. "No. But I'll be visiting sometimes so I'll make sure to contact you so we can meet up! And of course, you're going to invite me to your wedding!" Gayoon said, grinning. Yoseob laughed, and nodded. "Of course! Invite me to yours too! I'll be visiting Korea since I have family there!" "It sounds like a deal!" Gayoon implied, making a thumbs up sign.



A/N: YAY AND UPDATE :) School has been taking up a lot of my time but I make time on the weekends to work hard and write a lot :) I'm also writing a short IUSEOB story, so expect that to come out soon :) Hope you enjoyed this chap and have a fantabulous dayyy ^^

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Will be posting the first chapter in a day or two, before I go on a four day trip ^^


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Chapter 18: please update soon author-nim :) i'm looking forward for the next chaaaapter hehe
shujun #2
Chapter 18: ohoo! cant wait for more update..
hwaiting !!!
sooboo #3
Chapter 18: i love this couple !!! Dooyoon!!!! update very soon author nim ❤️
Chapter 18: Ahhhh, they had finally kissed!!!! <3
I'm going to cry haha :3 I've missed this so much! Thanks for this awesome update! ^^
Chapter 18: Imma kris bias too kekekeke. Auww they finally kissed yeay!
firstzyx #6
Chapter 18: Doojoon-still-slow aaah pls keep udate
Chapter 17: pls update! :) this is a great story. :)
Chapter 17: I miss this. Please update soon. Thanks
firstzyx #9
Chapter 17: aaiish doojoonaa just confess!!! Hah
shujun #10
Chapter 17: aigoo~still no confession..
update soon..
hwaiting !!!