New member

Your Smile, My World








« Oh, the last member has arrived. Welcome~ » one of the boys told. It made you suddenly wake up form your thoughts and you looked up at him. He was wearing a blue hoodie that contrasted with his flash pink hair. Yes, pink.





« Annyeong Haseyo, my name is Kwon Jiyong. I'm in charge of your hut, the hut number 6. » 

You quickly bowed and introduced yourself..

« Annyeong Haseyo, I am Song Hana. » 

He smiled at you and checked something on the notebook he was carrying. You then turned to the other boys who were standing in front of you and greeted them as well.

« Hi, my name's Lu Han. Nice to meet you. » told the boy standing on the left. He was tall and very thin. His face looked even more like a baby's than Chanyeol's with his pale, flawless skin and bright eyes. His appearance together with his sweet and calm voice made him seems like a nice and positive person. 


The one standing in the middle made you feel more intimidated. Indeed he had a strong and mysterious appearance ; Dark hair, tanned skin and deep black eyes. 

« Hello. I'm Kim Jongin. » His voice was deep and somehow charming. 

« Nice to meet you. » you answered. 


When you turned to Chanyeol, he simply looked bored as if he was saying - Why the hell am I even here-. 

« Park Chanyeol » was the only thing he said. Well, that was simple. You stood there, not knowing what to do or to say, praying that someone would break the awkward atmosphere. Fortunately, Jiyong came to your rescue. 

« Well, since you're all here and you've introduced to each other, I'll explain my function. As the person responsible of your group, I have to always be informed first if something happens so I can transmit the information if necessary. You can tell me if you need something, if you have a problem and I need to be updated if you want to go somewhere outside the camp, like in town or in the forest. »

« We can go in the forest ? » asked Lu Han. 

« You can go there but not too far from the camp otherwise you would loose yourself or worse, meet a wild animal. Also try not to go there alone, it's always more safe to be with someone. Oh, well that leads me to talk about the partners. 

As Mrs. Kim said, your group will be divided in two. Your partner will be the person on which you can count the most. We do that for more security, you see. So no one's alone. Through it, everyone is sort of « monitored » which help us being more reassured about every one's well-being. Being someone's partner is, as you'll understand, an important responsibility since you must look after him like a guardian. But don't interpret it as baby-sitting, araseo ? It's not like you must be glued to him day and night. Of course everybody is free to go where he wants and do what he wants here, it's the purpose of Starlight Camp ; being free and having fun.

In conclusion, be aware of your partner's well-being and help him if necessary. » he paused and smiled « Do you have any questions ? » 

« I have one » Lu Han said. Jiyong nodded at him.

« How do we know who our partner is ? » he asked.

You were also wondering the same thing.

« It was not written so I just assembled you alphabetically, according to your family names. 

So Lu Han, you're with Jongin and Chanyeol is with Hana. » 

* Oh...GREAT. * you thought as you looked at Chanyeol's reaction. Well, rather his no-reaction. How could it be possible? You, one of the most active girl with the stone like-boy. You really would have liked to befriend with him although he didn't seem to feel the same way towards you.


Jiyong looked at his watch.

« I have to go to return my records now, so you can settle down and get to know each other, okay ? You have about half an hour before dinner, we'll then meet at the common room. See you later~ » he exclaimed as he opened the door. 

« Neh. » you all said.

Once he was gone, a silence set in the hut. 

« Well...should everyone choose his bed ? » suggested Lu Han. 

You nodded and took a look around your new little house. It was more spacious and pretty than you thought. Of course it wasn't a 5-star hotel but still, it was comfortable, well-appointed and clean. There was a small green fridge at the corner, a board on which stood a little computer, a chair, another board in front of a mirror and two closets.

There was also a large sofa and four little beds. Two that you could see from the entry and two other at the back of the house, after the little bathroom and next to the mini kitchen. 





Without any word, Chanyeol took his bag and walked to the back room and put his belongings there. 

« Well…looks like Chanyeol chose his. » said Kai. 

« Yah, Park Chanyeol, you could have asked if anyone would like this place too. » he shouted. 

« Like I care. » Chanyeol answered quietly from the room. 

« Aissh, he’s already being annoying. » told Kai while ruffling his hair. 

« Err..excuse-me » you said. Lu Han and Kai turned to you « Do you know each other? » Indeed, they were talking and arguing as if they were friends from a long time. 

« Yes » Kai answered « Chanyeol Hyung, Lu Han Hyung and I are from the same school. We’ve known each other since a long time now. » 

« Really? S-so you three are already...friends ? »

« Yep. Best friends. » yes answered with an eyesmile. 

So now, in addition to the fact that you were the only girl among three boys, you were the only girl among three boys who were best friends. At that moment, you really felt awkward. As if you were an intruder or something similar, and you immediately thought about Yunhee and wished she was there.

Lu Han, seeing you were a bit speechless, tried to comfort you. « I’m sure we’ll all get along very well. » 

His smile and kind words made you smile too « Neh~ » 

You noted that you were still carrying your bag, undecided of where to go. 

« Where do you want to be? » Lu Han asked you.

« I don’t know. I don’t really care so you can choose and I’ll take the bed that’s left. »

« No no, you’re the lady~ you choose first » Kai said, smiling.

« Yeah, but you know each other, so you probably want to be together. » you insisted.

At the end, nobody wanted to choose first so Kai suggested to play rock-paper-scissors to decide. The loser would go to the back room with Chanyeol.


« Kai, Bai, Bo! » 


Lu Han and Kai did rock while you made scissors. 

« You loose, you go to the back room. Bye~ » Kai said while putting your bag in your arms and pushing you. 

*I’m sure they cheated. No one wanted to go to Mr. I-Like-Nothing’s room and since they’re friends they decided to form a group against me. Not fair! * you thought with a pout.

Chanyeol was unpacking his things when you entered. He took a glance at you before continuing what he was doing.

Since you didn’t want it to be more awkward than it already was, you decided to start a discussion. *If I have to live with him for two months, we must at least try to talk. *

« H-hi , partner » you tried to joke.

No answer.  Apparently it won’t be easy. However you didn’t lose hope and acted as if everything was okay.

« Oh, look » you told while looking through the window « we have the view on the forest. » Again, it didn’t seem to delight him like it did with you. 

* Aissh, what can I do with such a hard-headed alien? * It really began to upset you. Indeed, what on earth could you have done to him to be treated like…well, nothing. It was as if you were invisible. Furthermore you weren’t asking him to jump of joy or anything, just talk normally. Was it too much to ask? 

Firstly, you thought of telling him what was on your mind but you didn’t want to make enemies on the first day so you decided to keep your thoughts to yourself.

As he was unpacking his things, his wallet fell and some coins and a piece of paper went out of it. Trying to be nice, you bent down and picked up the paper that landed at your feet. While you handed it to him, you couldn’t help but look. It was a picture of a woman that you recognized as the one who was with him on the parking lot, his mother.

« Is it your mother? She’s very pretty. » you complimented, smiling. 

« Thank you » He told coldly as he quickly snatched it from your fingers and tucked it in his wallet again. 

*What the h- *

« Hey » Kai appeared at the door, interrupting you from your thoughts « it’s almost 7PM, we should hurry and go to the common room.» 

Chanyeol put his cap on his head and headed towards the door, leaving you alone. You haven’t even began to unpack your things but since you didn’t want to be late and make them wait, you decided to do it later, when you’ll come back.





When you arrived at the common room, you immediately searched for Yunhee. You saw her at one of the front tables.

« Hey~ » you said, sitting next to her.

« Hana! » she exclaimed before hugging you « How are you? How was it? Is your group nice? » 

« Well..err..partly, yes. » you muttered, instantly thinking of Chanyeol. 

« Partly? Why, is there a problem? » she asked, surprised. 

You told her the events from you arrival in the hut until the dinner time; how you drudged to find your house, how you discovered that all your group partners were all boys, Jiyong’s speech, when you discovered they were best friends, the rock-paper-scissors game and how Chanyeol was extremely cold and silent. 

« Wooah~ » she said with open and eyes round. « Do you think it will be okay for you? »

« It’s not as if I had the choice, you know. But I think it’ll be fine. He doesn’t seem to like me but fortunately there are Lu Han and Kai, they are very nice. 

What about you now? » 

Yunhee was in a group of two boys and two girls, including her. Apparently they were really kind and cool and they already felt like a united group.

« You’re so lucky, I want to be in your place~ » you whined, hugging her arm and making her giggle.

« Don’t worry, Hana. I’m sure you’ll be doing well. You always do well. » 

As usual, her comforting words made you smile. As you were talking, you sighted Chanyeol, Lu Han and Kai at one of the tables in the corner. 

« Oh, look » you told Yunhee while discreetly pointing at them. « It’s them. The one with the light hair, sitting in the middle is Lu Han. Kai is the one seated in front of him, holding the water bottle. And Chanyeol…ah, there he is. The one wearing the black and red cap. » 

« And you say that I am lucky? Look at you! You’re grouped with three models. » she said, as if she was mesmerized. Now that you really looked at it, it was true that they were really good-looking. You also noticed that all the boys at their table looked very good too.

« Do you know any of the boys sitting with them? » you asked. Yunhee shook her head. She searched her members as well and introduced them to you by pointing at them. The girl's name was Oh Jimin. She was rather small. Her hair was cut short and she wore glasses. Although she seemed very shy, Yunhee assured you that she was very talkative. 

The boys were both quite tall and seemed funny, mostly the one called Jung Ilhoon. The last one's name was Lee Minhyuk. Yunhee told you she had found him very kind and cute. *Looks like someone has a crush. * you thought, smirking.

After the dinner, you told her goodbye and joined your group. Jiyong was there.

« Good Evening, group. Did you eat well? » 

You all nodded so he continued « We’re now going to see the best thing in Starlight Camp. Do you have any idea of what it is? » 

You raised your hand immediately « The starry night! » 

« Exactly! Let’s go. » 

You were very impatient since it was one of the main reason why you had chosen to come here and you hoped it would be as great as you had imagined it. 

Your group as well as the others walked to a huge field near the forest, where the view should a priori be the best. When you arrived there, you sat on the grass with the members and you all looked up the sky. 


« Wooooow » you exclaimed.


It was even more beautiful than you thought. All the stars shined above your head like small fireworks on a dark blue background, both small and large ones. You reach out with your hand as if you could touch them. They were so far but seemed so close at the same time. You were so amazed that you didn’t realize how wide your eyes as your smile were nor that Chanyeol was covertly watching you. 


* Why does she find it so incredible? What is she smiling at so much? I…I don’t understand or see what’s so special neither. Damn, they’re just stars…

Song Hana. You really are a weird kind of girl. But somehow… you’re interesting. * 

He smirked and stood up. 

« Park Chanyeol, where are you going? » Jiyong asked. 

« I return to the hut. I’m tired. » he casually answered without even looking back. Jiyong didn’t protest further because he had probably already understood that Chanyeol wasn’t the type of guy to listen much. 

You heard them and turned your head to see his tall figure fade away in the dark. 

*Tsk tsk, you don’t know what you’re missing, Park Weird-Yeol. * And without thinking too much of him, you went back to the stargazing.


























Second chapter, yay! Hope you like it, comment to give me your opinion, it will really help me be better. ^_~ And now, some EXO gifs!

Dancing machine angry bird Kris: 


Gwiyomi cutie Kai: 



and last but not least, Sehun's y wink: 




Oh, and here a picture of the camp huts (as I see them) so you can have a better idea of them: 








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SaranghaeMuffin #1
Chapter 4: I got a very funny picture of the pulling-chanyeol-out-of-bed part infront of me /dies of laughter
LizkoOl17 #2
Chapter 2: Its great so far, cant wait :)
kraemer #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^