Camping Trip

Little Miss Korean

     Gayoon stepped out of the bathroom and yawned. It was 8 AM and she lacked energy. The Yoon parents were on a walk and Doojoon was preparing breakfast for Gayoon and himself since his parents had brought breakfast with them. "Good morning Gayoon." Doojoon said, as he focused on flipping the bacon. "It smells good! Do you need help?" Gayoon wondered. Doojoon looked around. "You can set the table." Doojoon implied, as he scratched the back of his head. Gayoon did as he told, setting two plates on the table and utensils. The duo settled down for breakfast with bacon, French toast and eggs abundant on their plates. "Wah, this is too much on my plate." Gayoon murmured to herself. Almost as if Doojoon had heard her, he looked at her. "Can you eat all of that?" he wondered, with an amused look on his face. Gayoon shrugged, and then sighed. "I don't think so." Doojoon used his fork and grabbed some of her bacon and eggs. "Better?" Gayoon smiled slightly and nodded, before taking a bite of her French toast. "What are we doing today?" she asked as she chewed. Doojoon laughed. "Swimming, hiking...that's all I know of." he replied.

      The Yoon parents sat on the beach as Gayoon and Doojoon stuck their feet in the water. "There was no point of coming here. I should've known my parents would just hang out by themselves." Doojoon muttered. "I could be home right now, spending this weekend doing something better than killing time here. My parents don't even go camping..." He stopped himself and sighed, before muttering something inaudible. Gayoon bit down on her lip. Doojoon didn't want to be here. And he didn't even care that she was sitting right next to him, he didn't want to be here at all. She pouted. She shouldn't take what he said seriously, but it hurt her. "I'm heading back, I forgot my....sunblock." Gayoon implied, as she hurriedly stood up. "I'll come with-" "No. I'll be back soon!" She grabbed her bag, grabbed the cabin keys from Mr. Yoob, and walked to the cabin as quickly as possible, not stopping for anything. "Am I that much of a hassle to him? And the Yoon household? Should I just go back home?" she mumbled as she fiddled with the keys. She sighed as she opened the door, dropped the keys in her bag, and collapsed on her bed. She took a deep breath and rolled over so she looked at the ceiling. They were being too generous...the Yoon household. They let Gayoon stay with them for free, and they didn't ask much of her. Was she a burden on them? She fidgeted with her fingers and pouted. Maybe she should go home... She fished her cell phone out of her bag and checked for reception. None. Gayoon threw her phone back in her bag, closed her eyes and breathed deeply as questions ran in her mind. Was she a burden? Was she ruining their lives, especially Doojoon's?

     "Gayoon?" Gayoon's eyes fluttered open. Doojoon stood over her. She quickly turned her head so she wasn't facing him. "What?" "My parents told me to get you....we're going hiking now." he implied, as he walked towards the exit. Gayoon nodded, and she rubbed her eyes. Doojoon walked all this way to get her, she really was a burden on him. She shook the thoughts out of her head. "What are you bringing?" she asked Doojoon as she stretched. "Water. It's not a long trail..." Doojoon implied. Gayoon took a few things out of her bag, put two bottles of water in it, and then followed Doojoon to the Yoon parents. "Gayoon-ah, are you ready to hike?" Mrs. Yoon wondered, grinning brightly. Gayoon nodded and smiled. They started on a narrow dirt trail, Mr. Yoon leading the way and Gayoon trailing behind. Gayoon took a deep breath of fresh air, it was refreshing. She admired all the trees and flowers, and soon found that the hike was over and they were back in the cabin, eating lunch. "What else is there to do here?" Doojoon wondered, as everyone lounged in the cabin. "We can go down to the lake again, or drive a few miles to go on the river and canoe if you guys want." "What do you want to do Gayoon?" Mr. Yoon suddenly asked Gayoon. "Oh, I don't mind. We can do what you guy want." Gayoon quickly replied. She had never gone canoeing, and it seemed interesting, but she didn't want to be a bother. "Let's go canoeing then!"

     Gayoon and Doojoon sat in a canoe while the Yoon parents sat in another. "Now, let's stay close, the river current is fairly strong today!" Mr. Yoon exclaimed. "Gayoon, you're holding it wrong." Doojoon implied, as he was turned towards her. He sat in front so he could be in charge of the canoe, but it was difficult because Gayoon had never gone canoeing. He set his paddle on top of the canoe and repositioned Gayoon's hands. She laughed and then copied Doojoon's rowing. "There we go! Lets move!"T

     Thirty minutes later, the Yoon parents were no where to be found. "Doojoon...where are your parents?" Gayoon wondered, looking around worriedly. "Don't worry, they aren't that far from us, we're all going to the same place anyways!" he reassured her. "Really? Why are there two ways to go?" she wondered, suddenly. Doojoon sighed. "It doesn't matter, we're all going to end up in the same place. Don't worry, Gayoon." Doojoon replied and pat her back gently. Suddenly, Gayoon's stomach growled loudly, and Doojoon laughed. "Hungry?" he wondered, raising an eyebrow. "I'm okay!" Gayoon implied, as she started rowing. Doojoon chuckled, "Whatever you say."

     "Time to head home! I had fun!" Mrs. Yoon exclaimed, as she put her bag in the back of the van. After everyone was settled into the car, they headed on their long drive home. "Did you two have fun?" Mr. Yoon wondered, focusing his eyes on the road. "It was okay." Doojoon implied, shrugging. He didn't want to admit it, but he actually did have some fun with Gayoon.


     "How was camping?" Yoseob wondered, as he sat across from Gayoon. They sat in Baskin Robbins and ate their waffe cone ice creams. Yoseob had birthday cake flavor and Gayoon had mint chocolate, her favorite. "It was fun! Doojoon and I hung out a lot, of course." Gayoon implied, before taking a long of her ice cream. Yoseob grinned. "Yeah, that makes sense. Are you excited for Prom? It's in two weeks...and school ends in four weeks...I can't believe how time is flying by! When are you going home?" Yoseob wondered. Gayoon pouted. "I considered going home over camping...but I have a lot to do I think I'm going to leave in a month, when school is over." Gayoon replied, looking at Yoseob. "Hm. Why aren't you going to stay longer? You're not going to stay for the summer?" Yoseob wondered. Gayoon blew air from her cheeks. "Well...I feel like a burden. I'm staying at their house for free and they always cook for me..." Gayoon replied, as she looked around the ice cream shop. Yoseob gently put his hands over hers. "You're not a burden." he said, as he squeezed her hand. She smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks." If only she could believe what he said.



A/N: Ah, the slow updates start now! Expect an update maybe once or twice a month, I'll be busy with schoolwork now that school's starting up again :( and I did type a lot for a IUSeob short story so that will come out when I'm done typing it all~! Have a great day and God bless you, lovelies~ Also, I highly suggest and anime titled "Ghost Hunt", it's such an amazing anime, and I don't even watch animes LOL!

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Will be posting the first chapter in a day or two, before I go on a four day trip ^^


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Chapter 18: please update soon author-nim :) i'm looking forward for the next chaaaapter hehe
shujun #2
Chapter 18: ohoo! cant wait for more update..
hwaiting !!!
sooboo #3
Chapter 18: i love this couple !!! Dooyoon!!!! update very soon author nim ❤️
Chapter 18: Ahhhh, they had finally kissed!!!! <3
I'm going to cry haha :3 I've missed this so much! Thanks for this awesome update! ^^
Chapter 18: Imma kris bias too kekekeke. Auww they finally kissed yeay!
firstzyx #6
Chapter 18: Doojoon-still-slow aaah pls keep udate
Chapter 17: pls update! :) this is a great story. :)
Chapter 17: I miss this. Please update soon. Thanks
firstzyx #9
Chapter 17: aaiish doojoonaa just confess!!! Hah
shujun #10
Chapter 17: aigoo~still no confession..
update soon..
hwaiting !!!