The Painter of Bones (LJ)

Story Recommendations

Title: The Painter of Bones

Status: Complete

Pairing: Baekyeol

Rated PG-13

Author: printedapples

Word Count: ~22k


He’s used to working with old, dying or dead people. Most certainly not someone as young and fragile, alive, or beautiful as Byun Baekhyun.


Author's opinions:

I litterally just finnished reading this one right before I posted this. It's set back a few years ago it seems like, but it was never said. I loved the creepy-mystery-ish feel it gives off. Its one of those stories that you simply cannot stop thinking about. I don't want to say anymore because I'm afraid I might spoil it.



Story line: 10/10

Grammar: 4.5/5

Length: 5/5

Spelling: 10/10

Descripion: 3/5

Foreward: -

Picture/Poster: -

Overall: 32.5/35

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Chapter 6: this looks cool :D looking forward to updates <3