
Story Recommendations

Title: Revolution

Status: Complete

Tags: Angst, Action, Romance, Exo, Sehun, Luhan, Hunhan

Rated M for most chapters, but isn't too explicit.

Author: Purple Skies

Characters: All Exo members


"Luhan is captured and used as an experiment. It leaves him confused and desparate for answers. They make him do stuff he isn't able to do, have his body bonded intimately by someone he doesn't know and according to his captors, all this is for one thing:

To save the world."


"Why am I here?"

"To save the world."

"That's not much of an answer."


Author's opinions:

I personally think that this is one of the best stories I've ever read. It doesn't move too slow or too fast, It keeps the readers wanting to find out what happens next, and there isn't too much . The chapters are kind of long, which makes me feel like I'm watching a drama. Truely, If this is made into a movie, I would pay to go see it twice.

Oh, and another thing, I really like the forward and the description. They're straight forward and they don't spoil the story too much. All descriptions and forwards should be like that -cough-




Story line: 10/10

Grammar: 5/5

Length: 5/5

Spelling: 10/10

Descripion: 5/5

Foreward: 5/5

Picture/Poster: 4/5

Overall: 44/45

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Chapter 6: this looks cool :D looking forward to updates <3