First chore

Your Smile, My World


The next morning, you were awaken by the sound of a trumpet at 7:30 A.M. 


You opened your eyes and sat on your bed while rubbing them with your fists. 

« Wh-what the hell ? »  you grumbled, upset of being awaken like that. Indeed you always slept a lot and it was always hard for you to get up whether it was a school day or holiday. You looked at your left and saw Chanyeol still sleeping, his back towards you. While you were wondering whether wake him up too or not, you heard a voice through the speaker of your hut.


« Good morning Kids! Time to wake up! Everyone must be in front of the common room in 20 minutes. Get ready quickly~ » 

You recognized Mrs.Kim playful voice. Although you had no idea why she wanted all of you to come, you decided to prepare rapidly. You went to wash your face and the dressed in a hoodie, sneakers and shorts and attached your hair in a ponytail, and all of this in scarcely 10 minutes. When you were ready, you went in the living room where you found Kai and Lu Han ready as well, dressed casual like you. 


« Chanyeol Hyung isn’t  awaked yet? » Kai asked. You shook your head.

« Aisshh…what are we going to do with him? There’s 10 minutes left. » told Lu Han. 

« I’ll try to wake him up, go already, we’ll join you there. » you said, turning back.

Lu Han stopped you « Wait! You go instead, we can do it. » But you insisted, saying it was your responsibility as his partner. They smiled at you and agreed. 

« Fine, see you there then. » they told before leaving. 


When you went back in the back room, he was still lying on his bed, hugging his pillow above his head not to be bothered by the noises. 

You hesitated a moment and approached him. 

« Hey…er…Chanyeol~ssi… » you said while gently poking his elbow. He wasn’t reacting and you were starting to lose patience with him. 

*I swear, if there wasn’t this « partner » thing, I’d just leave and let you here do whatever you want* 

Since the nice method wasn’t working, you decided to be direct so you just yank the pillow away from his face. The good thing was that his eyes shot open, the bad is that he seemed really, really angry.

He sat up and ruffled his hair before looking at you.

« Yah! What do you want? » he told in a even deeper that usual since it was the morning and angry voice. 

« Didn’t you hear what Mrs.Kim said through the speaker? We have to be by the common room in ten minutes. » 

« No, I didn’t. I was doing something like sleeping. » he said sarcastically. 

« I’m sure you did. Why were you covering your ears otherwise? » you answered, crossing your arms. 

« Maybe not to disturbed by all your noises, weirdo. » 

« Did you just call me weirdo? » you exclaimed. 

« Seems like you’re weird and deaf too. » he responded before taking back his pillow and going back to sleeping. 

You were dumbfounded. How could he yell at you and go back to bed so easily. 

*Too much is too much.* You took the pillow on your bed and threw it hard on his head. 

He shouted and turned back to you « Are you crazy? » 

You watched him straight in the eyes.

« I could have left you here but I decided to took my responsibility as your partner seriously and stayed to wake you up, but all you find to tell me is that I’m crazy. So I’ll just go and won’t wait for you. Do what you want. » you spit before turning on your heels and leaving. 

Chanyeol watched you go furiously and heard you slamming the door.

Actually, he was torn by different feelings. Tiredness because he still wanted to sleep, anger because he had been awaken by someone and because that same someone dared stand up to him, which had not happen since a long time, and last, interest. More and more interest for your original personality. 

« Tsk. » he muttered while he put the pillow underneath his head and drifted back to sleep. 



You saw your members and joined them, putting a smile on your face,  trying not to show your displeasure.

« Sorry. » you told when you arrived in front of them, slightly lowering your head. 

« It’s okay. I’ts Chanyeol, we didn’t except miracles. » joked Lu Han. You laughed and nodded. 

« So, do you know what we have to do here? » you asked, looking around. 

Everyone was standing on the large place in front of the common room with their group, looking as  curious as you. 

« Nope, but I think she’ll tell us. » answered Kai. You looked in the same direction as him and spotted Mrs. Kim, wearing sport cloths and carrying a loud speaker. Mr.Kim was there as well and he was carrying a huge radio that he put behind her. She put it to and started to explain.

« Good morning everyone! I hope you all sleep well. You’re probably wondering why I gathered all of you here so early, right? Well, it will be like this once a week. We’ll all join here and do morning sport. » 

Many people began to complain and you could hear loud noises in the crowd. Speaking frankly, it didn’t delight you very much neither. Doing sport was okay, but why at 8 in the morning? 

« Don’t be angry so fast. » Mrs. Kim tried to appease « You’ll like it when I’ll tell you what kind of sport. The morning sport will be…KPOP DANCES! » 

You widened your eyes and clapped your hands enthusiastically as well as everyone. Well, almost everyone, it was mostly girls. 

You turned to Lu Han and Kai, smiling widely.

« Isn’t it awesome? » 

They were smiling as well, seeming to enjoy it almost as much as you. « Clearly! » they exclaimed.

Seeing people were agreeing this time, Mrs. Kim took a little remote and pointed it at the radio. 

« I won’t bother you with learning the choreographies so if you don’t know them, just dance as you wish! » she announced before the music started to play. 

The first song that could be heard was Sorry Sorry by Super Junior. Everyone started to dance energetically, following the choreography or not. You had always loved them so you knew the dance perfectly. You saw that Lu Han and Kai knew it as well and you were amazed by their dancing talent. They really looked like professional dancers. Next to them, you thought you probably looked like a penguin but it didn’t stop you and you continued to dance, laughing along with them. Afterwards there has been a few more songs like KARA’s Like This, SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong, Beast’s Shock and the last one was PSY’s Gangnam Style on which everyone danced perfectly since you all new the famous « Horse Dance ». 

When it was finished, Mrs. Kim took the loud speaker again and complimented everyone before telling all of you that you could go eat the breakfast in the common room. 



« If only it could be like this everyday! » you exclaimed as you sat on a table with your group. You had sighted Yunhee eating with her members but didn’t want to bother them so Kai had proposed you to eat together. You were seated next to Lu Han and Kai was in front of you. As you were talking, a few other boys come to sit at your table as well. You recognized them as the ones who were seated with Lu Han and Kai the day before. 

And they confirmed one of the thought you had about them: they really were handsome. 

They were still speaking about the dances, especially one with dark brown hair and dark circles that didn’t seem to be able to cover his enthusiasm.

« It was so cool, Hyung! I wanna dance again! » he said while tugging on the sleeve of his friend. 

« Tao, we’ll do that again next week, didn’t you hear? » told his friend, annoyed.

« But Kris Hyung, I want now! » 

« Yah, can you let me go!? » he shouted before releasing his arm free. Tao pouted and sat next to him and turned his gaze at you. 

« Oh Annyeong haseyo! » he greeted while bowing.

You bowed him as well awkwardly and looked at Lu Han hoping he would say something because you suddenly became shy in front of so many people. Fortunately he got your message and introduced you.

« Guys, I introduce to you Hana, she’s a member of our group, the one I told you about yesterday. » 

They all greeted and introduced themselves while you bowed to them, secretly wondering what could Lu Han possibly have told about you.

« Hi, I’m Baekhyun. » 

« My name’s Chen. » 

« Hello, my name is Kris. » 

« Annyeong, I am Lay. »

« I am Sehun. » 

« My name is Xiumin, nice to meet you. » 

« Hello, my name’s Kyungsoo, but everyone call me D.O. » 

« Hi, I’m Suho. » 

« And I am Tao, nice to meet you~ » 

 You learned that almost all of them were in the same group. Baekhyun was with Xiumin in the hut number 4. The hut number 5 included Tao, Kris, D.O and Sehun. When you heard this, you almost chocked on your breakfast because you couldn’t believe how they all managed to be together. Seriously, did they cheat and made the groups themselves? Or maybe Mrs. Kim was the grandmother of one of them and did as they wished? Anyway, it was not fair, but you still were happy for them. And last, in the group number 1 there were Lay, Suho and Chen. *Groups formed randomly, what a joke.* you thought.

« Where’s Chanyeol? » Baekhyun suddenly asked as you were talking about random stuff. 

« Sleeping. » Kai answered. 

« Did you try to wake him up? » Suho asked.

You were about to answer but someone did it for you. 

« Yes, she did. » 

You didn’t have to turn back to understand who this voice belonged to. * Speak of the devil…* 

Chanyeol sat next to Xiumin, at the end of the bench.

« Not only she did, but she hit me on the head. » 

All the faces turned to you questioningly except Chanyeol’s who was smirking. 

« You hit Chanyeol Hyung? » Kai asked, surprised.

You were dumbfounded that he dared to act as the victim and made the bad one of you, making you feel embarrassed in front of all of his friends.

« W-what? No! » you tried to defend yourself, shaking your hands.

Chanyeol looked at you and lift an eyebrow. « So you didn’t hit me? » 

« Well…yes, I did but-« 

« Aha! See, she admits it. » he stated, crossing his arms.

« Wait! I did hit you but with a pillow because you didn’t want to wake up! » 

Everyone « aaahed » and looked back at Chanyeol, understanding the situation.

« Yah, Chanyeol! Be more specific the next time! We almost took Hana for a violent psycho. » told Chen, hitting his arm. Then he turned at you and added « Good job, Hana. We understand you » before high-fiving you. That made everyone laugh and you chuckled along. 

« Whatever. » said Chanyeol before going back to his food silently. 


As you were finishing eating, your group responsible came to see you. 

« Well, well, well, I didn’t see you during the « Dance time », Chanyeol. » he told, standing next to him. He didn’t seem angry, on the contrary, he had a playful smile. Everyone shut his mouth and Chanyeol lifted his head towards him.

« Are you excepting me to apologize? » 

Jiyong chuckled. « I know you won’t. And even if you did, it wouldn’t solve the situation. »

« So what do you want? » Chanyeol was becoming slightly annoyed, you could hear it. Xiumin discreetly poked him, meaning it would be better for him to shut up. Indeed Chanyeol was his friend and he didn’t want him to have problems. 

« Since you didn’t have any good reason for not coming, I’ll give you a chore. »

« What? » Chanyeol answered angrily.

The pink haired man took a folder from his bag and snatched a sheet that he handed him.

« At 10, be in the kitchens. We just received some flour boxes and we need people to carry them from the truck to the back rooms of the kitchens. » 

He then his heels to the opposite direction and began to walk away, not letting him the chance to answer.

The boys began to mock and joked about his punishment. Of course, he was furious and even more now that everyone was laughing at him, you included. 

He looked at you. « Why are you laughing at? » he told you unhappily.

« Me? Oh, I was just wishing to be there to see you carry all those heavy boxes. » you said innocently. The boys laughed at your comment. They were going to start making fun of him, but were interrupted by Jiyong who ran back to you.

« Oh, one more thing. » he said while looking at you« You’re his partner, right? »

« Err…yes. » you hesitantly responded.

« Fine. You go with him. Partners share the chores as well. » 

Your jaw dropped and he left before you could protest. You turned to Chanyeol whose facial expression has changed to a satisfied and teasing one. 

« You wish is granted. » 


When the breakfast was done, Lu Han, Chanyeol, Kai and you left the boys to go back to your house. Before leaving, they had all kindly cheered you on and comforted you about the chore, which made you feel a little less angry. However, you were still wondering what you could have done to deserve all of this, as if leaving with Chanyeol wasn’t enough. 

Back to the hut, you tidied up your things and sent a message to your parents to let them know how things were going for you. 


Appa, Omma, Dana,


Annyeong~ How are you? 

It’s just been one day and so many things have already happened. 

I don’t have the time to explain everything because I have to go carry flour boxes because my stupid jerk partner didn’t want to wake up this morning I have to go soon, but I’ll tell you when I call you this week-end. 

Everyone is very nice except Park Weird Yeol  and I already made some friends. Unfortunately Yunhee and me are not in the same hut she’s with an awesome group while I’m trapped with the most cold boy in the universe but it’s okay and we see each other often. 

I hope you’re all doing fine :) 

Tell Dana that I think of her very much.

I love you ^_~ 

See you soon If I didn’t kill myself because of him before.


« And…send! » 

Chanyeol walked in the room and rested on the door.

« I don’t know if you remember but we have boxes to transport, so hurry up. » 

You turned off you phone and threw him a cold glance.

« Calm down, I was texting my parents. » 

He rolled his eyes and smirked. « It’s only been a day. If you can’t be independent just go back home. » 

« Dream on. » you retorted « I’m sure your parents would be happy as well to receive a message. » you suggested. 

His eyes suddenly darkened and his playful expression changed to a serious one, and you seemed to see a glint of sadness in his gaze. 

« Mind your own business. » He harshly said before leaving. 

You didn’t understand what you had done wrong and scratched your head questioningly. You then tucked your phone in your bag and went to the kitchens, your head full of questions because of what just happened.

*Should I apologize? I don’t know what I did wrong but... he seemed hurt… yes, I should say sorry.* Although you were strong and sometimes very stubborn, you didn’t like when people around you felt bad, even people who weren’t nice or you didn’t really like. You thought it could perhaps fix the problem between the two of you and help you communicate and be friends. Well, friend was perhaps a word you couldn’t use at the moment so let’s just say acquaintances who don’t try to annoy each other every time. 

He was already there with the cooker when you arrived. You bowed to the cooker and remained silent next to him. 

The cooker, Mrs. Lee Yujin, was a tall and chic woman with fantastic black long hair braided on one side. She introduced you the kitchens and explained where the boxes should be placed. The distance between the room and the truck wasn’t very far and you suddenly thought it wouldn’t be as hard as it seems and that it would be done quickly. At least, it was what you thought before you learned the weight of a single box. 30 freaking kilos (66 lbs). 30 FREAKING KILOS! And there were 40 damn boxes. Was it even human to let the two of you do this? You were 165 cm and skinny like a stick and although Chanyeol was very tall, he didn’t have the frame of a bodybuilder. 

« You don’t have to carry them all today, they’re very heavy. You can do a part today and finish another day. » Mrs. Lee reassured. 

You sighed with a hand in your heart. Phew, what a relief. A relief that was eliminated when she left and Chanyeol told you he didn’t want to come back every time so it must be finished today. 

« What? » you shouted « Do you really think we’ll be able to transport them all in on day? Sorry to deceive you but I don’t have 8 arms nor you. » 

Of course, he didn’t listen to you and walked towards the truck. You threw your arms up in despair and followed him.

When you bent down to help him lift a box, he stopped you. You looked up at him, a little confused.

« What? Aren’t we carrying this one? » 

He looked at you with a blank face. « I’m carrying this one. You’re not. » 

You lift a eyebrow, not understanding. And then, you thought he meant he’ll carry them alone, like he was taking the responsibility since it was his punishment . You were beginning to imagine how you were wrong on his case and how he actually was a gentleman. You smiled at him.

« It’s very nice of you but you don’t have to do this chore alone. I can help. » 

He stared at you and lift an eyebrow. « What are you talking about? I won’t do it alone. What I meant was that I’ll take this box myself, go take another one. » 

He took it and added « There are 40 boxes. Me 20 and you 20. » 

He walked past you and went towards the kitchen, leaving you dumbfounded and slightly embarrassed. What did you imagine? That Park selfish-Yeol thought of someone other than him? Of course not. Disappointed, you took a package and transported it. 


Although you met each time while carrying the boxes back and forth, none of you spoke to the other. You were sweating and your arms were shaking because of the weight but you never complained, not wanting to look weak. 

*I won’t let him see me weak. Ever.* Yet it was also another of your trait. Usually you were the one who comforted others, you liked being someone who people can rely on. Of course you sometimes showed weakness too but you didn’t want to show them to Chanyeol at this moment. He didn’t like you already and he didn’t need more reasons to take you for a fragile and dependant girl. 

*Aissh, why do I even care about what he thinks?* 


Yes, why did you even care? 






























Note for the message/SMS in the middle of the chapter: The lines that are crossed are the lines you wished you had send/ what you really meant. Of course you/OC didn't send them, they were in your imagination.


Hope you like it~ Don't forget to comment! 






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SaranghaeMuffin #1
Chapter 4: I got a very funny picture of the pulling-chanyeol-out-of-bed part infront of me /dies of laughter
LizkoOl17 #2
Chapter 2: Its great so far, cant wait :)
kraemer #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^