There's been an accident

If Only

 “Group meeting! Lounge room now!” The manager was running around, bashing on all the doors in the dorm. He jerked Sungmin out of a daze and he looked at the nearly empty music sheet in front of him. He’d been attempting to write a song, but nothing was coming to mind at the moment. The manager seemed urgent to see everyone so he left all his work on his desk and almost ran straight into Eunhyuk on the way out.

“Sorry hyung, I didn’t hear the door open,” Sungmin muttered a forgiving reply before falling to step with the monkey. “So you have any idea what manager hyung wants to talk to us about?”

“No idea, he seemed pretty stressed though, I hope nothing’s wrong,” He may have been saying this, but Sungmins thoughts were already straying to other things.

Mainly what they had always been straying to lately, his favourite Chinese member. Too bad it wasn’t the one he lived with. The amount of times Kyuhyun had caught him looking through his phone at all the pictures he had of Zhou Mi was embarrassing to admit. His roommate was the only one who knew how he felt. How much it hurt to know that the man he loved was in a completely different country to him. And overall, had no idea how he felt. Kyuhyun had no idea why Sungmin was torturing himself and didn’t simply tell the tall fashionista how he felt, but Sungmin knew he didn’t have nearly enough courage to confess his feelings. But he pushed all this out of his mind as he and Eunhyuk reached the lounge room where everyone else was already gathered around a distressed looking manager.

“Good you’re here. I just had a call from Henry,” Sungmins interest perked up at this, what involved henry almost always involved Zhou Mi. “There’s been an accident…Zhou Mi has been taken to hospital, they said he’s not in a good state,” Sungmins heart plummeted. No. No this could not be happening again. The stress and trauma of what happened to Kyuhyun had almost destroyed them; he wasn’t sure how the band could go through something like this again. A tentative hand on his shoulder reminded him that the man that he loved was currently lying in a hospital bed, quite possibly fighting for his life. But that was typical Sungmin, he thought of all the members before himself. There were rounds of gasps and even tears from a few members, the select few that rarely cried were attempting to comfort those who do. Kyuhyun, Heechul and Kangin had their arms full of weeping members, whispering comforts in their ears although they themselves had no idea what was happening. “I understand it’s hard for you all and you must all want to be there with him, but I’m afraid that’s not possible,” As expected there were numerous shouts of disapproval. “So we have decided to send the members of Super Junior M over to China to be by the side of Zhou Mi and Henry,” To the rest of the band this seemed relatively reasonable, but to Sungmin it was his worst nightmare. He wasn’t a member of the Chinese sub-group so there was no way he was going to be allowed to go with them. Their manager wasn’t known for his ability to negotiate or reason. He could try pleading and of course he would, but without divulging his secret, he didn’t like his chances. However, it would appear that he didn’t need to.

“Manager hyung, can we take Sungmin hyung as well please? I’d like him there,” Everyone looked at the evil maknae, shocked to say the least. Even though they knew he and Sungmin were close, it wasn’t of his character to challenge the manager, which was usually left up to one of the older, more daring members.

“I’m sorry Kyuhyun, but Sungmin needs to stay here and carry on with the promotions while you’re away. There’s going to be enough members missing as it is, we can’t afford for anymore to be gone.”

“How can you even talk about stuff like that when Zhou Mi is in hospital?” Now that comment wasn’t surprising or debated, Heechul was simply saying what everyone was thinking.

“I will not argue this with you Heechul. Kyuhyun, Hankyung, Donghae, Ryeowook and Siwon and will leave for China tonight; the rest of you will remain in Korea. That is final,” The manager then walked out of the room without a backwards glance at the stunned group of men. There was a silence in the room that everyone hated but no one knew how to break it.

“Someone should call Kibum. He would want to know,” Ryeowook had been silent up until now, huddled up to Siwons side.

“I’ll do it, you guys should pack,” Leeteuk had his phone out and was already leaving the room. “I shouldn’t have to say it but Kyuhyun-ah please take your laptop,” A small chuckle was released from the room for the first time in what felt like forever. “We’d like to Skype with you and keep updated.”

“Don’t worry hyung. I’ll take it, I wouldn’t dream of not seeing your face for that long,” A huge smile broke out over the leaders face. He loved being told by his dongsaengs that they cared about him. Kyuhyun knew that and that was exactly why he said it. His best friend was in hospital and he was still attempting to make his hyungs feel better.

“Thankyou Kyuhyun. Now, go pack,” He was back into leader mode as the lounge room emptied, leaving Kyuhyun and Sungmin alone.

“I’m so sorry hyung, I tried but - ”

“No don’t be silly Kyu, it’s not your fault. Seriously what’s with you calling me hyung? It’s strange. Come on, let’s go get you packed,’ Sungmin attempted to pull the evil maknae from the couch but the younger man had a concerned look on his face.

“But -”

“Yah, no arguing with your hyung,” Sungmin smirked as he lead the way to their shared bedroom.

“But you just said….Aish really,” Kyuhyun shook his head before following the pink lover.

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