Picking up: Calling GreenGardenPop

Coffee, Books and My Thoughts {Review Shop} [Batch 1] {Finishing requests}



Memory i n the Rain

The reviewer: Gen (ClairDeLune)



“Memory in the Rain”, when I see the tittle, I can know that this is an angst story without looking at a tag. The tittle expresses the mood really well, although I haven’t read your story yet. I have to admit that I like this tittle. It brings to me the sad feeling like everything is blurry and cold in the rain. But it brings to me the romantic feeling, too. Maybe it’s because I like rainy days so I think it’s romantic in somehow. I do not find anything wrong with this tittle. But I am not so sure that this tittle will stay in my mind long enough.



The first impression:

I will talk about your poster first. I have to be brutally honest with you that the poster turns me off. I know it’s an angst story so it’s supposed to look somehow like that but it’s too blurry and its color is not good. I can see that you use the poster for your story’s background too. I think it is perfectly fine because the color itself is simple and plain so when the readers read your story, they will not be distracted. The proof is me! I do not get distracted when I read your story.

Moving to the description and foreword, I find that they’re brilliant! I love that you wrote your foreword in the poetic way. It makes your story more outstanding than the other stories. Just a really small thing, you may think that I am too picky but I wish that you can fix your description a little, like you can make two sentences have the same font and size. Then, it will be perfect. Otherwise, you make me definitely want to read more.

This is not in your description or in your foreword but girl, how did you add music into your story? Oh my goodness! It’s purely beautiful! I love the music. It really builds my mood for your story! I think the music give your story a lot advantages because the music can affect to the readers’ mood and emotion. Good job, author!




I think that you did a fantastic job for your plot. However, to be honest, your plot is not new or fresh. I loved the beginning until I reach to the part about the arranged marriage between Jaejoong and Jiyeon, I feel something disenchanted in me. This thing makes me wonder why people so exciting about an arranged marriage. I know that this is fanfiction and it’s supposed to be that way but this kind of plot is the way too overrated. I do not know how about the others, but about me, I have to be brutally honest with you that I am not as eager to read it as before. However, in the next part, I am sure a thing that for those who love the romantic type of story, they will love your story really really much. You wrote it really well as it is a romantic movie. I think that I can see what is happening in your story by my eyes. I have a small question, actually, this is not really a big deal, I am just curious, haha, but… the blue pajama, is it her? I mean that that pajama is for girl? If it’s not, how could she have a male pajama? Haha, it’s a weird question but suddenly, I am so curious about it. In the next part, you make me think, “woa, this is a really romantic story. She wrote it so well done.” However, I do not feel heart-wrenching about it. Yes, what you wrote is a really sad thing but oddly, I do not feel anything except the romance in your story. I have a compliment for you because you wrote more in detail and you chose words as well as the grammar structures wisely so you made the old plot still captivating and stir people’s interest. Good job!




You portrait the emotions and actions of each characters pretty detailed. I am glad that I can read a lot of sentences that you described how they acted, how their faces expressed, how their emotions changed. I like it! Not so many authors in AFF uses the rule “show, don’t tell”. Sure, it will be easier to tell straightly to the readers how they feel but in other hand, it doesn’t make the story become special.

Myungsoo, based on what I feel when I read your story, is a sensitive and loving guy. He has the unconditional love for Jiyeon. He loves Jiyeon too much that his missing for Jiyeon becomes something like a hallucination or maybe not. He even doesn’t know. About Jiyeon, the way you described her makes me think that she is an angel indeed but Mary Sue. No, I don’t have any feeling that she’s a Mary Sue type. I have a feeling that she’s a very cute, honest and lovely girl.



Writing style and Language:

First of all, the way you use the language is simply beautiful. I read your story and I would not know that English is not your language if you did not tell me so. Believe me, I know some people whose English is their language do not know how to write a sentence properly. However, I do spot some mistakes in your story and I think that they are basic mistakes. I also want to suggest to you some pieces of my ideas when I read some parts in your story.


My eyes roamed around the room, wondering…

In this sentence, you should use a semicolon or a period to separate two clauses “my eyes roamed around the room” and “wondering where she was now”. Why? It’s because a comma makes me misunderstood your sentence. I am confused about whether your eyes were wondering or you were wondering.


All I could do was just pray…


All I could do was just praying…


… I feel a wonderful sense of inner peace if she was around me and felt lonely if she wasn’t.


… I feel a wonderful sense of inner peace when she was around me and felt lonely when she wasn’t.

In my opinion, replacing “if” by “when” will make the sentence sound smoother. Of course, this is my suggestion, you can use it or not, it’s up to you.


I shook my head to clear my thoughts, erasing her voice


I shook my head to clear my thoughts, to erase her voice.


I then walked over to my desk…


Then, I walked over to my desk…

I think this sentence is not wrong but it sounds little bit awkward to me. When I say it out loud, it does not sound smooth so I give you my suggestion.


…the melody of the music gave her a calming and peaceful feeling,…


…the melody of the music gave her a calm and peaceful feeling…

The word “calm” is an adjective, a noun and a verb. “Calming” is a verb in the present participle tense.




Woa, I like the way that you lead your story. Your flow is perfectly fine. How can you change between the past and the present that smoothly, girl? I am glad that you did tried to use words in order to change the scene. It makes your story more professional and outstanding than the other stories. When I read your story, I can see how reasonable for each event happening. I do not feel rush or slow. For the oneshot, the pace is reasonable.



My thoughts:

Surprisingly, something sweet stays in my mind after I’ve finished your story. Maybe it’s just me because I am weird. Saying that your story is an angst story, yeah maybe, but for me, it’s a lovely romance story. I enjoy reading your story although just only once time that I narrow my eyebrows when I read about the arranged marriage thing. Overall, you are a good writer indeed but I wish that you can challenge yourself more about the plot. It is not bad to try something completely new and fresh, believe me. I can see that many readers giving you compliments, which means that you are not a bad writer so keep on writing, okay.


Have a good day and thank you for requesting at the Coffee, Books and My Thoughts


Please remember to comment when you've received the review and do credit for the shop.


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Calling Emuinthehouse!


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tiancai #1
Title: PIC - Partners In Crime
URL: http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/PIC/
Reviewer: Any.
Genre: Action, friendship, angst (?)
Anything else: Thanks in advance.
Chapter 1: Story Title: Letters To You

Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/510085/letters-to-you-donghae-eunhae-eunhyuk-romance-hyukhae

Reviewer: Any

Genre: Romance,

Anything else: Thank you very much :)
shizunebachi #3
Chapter 10: Story Title: The Guilty Vicarage

Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/396556/the-guilty-vicarage-hongki-jaejin-jonghun-minhwan-mystery-seunghyun-jongjae

Reviewer: Any

Genre: Angst,

Anything else: Not really. Thanks in advance!
Chapter 1: Story Title: From the Shadows

Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/518171/from-the-shadows-action-angst-psychological-fourshot-lay-kris-kray

Reviewer: Any is fine (though you did an excellent job last time Jam!)

Genre: action (later) and angst with a touch of

Anything else: You guys did such an awesome job the last time I’d love to hear what you have to say about this one. Miracle of all miracles, it’s actually relatively short and complete. Haha Please feel free to take your time and I look forward to hearing your review.
Chapter 9: HELLOOOOOOO \o.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Jam again for spending her time to review my not-so-wonderful story. Thank you so much for the nth time! As I said before this, I really can't wait to read the review since I'm too excited. Well anyway, I'm glad to know that you enjoyed the one-shot. For an amateur writer, I never expect that from any of my readers.

But the part that makes me feel delighted the most is the fact that you understand what I tried to interpret. I requested from some other shops, but they've complaint that they don't understand the part 'In spite of he is alone, he doesn't feel lonely at all, he has plenty of things to enjoy here, and someone to wait for'. They said that how I describe Jaejoong doesn't fit that line, but the thing is, they just don't understand that I'm trying to say that he is in denial state. Maybe they just not use to that kind of writing or so.

I will try my best to write another enjoyable stories in the future ^^ (and also credit you asap, of course).

Chapter 10: Thanks for the review! It was quite helpful actually, to see my story from someone else's perspective.

I'm glad you liked Donghae, most people just go on with the whole "omg, I'm so sorry for Hyukjae" act and completedly forget about Donghae!

Anyways, thanks for reviewing my fic! I'll credit this shop in my foreword once I get onto my laptop! Thanks again!
Chapter 8: introduced. I will definitely consider expanding the beginning at this point for at least a little more character development pre-Valkyr status. :)

Thank you for the comment on style as well. I have my hangups and hiccups with some points but I'm glad that it's coming off as at least a little advanced. That is sort of what I'm striving for.

I'm very excited that the flow is paced decently well. It's always a concern of mine and I certainly don't want to rush things but neither do I wish to have something drag on forever. So thank you for that.

In the end, even if it's not your preferred story, I'm glad it was at least mostly enjoyable and thank you again for the review. It has been helpful and I'll credit you and the shop asap. :3
Chapter 8: First off, thank you very much for the review! I was definitely excited when I got the update that it was finished and posted. ^_^

I'll agree the title is a bit longer than my norm but it fit and I'm good with that. With your agreement of it suiting the story, it works for me. I also will agree that the description may be a teensy bit misleading with the 'love' bit but even though romance isn't the focal point of the story, their love is critical to how and why certain things unfold the way they do. I'm glad that the foreword was attention grabbing enough though. I definitely wanted something to catch the eye without being too tell-tale. In reference to blending the game and actual mythology, it's more of a notice so that if anyone's actually familiar with either, they hopefully won't try to take events at face value. I try to explain relevant Norse mythology bits in Author Notes in the subsequent chapters as well to help elaborate on points that I've either pulled straight from the mythos or used a little creative license with.

I'm glad the plot is coming together in an understandable manner, though I have felt a bit iffy with the lack of romance in the first few chapters, especially with my description the way it is. Like you suggested, I think adding a chapter before the prologue would sort of help with the initial development of Daehyun and Yongguk's relationship; at least maybe enough until they do come back together later in the story.

Fair point with the names. Because I'm pulling from the Norse pantheon, I wouldn't change those but I can see why strictly fantasy names paired with Korean names might be a bit confusing. They just tend to be my fallback and default setting when writing fantasy based pieces, especially as it's not taking place in Korea and is actually occurring in various cities across the continent. But again, I do see your point.

I have been told before the prologue was a bit rushed with the way that Daehyun was (cont.)
Chapter 1: Hi guys! So actually I've requested for my story to be reviewed, but when you already did, I've only posted the first chapter. I don't know if you are still accepting request nor that you will accept mine - but if you still are, can you probably review the second and third (final) chapters of my story :-)

Story tittle: Unthriving Vow
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/479526
Reviewer: Since Jam had reviewed the first chapter, it'd be great if she can review the rests :-)
Genre: angst, romance
Anything else: I don't really expect this request to be accepted, though, lol but Jam's review really helped me so I thought it would be great if you can give me more of your thoughts :D
typical #10
Am I late? I hope not, I deleted my book and I would like to cancel it, sorry for the bother. ^^ I will come back though,