We have a plan

If Only

“You’re going to need more than just my help for this Min,” Heechul was pondering over the immense task Sungmin had just given him. He may be a genius when it comes to eluding their manager’s rules, but this was a feat he was going to need backup for.

“You’re not going to tell Teukie-hyung are you?” Sungmin had retreated to his shy demeanour once again, apparently over his burst of determination.

“Are you kidding me? Between him and Kangin, if they knew, we’d never get away with this. Of course not, I was thinking Yesung or Hyukjae. Actually yeah, Hyukkie will do anything if I ask him.”

“Hyung, don’t bully him into anything,” Heechul gave him a pout, fake of course, and started sulking.

“You ruin all my fun.”

“Hyung! Zhou mi is in hospital and is seriously injured! Now is not the time to be having fun!” Sungmin startled himself with his informal language and expected a scolding form the older man. But he didn’t get one.

“You’re right, sorry Sungmin,” Heechul hung his head in what seemed like shame, but that couldn’t be right. This was Kim Heechul we were talking about here. “I know someone that can help us,” And without any form of an explanation he pulled out his phone and started dialling. This was not good. Sungmin needed someone to talk to or he was going to start thinking about Zhou Mi and what had happened to him. Thinking about how much pain he was probably in, if he was going to wake up. No. He couldn’t start imagining what it would be like if he didn’t wake up. It would tear him apart. Heechul was still talking and he needed something to do or he was going to have a mental breakdown. He motioned to the older man that he was leaving and received nothing but a nod of acknowledgement. He swore it was impossible to understand that man sometimes. He left the room and somehow ended up outside Yesungs door. He knocked tentatively at the older man’s door, only to open it to Eunhyuks face.

“Hyukkie? Sorry I’ll come back later if you guys are busy,” He turned to leave but was interrupted by the turtle lover.

“Sungmin-ah its ok, come on in,” Eunhyuk stepped aside to let his hyung inside the small room.

“I’m sorry. I just wanted to talk to someone so I didn’t think about…” He trailed off and both the other members were immediately at his side.

“It’s ok hyung, we understand,” Eunhyuks small muscly arms wrapped around him, providing more comfort than he had expected.

“We really do Min,” Yesung emphasised this, causing Sungmin to wonder what they really knew. Yesung must have noticed his confused expression. “Kyuhyun kinda told us,” The oldest of the three was biting his lip in worry at how the pink boy was going to react, but he simply nodded.

“Figured he must have told him told someone,” Tears began to betray him as he felt his eyes start to burn. “I’m so scared hyung!” He all but fell into Yesungs arms, hot tears flooding his cheeks and soaking the other man’s shirt. Just the sight of his favourite hyung crying was enough to make Eunhyuk start crying as well. So when Heechul walked in to a sea of tears and hugs, he was surprised to say the least.

“See what happens when I leave you guys alone for five minutes? I’m guessing you guys know?” He asked flicking his gaze between the confused faces of Eunhyuk and Yesung.

“They didn’t,” Sungmin almost laughed at Heechuls reaction when he realised he’d been close to revealing their secret. “But I guess they may as well know now. You had said you were going to ask Hyukkie anyway.”

“Ask me what?”

“We need your help,” When Heechul didn’t elaborate Eunhyuk turned to Sungmin for help, but his face was buried into Yesungs shoulder again. “We can’t talk about it here, if manager hyung finds out he’ll skin us alive,” This made fear replace confusion in the two clueless singers. “Come on, I’ll take you guys for a drive,” Heechul passed Leeteuks room which conveniently had the manager and Kangin inside as well.

“I’m just taking them for a drive, get them some fresh air,” the fact that Sungmin and Eunhyuk were obviously crying helped, so both Leeteuk and the manager simply nodded, but not before the leader stepped into the hallway to give his dongsaengs a reassuring hug and a kiss on the forehead. Which of course only made Sungmin cry more, realising what he was about to do to his beloved umma.

Heechul only took them about 10 minutes away from the dorms, but it was enough. However it was freezing outside so they stayed in the car, making the conversation slightly awkward to try and discuss openly, given that Yesung could barely see Heechul.

“We’re sneaking Sungmin out to China to be with Zhou Mi,” Well Heechul was certainly to the point; he had left the other two men speechless.

“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, when manager hyung finds out we’re going to be in big trouble,” Sungmin had taken their stunned faces as unwillingness and was quick to try and remedy the situation, Heechul however had no such patience.

“As if. They’ll help us, won’t you guys?”

“Of course hyung, what do you need us to do?” Heechul was right; Eunhyuk would do whatever he was told if it was Heechul doing the ordering.

“See Min, I told you so. If I can’t see Seasoning then someone has to. As for you two –” Heechul was cut off by a knock at the window. It was Kibum. Yesung opened the door for him immediately, since it was clear he was freezing to death outside.

“Kibum ah? What are you doing here? And how did you know where here was? Even I don’t know,” Yesung fired a look at Heechul, wondering if this was part of his plan, but he only received a shrug in return.

“When I asked Teukie hyung where you were he told me you’d gone for a drive, so I tracked the GPS in the car. When I saw it came here I figured it was something secret. So I want in, whatever it is,” He had gotten a death glare from the oldest member in the car at the mention of tracking them. “What? Don’t you remember getting the tracking devices in the phones so we always knew where everyone was?”

“Yeah, but that was after debut, everyone has replaced their phones since then.”

“Acting doesn’t pay as well as you’d expect Heechul, besides there’s nothing wrong with this phone,” He held up the phone that had a large crack in the screen. “Well, the tracking at least came in handy this time. What are you guys planning? And how can I help?” the other members were taken aback at how easily the actor had figured out their real reason for being parked here, but no one other than Heechul, who was frowning and still vowing to buy the missing member a new phone, would voice their concerns.

“Why does being here mean we were planning something?” Kibum just smirked at his closest hyung.

“Heechul, if you were going to take them for a drive to cheer them up, you would have gone to a bar,” the diva had to admit, he had him there.

“Fine, but what makes you think we’ll let you in on it?”

“Heechul hyung, think about it. Kibum could actually be really helpful, I mean he would have contacts in the travel business right Kibum-ah?” Kibum looked at the blonde haired man beside him, confused as to why he would need to contact friends that could help him travel. Was Sungmin going on a vacation or something?

“Uh yeah I guess I do? Why?”

“Oh right, we’re going to get Sungmin to China…” The original maknae looked more informed after hearing that. “Without manager hyung or Junsu finding out,” Except that made his eyes widen faster than Kyuhyun could hook up his computer to a game console.

“And how the hell do you think you can do that?” He got a frown from Yesung at his extremely informal language but he ignored it. “The leaders of the band and you think they won’t notice that one of the members is missing?”

“Oh they’ll notice alright. Junsu will have warning bells if one of his babies is missing in a second. But by the time they do, he’ll be long gone, and we’ll deal with it from this end,” Kibum looked at the man in question, wondering why it was so important that he got to China, but decided that now was probably not the best time to ask.

“Ok then. What do you need from me?” Sungmin smiled gratefully at the smaller man and turned to Heechul to explain the plan.

“So basically, we need to get him a plane ticket to China and a car to the hospital from the airport, without releasing any of our identities or using our credit cards or someone will find out. We’ll need to disguise Sungmin pretty well too, because if someone recognises him at the airport, managers are going to alerted and everything will fall apart,” He glanced between the members, making sure they were all keeping up.

“So you really don’t need us at all?” Yesung piped up from the backseat.

“Well, not as much I would have without Kibum helping, but I can still find use for you Sungie. Don’t fret dear,” The red spread over Yesungs cheeks at the endearment.

“Well tell me what I can do, I want to help,” Sungmin couldn’t tell what Yesung was more eager to do, help his dongsaeng or defy management.

“You can help by distracting Leeteuk and Kangin. If either of those two find out it’s game over, you know how hard it is for them to keep a secret,” Everyone nodded at that. Their umma and appa were not known for their ability to keep their lips zipped. “It’s not going to be easy either, so Hyukjae can help you. Is that ok Hyukkie?”

“Of course,” The monkey smiled at the chance of helping in a grand master plan. Even if he was only playing the red herring.

“Um hyung. How do you expect me to be able to fly overseas without involving my identity? Trying to alert them of my arrival will need approval by the manager, and any other way requires I.D.” Heechul frowned; he hadn’t gotten that far with his plan yet. Apparently Kibum had though.

“I can handle that hyung. I use a different airline to you guys. I can alert them that you’ll be arriving and to collect you under a fake name as to not attract attention. It will only need approval form my manager and she’ll do that without needing a huge explanation,” He received grateful smiles from both Heechul and Sungmin.

“Thankyou Kibummie. I seriously owe you.”

“No you don’t hyung, I know how bad it affected you when I left, so consider this my apology,” Sungmin was about to argue when Heechul brought them back to subject at hand.

“That’s great Kibum, how soon can you book it by?”

“Tomorrow probably. I can call them now if you like?” He received an enthusiastic nod from Heechul who was extremely pleased that his plan was coming together.

“So you have a female manager aye?” Heechul asked teasingly.

“Ah ha,” Kibum winked along with his vague answer which made the older man smile. He’d taught him well.

The conversation between Kibum, his travel agent and manager was relatively short considering the massive favour he was asking. But it seemed that Kibum had his manager wrapped around his little finger so there weren’t any difficulties.

“I’ll tell Hangeng to call a few hours before your flight, so it will at least seem like a spur of the moment thing. If manager knew we planned this we’d be hung for our crimes,” Sungmin visibly gulped at the violent reference Heechul was making. 

“10:30am tomorrow morning. You’re booked under your own name but they will pick you up under Jaehyun. You ready to go to China hyung?” Kibum smiled when he saw the beam coming from Sungmins face.

He’d almost forgotten why he was going overseas in the first place. All he was game to think about was seeing his Mimi. No matter what shape he was in. He just had to be with him, there was no other choice.

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