Meeting BtoB

Your Smile, My World


« I’m done, bye. » told Chanyeol before starting to walk away.

« W-wait! You’re done? J-just…how?? It’s my 8th, how did you f-finish transporting all 20 s-so fast? » you asked, panting heavily. It’s been 20 minutes since you started and you already were in the verge of fainting since you weren’t used to carry such heavy things. Usually you were rather great in any sport but weights weren’t your cup of tea. 

« I didn’t stop every minute to rest, that’s my secret. » he asked sarcastically.

« I didn’t do that! » you asserted.

« Oh really? So why are you still carrying your 8th box? » 

Since you didn’t know what to respond, you just turned back and continued what you were doing. 

Chanyeol smirked triumphantly. « Yeah, that’s what I thought. » 

When you went out the kitchens, he was already gone. * He really left. And we’re supposed to be partners helping each other and all? Tsk tsk.* 

As you had lift another package and were heading to the kitchens, you stumbled over your own foot and fell over the box, just in front of the door. You bit your lower lip in pain because you had hurt your knee and scratched the palms of your hands, trying to amortize the shock. You whined when you saw a streak of blood flowing down your skin, on your knee. However, it wasn’t as serious as it seems because you could bend it and walk properly, only your skin was a bit damaged. 

*It’s a of luck that Chanyeol already left. Otherwise he would have had another reason to make fun of me.*

You took a handkerchief from your pocket and tried to wipe the blood away. You told yourself that it should be okay for the moment and that you could treat it better later, when you would be done. You didn’t want to come back again another day either, so you continued to do the chore with dirty scratched hands and a little bleeding knee. 



There were 5 boxes left when Lu Han passed randomly by the kitchen. He was searching for the hut number 1 to go see Lay, Suho and Chen when he saw you walking with a huge box in your hands. He waved at you.

« Hey, Hana! » 

You turned your head when you heard your name and saw him smiling at you. He walked towards you and you smiled at him as well while putting the package down.

« Lu Han! What are you doing here? » you asked, resting your hands on your hips and catching your breath. 

« I was going to see Lay, Suho and Ch-» he stopped when he saw the red spots on your knee. His eyes widened and he gasped.

« Oh Hana! Your knee is bleeding! Are you okay?» he told while crouching to take a better look at it. You slightly backed away and shook your hands .

« Don’t worry, it’s nothing. » You told, faking a smile. 

« It isn’t nothing, there’s blood. How did you do that? » 

« Err..I-I fell while I was carrying the box… » you stuttered, a bit embarrassed because of your clumsiness. 

Lu Han looked around.

« Why are you alone, didn’t Chanyeol and you had to do it together? » 

« Well…Chanyeol finished carrying his part but I wasn’t as quick as him. » you tried to joke but Lu Han had a serious expression. 

« And? Are you telling me Chanyeol left you carry all those alone? » he asked surprised.

« Yes, but as I said, he transported half of them, he did his part, you know. We decided to divide and- » 

« It’s not a reason! » Lu Han exclaimed quite angrily, which left you quite speechless since he looked like the kind of guy to never loose his temper. *I didn’t think Chanyeol would let a girl do all this work alone.* he thought.

« Tell me just one more thing, he left before you fell, right? Because if he let you do this although you were hurt- » 

« Of course! » you cut him. Indeed, you didn’t think he’ll let you do it all by yourself knowing you were hurt. 

« Okay, come here. » he told while leading you to a big rock lying in the middle of the grass. «  Sit there and wait. I’ll finish carrying the boxes and then we’ll go to the infirmary. » 

« No no! Really, I’m okay, I can finish it. There were 20 and there’s just 5 left. » you tried to protest. However he succeeded in making you sit and went to finish the work. 

Like Chanyeol, he did it really fast and didn’t even looked tired at the end. The two of you then headed towards the infirmary. 

« Thank you, Lu Han. You really didn’t have to do that, it was my job. » you told shyly on the way.

« I only carried 5 boxes while you carried 15, you don’t have to thank me, it was nothing. I wished I came sooner to help you. » he admitted.

« You couldn’t know, and even if you knew, it was my job as I said. So I’m very thankful to you. Furthermore if I had carried one more box, I’d surely have lost my hands. » You joked.

« Did you hurt you hands too? » he asked.

You stiffened and mentally face-palmed yourself « No, I was just joking. » you lied.

Lu Han stopped and looked at you. « Show me your hands. » He asked, serious once again. 

You sighed and showed your palms on which you could see many cuts and small bruises. 

« I did that when I fell… » you admitted. 

He stared at you and sighed.

«And even with those you didn’t stop? » 

You made a little smile and looked down, as if you were being scolded. 

Lu Han smiled and rolled his eyes. « Well, looks like you are made for living in a camp in the middle of the nature. Could you be Indiana Jones’ hidden daughter? » 

You chuckled and made two thumbs up. « Yeah, that’s my secret. » 

He laughed along and softened. 

« Do you dislike Chanyeol? » he asked you suddenly. You were a bit taken aback because you didn’t except this question.

« Well…no, I don’t dislike him. » you stuttered.

Your answer seemed to relieve him « You know, Chanyeol can be…stubborn and it can be difficult to get along with him… » 

*Difficult? It’s mission impossible, you mean .* 

« But he’s very nice, you know. He was the most funny and smiling of our group, always joking around and very talkative. »

« Was? » You asked, surprised. 

Lu Han looked around as if he was avoiding your gaze. « Er… well, he changed a bit. » he confessed.

« Just don’t be angry at him. As I said, he’s really someone nice. » he quickly added. 

Even if you were still suspicious and curious about what he meantt when he said « changed », you understood it could be something private and that Lu Han didn’t want to betray his friend so you nodded, understanding. 

« Don’t worry, I’m not mad at him. Furthermore, it takes more than that to make me loose my temper. » you laughed. 


When you arrived at the door of the infirmary, you knocked and Mrs. Choi appeared behind the door. 

You two bowed and then Lu Han spoke. 

« Annyeong Haseyo, my friend right here has hurt her knee and her hands. Could you take a look at it? » 

« Of course, come in. » she smiled and gestured you to enter. Before you went in you turned to Lu Han.

« You don’t need to come, Lu Han. You have already helped me and accompanied me all the way, I don’t want to take more of your time. » 

He was a bit hesitant « Are you sure? » 

« Of course! Did you forget I’m Indiana Jones’ daughter? » you joked.

He softened and smiled « Right~ See you later then. » he told you before walking away.

You entered and Mrs.Choi lead you to her consulting room and she made you sit. You slightly jumped in pain when she disinfected but you felt well after she bandaged your knee. She was very nice and understanding. She didn’t asked too much about you injuries since you didn’t want to talk about it and she talked more about how you found the Camp, if you were happy and things like that.  When she was done, she told you to be careful and you thank her before walking out. 






In the afternoon, the Camp had organized beach volleyball games with all the groups. Indeed, they wanted everyone to meet and get to know each other. 

The games took place outside since it was very hot, so everyone gathered at the volleyball fields. 

You were the first of your group to arrive and you couldn’t see Lu Han, Kai or Chanyeol anywhere. 

*What are they doing?* 

As you were searching for them, you met Yunhee and her group. When she saw your leg, she gasped and pointed at it.

« Omo, Hana, what have you done to your leg? » 

You waved your hands « It’s nothing, just a little scratch. » You then tried to move to another topic because you didn’t want to explain the whole story. Although she was suspicious, Yunhee got your message and didn’t question you any further. She turned and introduced you to the members. 

They all seemed very nice, as she had told you before. Jimin was indeed a very talkative girl, and if Ilhoon had not cut her, she wouldn’t have stopped asking you questions about you, your group, your hut and stuff.

« Jung Ilhoon, nice to meet you. » he smiled. You blushed a bit because he had indeed a very cute and charming smile, and his eyes were in the shape of two perfect crescent moons when he smiled.



You discovered Minhyuk and him were in the same school and that they came here with their group of friends they had called « BtoB ».

« BtoB? What does it mean? » you asked.

« It means Born To Beat, because we were born to impress the world and show what we got. » Minhyuk answered proudly. 

« It’s cool, right? » Ilhoon added, smirking.

« Yes, and so modest. » you told while smiling and rolling your eyes. 

Everyone laughed along. 

« And since there are two members of BtoB in this group, we’re gonna beat every group in those games for sure! » Ilhoon exclaimed before high-fiving his friend. 

« Yah! And us? » Jimin said, pointing at her and Yunhee « You think we’ll win all thanks to you? Yunhee and I are the best too! » 

« Of course you are, there are only aces in this group! » Minhyuk answered. 

Yunhee scratched her head shyly. « W-well…I don’t know if I’ll be very good at it.. » 

Minhyuk wrapped his arm around her shoulder and comforted her.

« I’m sure you’ll do great. » 

Yunhee only managed to nod because she was too shocked. She had frozen the moment his arm had touched her and her face had turned pink . You were surprised as well seeing how comfortable he was. Indeed, he only knew her since yesterday and he was already acting like his boyfriend. However, you find it cute and told yourself they would really match each other. Yunhee glanced at you and you immediately understood what she meant. 

Indeed, you didn’t have to talk to understand each other since you knew her so well, she was like a sister to you. Although you kind of approved this couple, well, this maybe-future-couple, you decided to keep an eye on him because you wouldn’t let anyone play with her feelings and hurt her. Fortunately, Minhyuk didn’t look like this kind of guy.


Meanwhile, Kai, Chanyeol and Lu Han were still in the hut. 

Kai and Lu Han were battling to convince Chanyeol to come. 

«Yah! What’s your problem? Leave me alone and go to play your goddamn games. » Chanyeol angrily shouted as he was holding on his bed while the two others were pulling his legs.

« Chanyeol Hyung! You can’t stay in this bed forever! » Kai exclaimed. 

« I can and I will ! »

« Then you’ll have to do another freaking chore! » Lu Han shouted

« Well that’s my problem! »

« It’s not only yours, it will become Hana’s problem as well! She’ll have to take the responsibility again because her partner act as a jerk! » 

He suddenly release his grip at the mention of your name. His hands slipped and he was ejected of the bed and Lu Han and Kai fell backwards, surprised. They all whined in pain and looked at each other. After gazing into each others’ eyes for 5 seconds, they all burst out laughing. Lu Han got up, walked towards Chanyeol and extended his hand. « So you come? » 

He rolled his eyes and took his hand sighing. « Araseo, araseo. » Lu Han helped him get up and they all hurried to the volleyball fields where the games were going to start. 


When they arrived, they found you with the other group. Ilhoon and you were chatting and fighting about how each of you would win.

« As I told you earlier, we’re Born To Beat. We’ll win no matter what. » Ilhoon affirmed. 

« Well I can name myself The biggest winner of the world and use that as a plea too. » you retarded.

He laughed at your answer. *Funny girl* he thought * Usually girls let me win the argument to please me, but I don’t like it. I like people who can stand up to me. Looks like I found a rival.* 

« You can’t do that because this name wouldn’t fit you. » he told. 

« Yah! » you hit him on his arm, laughing. « Watch it, I’ll make you name yourself Born To Loose today. » 

« Really? » he lifted an eyebrow and smirked. « Why don’t we have a bet then. If you succeed to win, what would only happen in your dreams, you’ll be allowed to call me that name. » he held his hand. 

« And you’ll have to call me Master. » you told.

« And Ilhoon will be expelled form BtoB. And I’l have his motorbike. » Minhyuk added.

« Yah, Lee Minhyuk! » he shouted while punching his arm. 

« I’m joking Ilhoonie~ you know that i love your right?~ » Minhyuk cutely said while hugging his arm. 

« Don’t touch me! AHH! Let me go!! Yah! » he screamed, trying to shove him away. Finally, he managed to get his friend off of him. Minhyuk began to laugh historically, what made Ilhoon more angry. 

« You know I hate it, Hyung! » 

« I do, that’s why I keep doing it. » Minhyuk answered. 

Yunhee, Minji and you were laughing at their crazy behavior, although you didn’t get everything they were talking about.

*They’re so silly* you thought.

« Ilhoon doesn’t like hugs? That’s peculiar » Minji stated, giggling.

« It’s not just hugs, he hates any kind of skinship. » Minhyuk corrected. 

« Stop talking about me as if I wasn’t there! Actually stop talking about me, period. » then turning back to you again with his hand towards you « So? » 

You smiled and shook his hand «  It’s a deal! What if, what would only happen in your dreams, I loose? » 

He smirked « If you loose, YOU will have to call me Master and I’ll call you my slave. » 

As you were all joking together, your group members approached.

« Hi Hana~ » Lu Han told. 

You turned back and smiled when you saw them. To your surprise, Chanyeol was there and your smile grew wider at his sight. 

« You came! » you joyfully said. Even if you were a bit mad at him because of his annoying and mysterious behavior, you were glad that the whole group was there, that he was there. You didn’t like being on bad terms with someone and would easily take the first step if it could make the things go better. 

Chanyeol looked away and mumbled a « mmmh… ». 

Then a shrill whistle was heard. It was Mr.Kim, he explained the rules and told each group to take place on the field where were planted yellow flags with each group numbers.  Yunhee and her group wished you good luck except Ilhoon to told you to prepare to loose, so you stick your tongue out at him and slapped his back. He acted as if he was badly hurt, which made you laugh even more, and you smiled at him before joining your team. Chanyeol had seen your interactions with Ilhoon. He frowned a bit, not very pleased by those too-close-actions-for-people-who-just-met-according-to-Chanyeol actions. *Or does she know him?* he wondered, looking at you. 

Surprisingly, Kai did the work for him by asking the question.

« Hey, Hana. You know them? » 

You shook your head « I only know Yunhee, the girl with the light hair tied in a ponytail, she’s my best friend with whom I came here. » 

« Oh, really? I thought you were friend with that guy too, with the brown hair. »

« Ilhoon? Ani, I just met him. We were laughing because he told me he was going to beat us with his group and BtoB. » 

« B what? » Lu Han and Kai asked at the same time. Chanyeol was also curious even if he didn’t say a word.

« BtoB, it means Born To Beat.  It’s the name that Ilhoon, Minhyuk, the one who was standing beside him, and 5 of their friends gave to their group. They came here together. » you explained. 

« As EXO. » Lu Han noted.

« EXO? » you asked, not understanding. 

« Yeah, our group, us and they boys you saw this morning, the 12 of us are called EXO. » 

« Ah really?? Whooah it’s cool! » you said happily. « What does it mean? » 

« EXO means outside, like form another planet. » 

« So you’re a kind of aliens? » you joked which made them laugh along with you. 

« At least we’re modest aliens, not like Born To Beat, tsk tsk. » Kai noted.

You giggled at his comment « I know, that’s what I told them too. But somehow I found it cool, it’s fierce and powerful. » you stated. 

« What about EXO? » Kai questioned you, annoyed because you praised the other group. « Don’t you think EXO is cool? » 

« Of course I do! I think it’s mysterious and intense. » you reassured. 

Kai smirked proudly « Yeah, I think so too. » 

You scoffed « Didn’t you say you were modest? » 

« Only say the truth. » he shrugged. You shook your head at his silliness. 


You headed towards the field where you could see a flag with a little 6 written on it. When you arrived, you began to jump of joy.

« I’m so excited, it’s gonna be fun!! We have to win, okay? We can’t let BtoB nor the other EXO members win!! » 

Lu Han and Kai laughed at your crazy actions while Chanyeol rolled his eyes *Where does she find this energy?* 

« Of course we’ll win! » Kai shouted, holding his fist in the air. You were behaving like two kids while Lu Han watched the two of you laughing and clapping his hands. As you were jumping around, the roll bandage on your leg untied so you quickly sat on the ground and attached it again. It was at this moment that Chanyeol beholder it. 

Although he didn’t want to feel concerned, he walked towards you.

« What happened to your leg? » he tried to ask in the most annoyed and expressionless tone. 

You lifted your head upwards, surprised that he talked to you. 

« Err…I fell. » you answered awkwardly. 

« When, you didn’t have it this morning. » he kept on questioning you.

You didn’t want to admit it was because of the boxes so you tried to find another excuse. 

« Yeah, hum.. I did it while going back to the hut. » you lied. 

« oh, ok. » he paused a moment as if he wanted to say something else but walked away silently instead.

You sighed and finished tying the roll bandage before getting up.

Lu Han, who was not far away behind, had overheard the conversation. He was intrigued about why you haven’t told the truth about your injury. 

However, he didn’t’ say anything about it and just smiled when your head turned to him and waved.


There were a few minutes left before the games started.

Your first opponent group was the group number 15, formed by three boys and a girl as well. You all took your place on the volleyball field and waited for the whistle to start to play. You were on the side, in front of Chanyeol who was in charge of the serve. As you had some time left and the other team was talking and Lu Han and Kai were discussing about different tactics, you took the opportunity and quickly walked backwards to him.

He frowned and was surprised to see you approach him. 

You didn’t know how to begin. In fact, you wanted to apologize to him. Ever since he shouted at you this morning when you told him to call his parents, you had felt bad, thinking you had done something wrong. You couldn’t forget the glint of pain you’ve seen in his eyes and decided to say sorry because hurting someone was the thing you hated the most. 

« I-I wanted.. » you mumbled, looking downwards « I wanted to apologize for this morning. » 

He gave you a questioning look because he didn’t understand what the heck you were talking about. However, you continued. 

« For this morning. As you said, I shouldn’t have told you what to do because it only concern you. » 

His face softened, finally understanding. He didn’t think you would remember nor apologize, actually, he wasn’t even as angry for this as he seemed. 

« So…yeah, I’m sorry. » you shyly told. 

He scratched his neck, embarrassed as well, not knowing what to do. 

« Forget it, it’s nothing. Next time, just mind your own business so you won’t have to apologize. » was all he find to say, clumsy as he is. 

Although it wouldn’t seem as if he was forgiving you for someone else, it did, for you, because of the way he said it. It wasn’t his usual harsh and annoyed tone. There was something sweet and caring in it. You couldn’t help but to smile a little and nodded before going back to your place. 

You felt relieved and …yes, somehow happy. 


You were not sure about it but you had a feeling things were going to get better. 

















Unfortunately, you were wrong. 







































Finally!! i'm sorry it took so long! 

Hope you'll enjoy the chapter ^^ 

Please comment! Tell me, tell me, tell me! I just want to have your thoughts.

Is it good? Bad? Does things need to be changed? Funny? Not funny? Weird? Everything, anything!! Just say something hehehe~ 

Thanks to those who subscribed! ~


Here, an old gif but I love it, BaekYeol ^^~ 

Baekhyun being cute and handsome and Chanyeol poppoing out of nowhere cutely ^^ awwwooo


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SaranghaeMuffin #1
Chapter 4: I got a very funny picture of the pulling-chanyeol-out-of-bed part infront of me /dies of laughter
LizkoOl17 #2
Chapter 2: Its great so far, cant wait :)
kraemer #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^