Fine China

Story Recommendations

Title: Fine China

Status: Completed

Tags: Leo, Vixx, Ravi, Wontaek

Rated PG-13

Author: wontaeks

Characters: Wonshik, Taekwoon, Hakyeon, Hongbin


He's very beautiful, Wonshik thinks, with his straight nose and poised small mouth. His angular eyes are guarded, holding back secrets and masking emotions. Wonshik leans forward to look as closely at the man's cagey eyes as he can, wondering what exactly they might be hiding. 


No porward posted. 



Author's opinions:

woah a vixx story that was unexpected. I was looking for LeoXeveryone nasty fanfics but stumbled apon this one instead. normally i only ship Leo with N but this was just great really. IMO this should be marked for angst and romance btw, but it's not tagged. It was my first story that i read of VIXX and i have no regrets ok this is great




Story line: 10/10

Grammar: 5/5

Length: 5/5

Spelling: 10/10

Descripion: 5/5

Foreward: 0/5

Picture/Poster: -/5

Overall: 35/40

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Chapter 6: this looks cool :D looking forward to updates <3