Welcome to Starlight Camp!

Your Smile, My World


« Sunglasses? »

« Yes »

« Sunscreen? »

« Yes »

« Swimsuit? »

« Yes… »

« Umbrella and raincoat? »

« Yes and yes. » 

« Toothp- »

« Yah Omma! I took everything, just trust me. » 

« Mmmh…okay. I just want to be sure you won’t miss anything there. »

You softened and took her hands.

« Don’t worry, everything’s going to be perfectly fine, okay? Furthermore if I forgot something, I can find it there, I’m going in a Summer Camp, not in the jungle. »

« I don’t see the difference. »

« Omma! »

She laughed and pinched your cheeks « I’m joking Hana~ But I can’t help worrying, I’m your mother and every mother worries for her daughter. All the parents do for their children. »

At this moment, your father entered your room « Have you finished? It’s time to go. »

You smiled and rolled your eyes « Apparently it doesn’t concern fathers. Mine just wants me to leave quickly. » you said while closing your suitcases. 


After your father helped you carry them in the car, you sat on the rear seats with your little sister and the car started. 

« Let’s go to Starlight Summer Camp! » You shouted.


« Are you happy to go? » you little sister, Dana, asked.

You looked at her. She was so adorable when she asked you questions with her big round eyes. She had long eyelashes and her hair made in two braids. When you saw her like that, you always thought she was the most beautiful 6 year old girl ever. 

« Yes, Dana, I am. »

She looked down and pouted. 

« What? Did I say something bad? » you asked a bit surprised.

« If you’re happy to go, does it mean you’re happy to be away from us? »

« Oh no! Of course not! »

You made her look into your eyes « Listen, I’ll be away for a while but I will come back, okay?

You know, I’ve been excepting those holidays a lot, that this is one of my biggest dreams. I discovered Starlight Camp when I was 6, the same age as you. It was with Appa. We were just walking along the street when I saw an advertising in one of the TV in an electronic shop. It was talking about a place in the nature where people went and had fun. It showed the pretty wooden huts, the little river flowing nearby, people playing all kind of games, the awesome forest surrounding the camp and…and then…the beautiful starry sky at night. I think it’s the starry sky that decided me. When I saw it, I knew I was going to go there one day. And this day has come! I was right, neh~? 

But please, don’t look sad now otherwise I’ll feel bad. And also don’t say those things. How could I be happy to be away from such an angel face like yours? » you told while tickling her. 

She giggled and you laughed with her. Your parents who were listening softened at the sight of the two of you. They had always been happy that Dana and you were getting along so well although the big age difference between you two. You were a happy and overprotective big sister; everytime you went somewhere with your family, you couldn’t get your eyes off of her. Indeed you were always stressed something might happen or she would get hurt, so this camp would be the occasion for you to relax too. Well, that was what you thought then. 


« We arrived, girls. » you father announced, when he had parked the car. 

You opened your eyes and yawned. « Arrived? Already? »You had slept during the whole journey. You looked out the car and your eyes widened. There it was.

The big gateway where was written with huge gold letters:





You screamed of joy which woke up your sister who was sleeping on you. You quickly removed your seatbelt and your sister’s and get out of the car. A mixture of happiness, luck and excitement overwhelmed you. 

« I’m finally here! I did it! Woohoo~ » You shouted while jumping around.

« You mean, your father and the car did it. » told your father.

You all laughed and took the luggages before heading to the gateways. You saw a lot of cars and parents with their children around you. Like a little girl, you were looking at everything with wide sparkling eyes and open mouth. 

After filling your registration file, it was already time to say goodbye to your family. 

Your sister’s eyes were beginning to fill with tears, as your mother’s.

« Please don’t cry. I’ll be fine here. » you said while getting on your knees to be at your sister’s height. 

« Don’t be say, okay? If you’re sad, I’ll know it and I’ll be sad too. Sisters always know those things. Here, I’ll give you something » you took your heart wristband off and attached it to her wrist. « so I’m always with you. » 

« But Unni, it’s your favorite, you never take it off.. » she said.

« I never do it except for you, because I love you and I’m happy that you wear it. »

She smiled and hugged you. 

« I wanna give you something too then. » she took her necklace off and handed it to you. There was a little blue flower pendant on it. Since it was too small for your neck, you attached it to your wrist as a wristband instead. It was also something your sister cherished a lot. This necklace was the gift your grandfather had given her for her first birthday. 

« So we’re always together? » she asked.

« Always together. » you stated. 

After that, you hugged and kissed your parents as well and accompanied them to the car. 

« Call whenever you want, alright? If you have a problem, we’ll come as fast as we can. » you father told.

« Neh~ Thank you, Appa, Omma. » 

As the car drove away, you waved and made heart signs with your hands until you couldn’t see them anymore. 

You then turned back to the gateway and breathed deeply before heading to the middle of the camp to join the other teenagers. 


As you arrived at the gateway, you saw a boy and a woman, who was probably his mother, talking. Normally, it wouldn’t have caught your attention except that you heard what they were talking about when you passed by them. 

« I really don’t wanna go. I can stay home and help you. » the tall boy begged. 

« Chanyeol~ah, you have already helped me a lot. Now, I just want you to think about something else and have fun like every child of your age. I’ve already spoilt half of your childhood and I couldn’t stand to spoil anymore, you understand? » the woman answered painfully. 

You moved forward just a bit, relied on a car and took out your phone to act as if you were occupied, texting someone. Of course, in real you were just listening to their discussion. *Aissh, what am I doing? This is none of my business!* Although you knew it was wrong, you stayed there because who were too intrigued. 

The boy’s voice tone changed in an angry one.

« Omma, it wasn’t your fault ! It was his! Never say that again, please. »

His mother softened and gently his hair. 

« Araseo. Still, I want you to enjoy and have a good time. Okay? »

« mmh.. » he mumbled, looking away.

She narrowed her eyes at him. 

« Okay, okay.. » he finally stated. « I’ll try my best. » 

« Thank you. » She hugged him and took her car keys out of her bag.

« I’ll see you in two months, be careful and don’t do anything dangerous. »

« Neh. » 

She opened the door and sat in her car, what made you able to take a better look at him. Firstly, and you had already noted that, he was tall, very tall. Then, his face doesn’t really fit with his voice because he had a cute face, like a child, while his voice was very deep. But you actually found it very cool. His outfit was almost all black. Black t-shirt, black shorts, black sneakers and black and red snapback cap. 




*He looks…pretty awesome* you thought to yourself. 

As he waved goodbye to his mother, a smile flashed his face and left you stunned at the same time although you didn’t really know why. Indeed, for an unknown reason, you found it somewhat beautiful. It was genuine and refreshing. 

When the car became invisible, his smile vanished right away and his face became blank and emotionless again. He picked up his bag and began walking towards the camp. When he passed by you, his eyes turned to your face. You became stiff and since you didn’t know what to do, you simply smiled at him. He simply walked past you without a word, a gesture or a smile in return. Just like you didn’t even exist.

*Wow…that was cold.* It was weird because you had found him warm and fresh a second ago and now, he rather looked like an ice block. 

Furthermore, their conversation had also intrigued you. 

*Well, that has nothing to do with me. I must hurry and go back there.* You tried to suppresse those thoughts and took a deep breath before heading to the camp as well. 




« Hana! » shouted Yunhee before jumping on you. 

« Yunhee! » you screamed as well while hugging her tightly. Nam Yunhee, your best friend since you two were 5, with whom you had grown up. The first time you met her was at kindergarten. Since then, you had been indivisible. 

Yunhee was a smiling and shy girl. She always had good grades although she never revised, which really impressed you. On the contrary, you had to revise day and night for every test. She liked the way you always took things positively and how you were overflowing with energy, and you like the fact that she was constantly relaxed and peaceful. Someway you completed each other. 

« Did you just arrive too? » you asked her.

« No, we arrived about a hour ago and since then I’ve been walking around. » she explained. 

It made you laugh. That was typical of her, she hated being late so she always arrived very early. 

« You know when we’re going to our huts? » she questioned, looking around.

« No, I think they’ll make an announcement or something like that to explain us what we’re going to do. »

« Oh, I think you’re right! Look behind! There’s someone coming up the stage! » she exclaimed. 

Indeed there were people coming up the little stage surrounded by all the teenagers. There was a man with round glasses and two women. One of them was rather old; she wore a grey bun and she rested on a red cane. The other one was younger and wore a white dress.

The old lady took a microphone and introduced herself.

« Good Morning everyone and Welcome to Starlight Camp! I am Mrs. Kim Seoyeon, the headmistress. Firstly, I want to say that I am very glad that so many of you came this Summer. I hope you will all have a good time and make incredible memories in Starlight Camp. » 

Everyone cheered and applauded . 

Mrs.Kim continued « It’s been now 30 years since Starlight Camp was created. It’s an honor and a joy for me to be still there to welcome you year after year. Let’s hope it’s not my last time. » she laughed and everyone did as well. You found her funny and cute. She wasn’t one of those old women who always complained or were too serious. She seemed fun and joyful.

She then turned to the man « I introduce you my son and the co-chair, Mr. Kim Donghyeon, and » turning to the young woman « Mrs. Choi Jimin, the nurse. » Another round of applause sounded. 

They then told their functions and the different places we could find them. They showed the position of every important place with the map projected on a big board and told everyone to get one map each in the common room after the speech. 

« This year, we also have a slight change. » announced Mrs. Kim. Everybody started to look at each other and mumbled. 

You, also surprised, exchanged a confused look with Yunhee who shrugged. 

« Indeed, we have a new system of groups, you won’t be able to choose your partner and your huts like the past years. »

Yunhee looked at you with round eyes.

« Oh no! Does it mean we’re not going to be together? »

« That’s not possible! It must be a joke. » you said, surprised. You and Yunhee had planned from the beginning to be in the same hut and you had already talked about what you were going to do together and all.

The two of you were not the only ones complaining, everyone had started to protest. Hearing all the noises, Mrs. Kim told everyone to calm down. 

« Please, listen. I don’t do it just to separate you from your friends. The reason why I do this is to allow everyone to meet new people and exchange with each other. It’s a good way to create new relationships. Furthermore it’s not as if you’ll be parted from your friends forever, you’ll be able to see each other but you’ll have to spend time with the members of your group as well. » 

« Members of our group? » you mumbled to Yunhee « What group? » 

« Don’t know » she whispered, as lost as you. 

Fortunately, the Headmistress explained it right away.

« The groups were formed by myself. I studied every one of you; your background, your personality and even your blood type.  And with those informations, I formed all the groups. » she stated with a serious expression. 

All the teenagers were silent. 

« B-blood type?.. » you said. THAT was weird. *What kind of woman is that, what kind of Camp is this?* You were starting to doubt about your decision of coming here when Mrs. Kim burst out laughing, leaving everybody confused and dumbfounded. 

« Kids, I am joking of course! » She continued laughing like a fool and people joined her as well as they started to understand what she had said. 

You sighed and giggled. *Aishh, she scared me! She really is particular.* 

Once she finished, she took her breath and explained.

« I was joking, in real, it was made completely by chance. All your names were mixed and regrouped randomly by 4. So, every group is formed by 4 members. Girls and Boys might not be equal, but it doesn’t matter. In the registration form you all received, there’s a number at the top. This number is the number of your hut, you’ll be able to find it on the map. So after the speech, I want you to go take a map and go to your huts and discover your members. Oh, and one more thing. The groups themselves will be parted in two. It means that everyone will have a partner. This partner is the person with whom you’ll spend the most time here, he must help you whatever happens and you must help him, and the most important, you have to trust each other. It’s like your partner was your « guardian » here. Well, it’s all I have to say, you can go! Have fun and be careful too! » 

Everybody applauded again and headed to the common room. It was a big wooden house where everyone could meet to talk, eat, play and mostly, where the important announcement were made. 

When you arrived, Yunhee and you took a map. Yunhee was afraid of looking her number because she was almost sure she would not be with you. You were as scared as her but tried no to show it. You took her trembling hands and squeezed them.

« Don’t worry, Yunhee~ Even if we’re not in the same hut or group, we’ll see each other often. It’s not like we were condemned to stay with our members, right? »

« But what if they…they don’t like me? »

« They WILL like you, you’re the nicest girl I know. I’m rather afraid for me, you know. »

« No, how could someone not like you, you mean! » 

You two laughed and decided to look at the numbers and shout it at the same time. You checked your registration form.

« Number 6! » you shouted while she shouted « Number 2! » 

*Aissh, I knew it, there was almost no chance.* 

But instead of complaining, you smiled and hugged her not to make her more stressed.

« Well…we should join our groups and set up our things. We meet this evening, okay? » 

« Araseo~ » she said. 

« Fighting! » you told and made a big smile before leaving her.

« Fighting Hana! » she answered while going on the opposite direction. 



« Number 6, number 6… » you mumbled while trying to figure out how to use the map. It’s been 15 minutes you were walking around without being able to find it. All the students around seemed to understand perfectly where they were going, which made you feel a bit stupid. 

Although it would have been more simple, you didn’t want to ask the path because you wanted to succeed yourself.

*I wanna feel like … an adventurer!* Smiling at this idea, you finally found your hut. There was a nice « 6 » drawn on the door. *Finally! Here I am.*

You took a deep breath and opened the door.


There were 4 boys inside and you mentally screamed at the sight. Was it because they all were so awesome? Or because they all looked like idols? Or because you had understood that all your members were boys? No, no and no. 

It was because one of them was the tall-cute-baby face -deep voice boy from before. The one that was called Chanyeol.

You froze at the sight and all you could think of were the words of Mrs.Kim  

« I was joking, in real, it was made completely by chance. All your names were mixed and regrouped randomly by 4 »

*Randomly? Really?* 

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SaranghaeMuffin #1
Chapter 4: I got a very funny picture of the pulling-chanyeol-out-of-bed part infront of me /dies of laughter
LizkoOl17 #2
Chapter 2: Its great so far, cant wait :)
kraemer #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^