I won't leave you

If Only

“Teukie, I’m taking Heebum to the vet, he’s not feeling well,” Heechul had just walked into the lounge room holding a perfectly fine looking Heebum, but according to Heechul he’s deathly sick.

“Ok sure, just take someone with you will you?” Leeteuk had been paranoid that they were going to have another incident like Zhou Mi’s so he wasn’t letting anyone out of the dorms alone.

“Sure umma. Sungmin-ah?” Heechul called out throughout the 12th floor dorm, but he got no reply. “Sungmin? Where’s Sungmin?” he turned to anyone who would listen, which happened to be a passing Yesung. With almost all the other members from their floor away in China, he and Eunhyuk had taken to spending their time on the 12th floor.

“Sungmin? I haven’t seen him since Hankyungs Skype call. I thought he was in his room,” Leeteuk was already out of his seat, his coffee already forgotten. He dashed down the hall to Sungmin and Kyuhyuns room, throwing open the door in his haste.

“Sungmin! Are you here?” When he received no reply he was down to the 11th floor in an instant. “Sungmin-ah! Where are you?” A sheen of sweat was forming on his brow and his heart beat was quickening as a panic started to set in. What kind of a leader was he if he didn’t know where s were? “Has anyone tried calling him?”

“Teukie! Calm down! He’s probably just gone for a walk, this has hit him pretty hard,” Heechul had made it down to the lower floor and was shaking the older man by the shoulders. He was met with a fierce glare.

“You think I don’t know that? You don’t think that I notice how much it is tearing this band apart? Again! I know that it’s killing Sungmin! I know that Kibum feels awkward being here! But what can I do to stop it? What kind of a leader am I?” He was starting to completely breakdown in Heechuls arms. Right before he reduced to a puddle of tears, Heechul handed him over to Yesung and Eunhyuk, who had joined them downstairs.

“It’s ok Junsu. I’m going to go find him, Kibum come with me, Kangin, Yesung and Hyukjae stay here, Shindong is at home, call him if you need something,” He headed out the door, Kibum trailing behind him, both attempting to hide their smiles. Their plan was working perfectly.

“You’re awkward staying here? Why?” Kibum had expected to be subject to grilling after that comment. He was going to kill Leeteuk.

“Because…I haven’t seen anyone since I announced that I was leaving. Especially under these circumstances, it was strange seeing everyone again. I mean of course I love being back with the band…Well, most of them…But I know it was tense after I left, so coming back, I felt responsible. And don’t start; I know it’s not my fault what happened to Zhou Mi. But it still feels strange being back, knowing what pain I caused everyone,” Heechul was stunned. He would have hugged his favourite dongsaeng, but he was driving and they didn’t need two more members in hospital.

“You should know us well enough to know that we didn’t hold any of it against you. We didn’t blame you Kibum. We wanted you to happy, that’s all,” A small smile resonated from the younger man. As much as he blamed himself, it was nice to know that he was forgiven by the rest of the members. “He’s here,” Heechul had pulled up at the park and saw Sungmin sitting on the bench. Except he wouldn’t have recognised him if he didn’t know what the younger man was going to look like. Kibums makeup artist and stylist had done an amazing job at making him unrecognisable. His hair had been dyed, his skin was darker than it naturally was, he seemed so much taller and there wasn’t a scrap of pink in his outfit. Sungmin was an entirely different person.

“Hyung, you made it. Did it work?”

“Yesung and Eunhyuk will keep them occupied until we can get you on the plane,” Sungmin simply nodded, understanding what that really meant. Leeteuk was extremely upset and the other two members that were in on the plan were trying to prevent their leader from having a complete and utter meltdown. He hated himself for doing this, but he was sure that the oldest member would forgive him and understand why he was doing what he was.

“What are you going to do?” His voice was barely audible; he was worried what was going to happen to his friends after he left.

“We’ll wait around in the city until we get call from Eunhyuk. He’ll let us know when Hangeng calls, who now doubt will call as soon as you turn up. Then we can head home and hopefully avoid a bashing from Kangin,” Seeing his dongsaengs worried look Heechul softened his voice. “Don’t worry Min, we’ll be fine. You just go make sure Seasoning makes it through. Hangengs too protective and won’t tell me what’s actually happening. I’m counting on you to tell me the truth Sungmin,” They pulled up at the airports back entrance where a security guard was waiting for them. He was to Sungmin through the airport but not attract attention to themselves.

“Don’t worry hyung. I won’t lie to you. Take care of yourself ok?” He got a reassuring smile from both the men in the car before donning his hat and glasses and following the security guard into the airport, one step closer to being with the man he loved.


The flight was unbelievably long and the ride to the hospital was even worse. But when he walked through those doors, the reality of what he was walking into hit him. He was in hospital, visiting his near dead friend. The man that had made him believe without realising it. When he thought of Zhou Mi and that gorgeous smile, he felt happier, his problems disappeared. Sungmin started to have second thoughts about wanting to be there. Could he handle seeing the man he loved lying on a hospital bed, fighting for his life?

“Sungmin hyung?” Sungmin looked up at the sound of his name. Siwon had seen him and now all the members were making their way over to the new arrival to the hospital waiting room.

“Sungmin? What are you doing here? No one said you were coming?” Hangeng had detangled his limbs from a weak looking Donghae and was by Sungmins side, wiping his tears that the younger man didn’t even notice.

“They don’t know I’m here. I’m sorry hyung I had to come see him! Manager hyung wasn’t going to let me so Heechul hyung and Kibum helped me and I’ve made everyone worry I’m so sorry!” Sungmin almost collapsed from not breathing and fell into Hangengs arms. All the members were shocked as to why Sungmin was so insistent on seeing Zhou mi, except Kyuhyun of course, but no one wanted to ask just yet. Hangeng led the younger man to a chair and he was surrounded by the members of the Chinese sub group.

“I have to call Leeteuk hyung, just stay here Sungmin, it’ll be ok,” Hangeng walked out to let the leader know they found the bunny, and already Donghae looked lost without his boyfriend by his side. Henry was in the seat next to him, his hair, but it didn’t make a difference. Ryeowook had moved to see his hyung, but was once again curled up by Siwons side. Leaving just Kyuhyun and Sungmin to talk.

“Do you want to see him?” Sungmin was sitting down, but edgy in his seat. He nodded at the maknae and was led into a hospital room, the other members eyes locked on his back.

He thought he had prepared himself for what he would see but there was nothing that could prepare him for what he saw. The normally bright and cheerful chinese man was now lying on a plastic sheet, in a pool of his own blood. He gasped and more tears spilled from his eyes.

“It’s ok Min; he’s not in danger from losing that blood. We’ve been giving him transfers,” It was only now that Sungmin saw the bandages on both his arms.

“Take my blood! Please I want to help him!” The pink lover was already rolling up his sleeves.

“Sungmin…Sungmin hyung! You’re anaemic remember? You can’t give blood,” Sungmins face fell, not wanting to believe that he couldn’t help his angel. “Just talk to him, that’s all we can do. I’ll give you a minute,” Kyuhyuns hand dropped from his arm and he heard the door close behind him. He moved to the plastic chair next to the bed and sunk down; looking for a place to hold the lanky foreigner, but every part of his body seemed to be covered in bloody gauze and bruises.

“Hey Mim. I don’t know if you can hear me, but Kyuhyun seems to think you can, so here goes. I wish I could have told you how I feel, properly. I mean I’ve said I love you, but never in a way that meant any more than the other members. But the truth is I really do love you Zhou Mi, more than you can imagine. There is nothing more I want right now than for you to wake up. I know you can. And I swear when you wake up I’ll tell you everything. I won’t be a coward anymore. Remember all those times the anti-fans were horrible to you and Henry? You made it through that. When Kibum went to acting, you were there to help me through when I felt horrible. So now it’s my turn, I won’t leave you. I swear I will help you through this,” He had settled for clasping his hands on his friend’s bed, but suddenly sat up to place a feather light kiss to his forehead, which was miraculously free of scars. “Please wake up Mim, I need you here,” Sungmins eyes swept over the man in front of him, taking in every inch of him. His eyes were swollen and purple, his beautiful face was covered in cuts and bruises and Sungmin didn’t even want to think about how many of his bones were most likely broken. “I love you,” He was sure that Zhou Mi didn’t hear his whisper, but he felt better finally saying it, and not being worried about what was going to be said about him. He pressed a final kiss to the unconscious man’s forehead before stumbling his way out of the room, tears blurring his view. Hangeng was the first person to reach him, catching the younger man before he hit the ground.

“It’s a bit shocking isn’t it? Don’t worry Sungmin, he’ll be fine. He’s stronger than we think, there’s nothing that can stop him,” The chinese man held Sungmin close to his chest and lightly rocked him back and forth in the chair until he felt him drift off to sleep. “Poor thing,” He was whispering as to not wake the sleeping boy, but everyone else was silent so they heard it perfectly. “He can’t have slept in days. Kyu why didn’t he tell anyone?”

“He was scared hyung. Mainly that Zhou Mi would reject him, but also what other people would think of him.”

“Why would we judge him? So many of the members are gay themselves,” Siwon gestured to the sleeping Ryeowook on his lap as if to prove his point.

“Not necessarily the members, but everyone else. He’s not a hugely confident person, so he overthinks everything,” Kyuhyun shrugged just as the doctor came up to speak to the band.

“You are all free to stay in his room tonight if you wish,” The doctor gave them a small smile before returning to his work. Hangeng looked at the members and nodded, picking up a still sleeping Sungmin and carrying him to the bed that was set up next to Zhou Mi. Ryeowook was small enough to remain sleeping on Siwons lap.

“How did Leeteuk hyung sound when you called?” Henry had spoken for the first time in days, most likely needing a distraction from his best friend lying in front of him.

“He was relieved, they had thought that Sungmin had gone missing, no one knew it was a plan by Heechul. Under different circumstances they would have figured it out I’m sure, Kibum managed to. Thank god he did or it would have been hard for Sungmin to get here. But it’s not Leeteuk hyung I’m worried about. Manager hyung was in earshot and he didn’t sound happy. I hope they don’t do anything drastic,” Hangeng looked at the sullen faces of s and regrated what he said. They didn’t need any extra worry right now. However they knew now, there was no taking it back. “Let’s get some sleep, it’s late,” The other people in the room seemed reluctant but Hangeng was pulling the leader card at the moment and collected blankets for them all. Once they were all settled he allowed Donghae to curl up next to him and listened as the dancers breathing changed and Hangeng knew he was asleep. It took him a few moments himself to go under, but the look of all his ‘children’ around him sleeping silently was enough to calm him. They were all asleep within minutes.

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;-; get's me every time...so beautiful