A Day Out

Little Miss Korean

     "Don't you dare say anything!" Doojoon warned Doori, pointing to her. "I won't say anything that gives away your feelings! But I can say what I want!" Doori protested. Doojoon rolled his eyes. "Hey, I don't like her." "Um. Yeah, you do!" The doorbell rang, and Doori ran to it, and she opened it eagerly. "Hi Gayoon! Are Yoseob and you dating?" Doori wondered. Gayoon laughed. "No!" She entered the house and Doori and her walked up the spiral staircase, Gayoon first. Doori stuck her tongue out at Doojoon and followed Gayoon upstairs. "What are you doing tomorrow?" Doori wondered. Gayoon pouted as she thought. "Nothing. I will finish my homework but that won't take long." Gayoon implied. "Oh great! Shall we hang out tomorrow? You and me? And maybe Doojoon?" Gayoon nodded. "I'd like that."

     Gayoon groggily walked downstairs, all ready for the long day ahead. "Good morning!" Doori exclaimed, as Gayoon approached her. "Have some iced tea. Doojoon and I are all ready." Doori told Gayoon. Gayoon smiled. "Okay." She grabbed the glass Doori held out to her and she drank it slowly. "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you to bring some money!" Doori implied. Gayoon nodded, as she held up her wallet and then she gulped down the rest of the tea. "DOOJOON!" Doori screamed. Doojoon walked downstairs and greeted Gayoon. "Good morning." "Good morning Doojoon." The trio walked out of the house and into Doojoon's car.
     Doori insisted on driving. Doojoon and Gayoon sat in the backseat, in silence. "So....Gayoon , do you have a boyfriend?" Doori suddenly wondered. "No..I almost did." "Almost?" Doojoon wondered, turning towards her. He looked at her intently. Gayoon sighed. She hasn't spoken to anyone about this except for her closest friends. "Um...Jonghyun was almost my boyfriend." Gayoon replied. "What happened?" Doori wondered, looking at Gayoon in the rear view mirror. "I thought he liked me too, but I guess it was only as a friend. He got a girlfriend a day after I confessed my feelings." "That's...harsh. Are you okay? How long ago was this?" Gayoon took a deep breath, and looked out the window. "I'm okay now. It's still hard to talk about. But it's been...a few months now. He got a girlfriend just a week before I left to come here." Gayoon explained, as she averted her eyes to her bag that sat in her lap. "I understand.." "Yeah. Where are we going?" Gayoon suddenly wondered, changing the subject. "You'll see." Doori replied, mischievously as she grinned.

     Doojoon and Gayoon sat outside at the fountain, waiting for Doori to finish using the bathroom. "So...excited for prom?" Doojoon wondered. Gayoon nodded. "Yes, it will be a great time!" she exclaimed, smiling. Doojoon looked at her. "Because of Yoseob?" he asked. "Well yeah..and everyone else! There's no prom in Korea...it's a good idea." Gayoon implied, nodding. Doojoon smiled, and he looked to the bathrooms, hoping to see Doori soon. Gayoon watched him, he seemed uneasy and bothered, as he fixed his eyes on everything but her. "Doojoon-ah...are you okay?" "Yeah. Why?" he replied, quickly, not meeting her eyes. "Ah it's nothing. Oh look, Doori's done!" Gayoon implied as she pointed her finger at Doori.

      Doojoon followed Gayoon and Doori, as they walked around the store. "If I knew they were going to shop I wouldn't have come." Doojoon mumbled, under his breath. He sighed as he walked slowly. Gayoon abruptly stopped and turn around, and Doojoon didn't have time to stop himself so they awkwardly stood with their bodies against each others. "Ah sorry." Doojoon said coolly, as he stepped back. Gayoon smiled and held up her shirt. "I grabbed the wrong size." she told him, as she pushed past him lightly and put the shirt back on the rack, and then searched for another size. "Are you almost done?" Doojoon asked Doori, walking to her. "No, we're just getting started!" she exclaimed, laughing. Gayoon laughed from where she was, and finally grabbed the right size.
"Finally!" Doojoon hollered, as the trio walked out of the mall. "Hey it wasn't even that bad! Only two hours!" Doori implied, playfully hitting him. "Two hours is two days to me." Doojoon replied. Gayoon smiled as she watched the two bicker. She was reminded of her relationship with her younger brother, and she realized how much she missed her family. "Gayoon, did you hear me?" "What?" Gayoon wondered, as she looked at Doori. "Do you want to go swimming or go back home?" Doori asked, as they reached the car. "You can pick." Gayoon replied. "Well swimming was Doojoon's idea. I just say we go back home and chill." "We can just go home." Doojoon told Doori. "Sounds good!"

      Doori, Doojoon and Gayoon sat around the Monopoly board game, the television turned that they weren't paying attention to. "Gayoon...you are good!" Doojoon pointed out, as she looked through all of her properties. She beamed. "I've played this a few times." she replied. Doojoon shook his head. "I take that back. I thought this was your first time." She stuck her tongue out at him and Doori stood up. "I'm going for a food run! I'm going to pick up some Chinese takeout, I'll be back! Pause the game!" she told them, as she grabbed her bag and car keys. Doojoon and Gayoon sat around the board game still. "Doojoon, are you ever planning to visit Korea?" Gayoon wondered, suddenly. Doojoon blew air out of his cheeks. "Hm. I never thought of that. Why?" "If you ever do, you can stay at my house." Gayoon implied, simply. Doojoon laughed, and Gayoon followed. "You're funny, Gayoon!" She grinned widely and her phone rang. "Ah, it's Yoseob." She stood up and walked out of the room. Doojoon suddenly stopped smiling, and pursed his lips together. Why do I feel so upset all of a sudden? he thought. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head. Tried to touch his toes. Did ten push ups. But he couldn't get his mind off of Gayoon. She returned, a few minutes later. "What was that about?" Doojoon wondered, as she walked in. "Ah, he just wanted to talk about prom." Gayoon replied, as she walked over to Doojoon and sat down next to him. "What about prom?" Doojoon asked casually. Gayoon have him a weird look. "Why are you asking so much questions?" she replied. Doojoon felt a blush coming onto his cheeks so he turned away. "I'm just wondering. Don't tell me if you don't want to!" he said, defensively. The two sat in an awkward silence. Doojoon stood up. "I'll be back. I'm going to shower."
     Gayoon and Doori were playing Monopoly as Doojoon descended the stairs. "We started without you!" Doori implied, as he walked to them. He sat down and they played for another hour. Gayoon ended up winning, because she owned a lot of the properties and wouldn't trade them. "Ah, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep! Goodnight guys!" Doori exclaimed, as she ran upstairs. Doojoon and Gayoon sat and started to pick up the game pieces and put them away in silence.


     Doojoon waved to Kikwang as they seperated ways. Doojoon looked around, and didn't see Gayoon anywhere. He blew air out of his cheeks, and stood for a moment. "Hey Doojoon." Jiyoon greeted, as she walked to him. "Sup, do you know where Gayoon is?" Doojoon wondered, turning to look at her. "I think she's with Yoseob...I just saw those two a while ago together." Jiyoon replied, nodding. Doojoon pursed his lips together and nodded. "I see." "Yeah, I'm going to go now...I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!" Jiyoon said, before walking away. Doojoon waved, and then he crossed his arms as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Of course those two are together." he muttered. He waited for five more minutes, and Gayoon still hadn't come out. He grabbed his phone and texted Gayoon, "I'm going home, get a ride with Yoseob."

     Gayoon looked at the text message Doojoon had sent her, and she scurried out of the school. "What a jerk! I wasn't even with Yoseob, I was in the bathroom!" she murmured, under her breath. She called Doojoon. "Hello?" "Hey! I was using the bathroom! Wait for me!" she said, quickly. She could hear Doojoon scoff. "Were you really?" "Yes! Did you leave?" "No, I was just about to! I thought you were with Yoseob! Stay in front, I'll drive up to you." Doojoon replied, coolly. Gayoon put her phone in her bag, and then stood at the front. Not long after, Doojoon's car pulled up. She got into the passenger seat. "I wasn't with Yoseob." she told him. "I know." Doojoon didn't even look at Gayoon. "Well I was when school ended, but then I went to the bathroom." Gayoon implied. Doojoon nodded, as he continued to focus on the road. "Okay." "Yes...if I ever go with someone after school, I'll call you first." Gayoon told Doojoon. He nodded. "I almost left you at school, with no ride. You would've had to walk." Doojoon implied, before chuckling. Gayoon burst into laughter, as the awkwardness and tension between them disappeared.



A/N: Sorry for the late update T.T not to mention how short it is...omg lol. I apologize for being lazy :( But don't worry, I'll be working hard on the next chapters :)

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Will be posting the first chapter in a day or two, before I go on a four day trip ^^


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Chapter 18: please update soon author-nim :) i'm looking forward for the next chaaaapter hehe
shujun #2
Chapter 18: ohoo! cant wait for more update..
hwaiting !!!
sooboo #3
Chapter 18: i love this couple !!! Dooyoon!!!! update very soon author nim ❤️
Chapter 18: Ahhhh, they had finally kissed!!!! <3
I'm going to cry haha :3 I've missed this so much! Thanks for this awesome update! ^^
Chapter 18: Imma kris bias too kekekeke. Auww they finally kissed yeay!
firstzyx #6
Chapter 18: Doojoon-still-slow aaah pls keep udate
Chapter 17: pls update! :) this is a great story. :)
Chapter 17: I miss this. Please update soon. Thanks
firstzyx #9
Chapter 17: aaiish doojoonaa just confess!!! Hah
shujun #10
Chapter 17: aigoo~still no confession..
update soon..
hwaiting !!!