Chapter 2


An update!!! Sorry for not updating for a while. Please subscribes and comments~ >_< seriously, please~~~




Yung Jee gasped when she enter the building. It does look like rich people living in the apartment building. She look around and saw security officer. The security officer saw her and approach her. He ask what she is doing there and is she looking for someone. So, she explain she need to go music room to have piano lesson. He gladly show the way to the music room that located at the end of the right hallway and the room located at the left side. She said thanks to him and went to the hallway. There were many rooms which is for practice, studio and etc. She saw the door sign for music room. She approach the door slowly and then she notices there were someone in the room. It is probably her piano teacher, H.L. She knock on the door and she open the door. "Annyeonghaseyo." She bow without looking at the person inside.

"Oh my, annyeonghaseyo." They said in unison.

Yung Jee immediately look infront of her and there are two person in casual and track pants. They seems not really neat, one of them wearing a hoodies.

"I'm sorry interupting your conversation, I having my piano lesson here today. Min Yung Jee imnida." She told them.

"Owh...i almost forgot about that. Hi, my name is Henry, nice meeting you. I am going to give piano lesson to you." The shorter guy said to Yung Jee.

It seems the guy that a bit taller were startled with his friend statement. "You give piano lesson?" He said.

"Ne, i going too but it is just her only, i don't take many students just one. So, i can handle it." Henry said. They were both whispering at each other but Yung Jee heard every words they said.

"But it is still risky, hyung! She will recognize you!" He said again.

"Well, it is true...but I think it will be okay and I can handle it." Henry reply to him.

"Uhm, you..." She paused and try to remember where did she saw these two people. Then she remember all, ' OHMYGOD, ABCFGIHJKL' She scream in her head.

"You are Henry Lau Super Junior and and SHINee's Taemin right?!" she said excitedly.

"Uhm, haha're mistaken, i am not." He said nervously.

"Actually, Yung Jee sshi, you seem really nice girl and responsible, I hope you understand the situation right now." Henry said to her.

"Owh, then its true, but please rest assure I am not really kind of girl that tell people I meet idol and sort of. I mean especially when I know you will be upset, I don't want all of you upset." Yung Jee said to both them.

"Well, I hope you can keep it a secret." Taemin said and he smile to her.

Yung Jee cannot contain her feel, she was squealing and spazzing inside seeing both of them smiling brightly to her. She smile back and said few things.

"Congrats on your solo debut, Henry sshi." She said.

"I just bought the album today, Oh my god! I must be dreaming." She added.

Henry and Taemin chuckles seeing her looking nervous and smiling shyly.

"Hahaha, you're cute." Taemin said.

"Kam...sahamida..." Yung Jee said shyly.

She is blushing, henry just stare at her smiling. Taemin is grinning and he show his dashing smile. They talk after that and she manage to get their autographs. Taemin leave afterward because he got schedule. Henry explain little about how lesson will be held. They both sat and henry play the piano. The lesson when on until 2 hours.

Yung Jee went out the building and walk to the bus station. It was 8.30pm and it was quiet. The bus station is a few block from the _________ apartment. There were no people at all and she getting a bit nervous. Suddenly, she saw a guy in suit but he was walking weirdly. He was drunk actually and Yung Jee try not getting close with him. She walks quietly and hoping the guy didn't notice her at all. But the guy notice her and he smell alcohol when he went near her.

"Hey, like to go drinking with me?" He said while blocking her way.

"Sir, let me go." She said trying to negotiate with the guy.

"Yah, you're no fun at all. Come on now follow me!" He said irritately and grab her wrist harshly.

"No! Stop! Let me go!" She struggle hard from the drunk guy.

"Ahjusshi, what the hell are you doing?" A guy suddenly said.

Yung Jee look up to see who was the guy. He was Luhan one of the young guy that she and Minna saw at cafe.

"Yah! You just kid and you talk informal with me! How dare you!" He said as he let go of Yung Jee wrist and about to hit Luhan. Luhan just shot deadliest glare toward the drunk guy. Luhan face darkened and the drunk guy got overhelmed. He got scared seeing the young guy face change He walk away quickly after that. Yung Jee got surprised because the drunk guy run away and Luhan don't even say a word to him.

"You okay?" Luhan ask her.

"Neh...gwenchanayo. Kam...sahamida." She said while stutter a little.

"Really? You look pale." He said again.

"Neh, I'm fine really, thank you. I should go now." She said as she bow a little and ready to leave the place.

"Wait up, Yung Jee sshi, I will walk you to the bus station." Luhan said as he started following her.

"Ah, no its okay. I can..."

"Well, I will walk you to bus station or I will go grab my bike at home and send you straight home. So, choose." Luhan said and he grinned at her.

"Okay then if you insist." She sigh and start walking.

They were both didn't said anything at all and just walk quietly. It does feel awkward for Yung Jee, but Luhan feel nothing of course. He was calm the whole time. They arrive at the bus station and a bus came afterward. Luhan just wave his hand and he already leaving.

Yung Jee is infront of the entrance and she turnaround and shout. "Luhan sshi, thank you again for earlier!" She said and saw Luhan turnaround, he was saying something but she can't hear him. She went into the bus and sat at the back. "He said 'my pleasure' I think." She mumbled quietly and smile.



"I'm home." Yung Jee as she open the door. She take off her shoes and she went to the living room.

"Your home." Her dad said.

"Appa, you're early today." She said and she sat next to her dad.

"and you're late, Appa already cooked dinner for us.

" He said to her. "Mian, the lesson finish a bit late. So..." she got interrupted.

"It's okay, don't worry Appa not mad. So, how was it?" Her dad said.

"The lesson when well and the teacher is nice." Yung Jee said.

"That's good then. How's Minna? Its been long time Appa didn't talk with her." Her dad said while patting on her shoulder.

"She's fine Appa, I already ask her to join us for dinner tommorow." She reply to her dad.

"Really? Alright then, let's eat now." Her Appa said as he stood and take Yung Jee arm.

Yung Jee and her dad are really close and they share almost everything. She never kept any secret from her dad.

"Appa, truth is there are few people we met today since Appa know unnie's...really friendly." Yung Jee said while washing the dishes with her Appa.

"Owh really? Who are they?" Her dad ask curiously.

"They are some people that work at famous club that unnie always said and some of their other friends." She said.

"Owh, that club. Seems like there are many?" Her dad ask again.

"Neh, they are many of them and unnie have a crush on one of them." She reply.

"Appa don't think that's good, especially when you don't know them well." Her dad advise her.

"Gwenchana yo Appa, they are not that bad and they are actually quite nice to us." Yung Jee said.

"Hmm, what they do for a living really?" Her dad question. Yung Jee's dad usually really strict about guy friend.

"One of them is the owner of the club and some of them work at the club too. The rest have their own job." Yung Jee explain.

"Owh...that's good since they all must be very independent." Her dad praised.

"They are really independant Appa." She added again.

"As long as they could be trusted then its okay to be friend with them but Appa need to meet them." Her dad state.

"Araso Appa. I will be careful." She said and her dad when to his study room to continue his work.

Yung Jee went straight to her room to sleep.

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Gonna UPDATE tonight after I charge my laptop first!


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kuromi_hanami91 #1
I keep losing my bid for this fic...aigoo! I wonder if i were able to finish this fic!
kuromi_hanami91 #2
Chapter 4: i want to update but i cant on9 using my laptop......i already type it using my phone but i still need to edit it when on9 on laptop..grr i cant post now since the writing will be messy.
Seems Interesting! keep writing author-nim!! Would you mind checking out my fanfic? sorry for advertising :DD