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Coffee, Books and My Thoughts {Review Shop} [Batch 1] {Finishing requests}


Recycled Boyfriend

The reviewer: Gen (ClairDeLune)


The tittle:

It makes me curious. The first time I see it, I keep guessing around. I am the type that likes guessing the plot of the story through its tittle. I vaguely guess that this story about the girl who has an on/off relationship with the guy because “recycled boyfriend” mean a boy who you dated before but now, you and that guy come back together. And you prove me wrong. Based on your definition about “recycled boyfriend” I think that the tittle pretty much relates to your story. It suits to the tone of the story. Nothing is heavy or serious in the tittle.



The first impression:

Your description is pretty good, not too wordy and it’s straightforward. But in my opinion, it’s not really interesting and captivating much because I see a lot of description like this on AFF. I’m thinking about something like this:

“Have you ever heard about ‘recycled boyfriend’?

Let Lee Chaerin tell you about it.

Believe me, no one can tell you about it better than her.”

It’s just my suggestion though. I think if you write in this way, you can save the information about your story pretty much better.

Your foreword is interesting but honestly, it turns me off a little bit because I am distracted by the grammar. As I said before, I am not a Grammar Nazi but you made some basic mistakes which I feel hard to ignore. I will turn back to this in the grammar part. I appreciate that you tried to portrait the characters’ emotions like how they act, how their emotions change etc. I’d love to read more about the way you describe how they act and how their expressions change on their faces. Show me, don’t tell me. If they’re sad, describe how sad they are through their faces, their reactions, even if it’s possible, you can describe how their mood by writing about the view around them like how gloomy it is, how sad it is.

Since you don’t have a poster, I won’t talk about your poster. The background doesn’t distract me when I read your story, which is good. Your choice for the font is good because it’s easy to read and you keep it simple, not go crazy like pouring the box of crayon in your description and your foreword.




Talking about the plot, I think it’s fun and entertaining. What you wrote suits to the genres you chose completely. I don’t feel heavy or confused about the plot. I have some small thoughts for each chapter:

Chapter 1: I like how you lead the story. I enjoy the way you describe how Jiyong changes his habit and the way he acts to Chaerin. You give the readers hints that something bad will happen soon. Although I know that he would break up with her, I still keep reading. Why? It’s because I want to see his reactions. When I read stories, I often focus on how the authors describe their characters and how they guide the readers through the story. You do a good job on describing Jiyong’s expression and how Chaerin feels about Jiyong’s odd actions. But I really wish that you can dig it little bit deeper and more details. The interactions between Chaerin and Dara, Chaerin and Cheondong are nothing much to say.

Chapter 2: Isn’t it little too fast for Jiho decides to hit on Chaerin? I mean, look, he’s Chaemi’s admirer (or Chaemi’s lost puppy) and then, he suddenly turns to hit on Chaerin and ask her for a date. In my mind, there are two possible reasons: first, he pretends to be Chaemi’s admirer just to approach Chaerin and second, you write the way too fast. The plot is okay, it’s just little bit awkward to me.

Chapter 3: In this chapter, I find it’s hilarious in some parts. I like that you build up the scenes and stuffs.

Chapter 4: Okay, so I guess that Jiyong has an arranged marriage, right? Please tell me that I’m wrong. Because if it is… I’ll scream. Just make Jiyong go cuckoo or something, but try to not get into an arranged marriage because it’s not really realistic, hundred years ago, yes, it’s very realistic but now, I don’t think so. I love how much Dara loves her friend, especially when Chaerin said that she wetted Dara’s favorite jacket and Dara replied that she loved Chaerin more. I love that part. It’s short but it brings to me a warm feeling.




About Chaerin, based on what I read through your story, she is a tough and confident girl outside but she has the soft and sensitive heart inside. When she falls in love, she falls hard. Her love for Jiyong is really big that although they broke up and she swore that she would not cry for him, she still cried for him and missed him. Because your story just begins so that’s what I can tell about your character. For me, it’s realistic. Yes, I think that I can meet someone like that in the real life.

About Jiyong, honestly, I can’t say much about him. I just have a feeling that he’s not a jerk. You didn’t reveal much about his thoughts and his emotions so it’s hard to judge him anything. Through Chaerin’s words, he’s a bright and cheerful guy. He likes teasing her and he’s little bit careless.

About Dara, I like her. Her personality is cute and warm. Her personality is very believable. She is not the air-head or some girls who are too hyper as they’re on crack.

About Jiho, you make me feel little annoyed to him. Haha, maybe it’s because I don’t like that type of guy so when I read about how he reacts, I feel annoyed and I keep thinking “, Chaerin, just walk away! There you go girl, walk away! He’s not your type!”



Writing style and Language:

Okay, it’s grammar time!

Like I said before, I am not a Grammar Nazi but when I read your story, although your plot is interesting, I feel distracted and little bit turn off.

The first thing that bugs me a lot is your choice of tenses. When you write a story, you should stay constantly with one tense either present tense or past tense. Normally, people usually use simple past when they write stories but in newspapers or magazines, sometimes, you will see that people use simple present, too. Why? It’s because the simple present will make their articles livelier and more truly as the readers are watching that scene by their own eyes.

I will correct some typical sentence, then, I hope that you will read your story again and fix some similar mistakes.


“I chewed my bottom lips, hoping he was lying. Hoping he was just fooling around.”


“I chewed my bottom lips. I hoped he was lying, hoped he was just fooling around.”


Don’t capitalize the beginning of the conversation in the sentence. If you want to capitalize it, then you put the period before it.

I mustered all of my courage to ask him, “Is there another girl?”


I mustered all of my courage to ask him. “Is there another girl?” or

I mustered all of my courage to ask him, “is there another girl?”


There are some run-out sentences.

Thankfully, we were driving using our car today.


Thankfully, we used our own cars today.

It will be shorter and make more sense.


But there are just times when I think she is more a lot like my mother than a friend.


But there are times when I think she is much more like my mother than my friend.


The workers there are mainly consist of women…


The workers mainly are women.


There is a confusing sentence:

“I am, Sandara. I am going to have a better boyfriend than him, but not finding one. I’ll just let him come to me naturally, you know? Just how Jiyong come to me naturally.”


“I am, Lee Chaerin. I am going to have a better boyfriend than him. Not finding one but I’ll let him come to me naturally, you know, just like how Jiyong came to me naturally.”

Didn't I misundertand something? Chaerin says this quote, doesn't she?


Changing from the direct quote to the indirect quote:

… without asking me whether there’s anybody or not


…without asking me whether there was anybody or not


There are many more mistakes which are similar to those mistakes which I pointed out. I hope that you will read your story again and correct them or you just simply put them in Word, I’m pretty sure that it’ll help a lot.




As I mentioned above, I think that Jiho’s decision is too fast, otherwise, your story has a good flow and it’s smooth. But I really crave for some transition. I know that the red dots thingy are for changing the scene but you should challenge yourself to use words more.



My Thoughts:

Your story is still on-going and things happening are interesting. Your writing is not bad, to be honest, but you need to improve your grammar skill. I can understand in general what is happening in your story, it’s pretty simple to understand though and I can see a lot of people supporting for your story. I can understand that English is not your language but keep improving your grammar skill because it’ll make the readers understand what you want to say more and they’re not distracted when they read your work. Keep on writing, okay.


Have a good day and thank you for requesting at the Coffee, Books and My Thoughts


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tiancai #1
Title: PIC - Partners In Crime
URL: http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/PIC/
Reviewer: Any.
Genre: Action, friendship, angst (?)
Anything else: Thanks in advance.
Chapter 1: Story Title: Letters To You

Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/510085/letters-to-you-donghae-eunhae-eunhyuk-romance-hyukhae

Reviewer: Any

Genre: Romance,

Anything else: Thank you very much :)
shizunebachi #3
Chapter 10: Story Title: The Guilty Vicarage

Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/396556/the-guilty-vicarage-hongki-jaejin-jonghun-minhwan-mystery-seunghyun-jongjae

Reviewer: Any

Genre: Angst,

Anything else: Not really. Thanks in advance!
Chapter 1: Story Title: From the Shadows

Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/518171/from-the-shadows-action-angst-psychological-fourshot-lay-kris-kray

Reviewer: Any is fine (though you did an excellent job last time Jam!)

Genre: action (later) and angst with a touch of

Anything else: You guys did such an awesome job the last time I’d love to hear what you have to say about this one. Miracle of all miracles, it’s actually relatively short and complete. Haha Please feel free to take your time and I look forward to hearing your review.
Chapter 9: HELLOOOOOOO \o.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Jam again for spending her time to review my not-so-wonderful story. Thank you so much for the nth time! As I said before this, I really can't wait to read the review since I'm too excited. Well anyway, I'm glad to know that you enjoyed the one-shot. For an amateur writer, I never expect that from any of my readers.

But the part that makes me feel delighted the most is the fact that you understand what I tried to interpret. I requested from some other shops, but they've complaint that they don't understand the part 'In spite of he is alone, he doesn't feel lonely at all, he has plenty of things to enjoy here, and someone to wait for'. They said that how I describe Jaejoong doesn't fit that line, but the thing is, they just don't understand that I'm trying to say that he is in denial state. Maybe they just not use to that kind of writing or so.

I will try my best to write another enjoyable stories in the future ^^ (and also credit you asap, of course).

Chapter 10: Thanks for the review! It was quite helpful actually, to see my story from someone else's perspective.

I'm glad you liked Donghae, most people just go on with the whole "omg, I'm so sorry for Hyukjae" act and completedly forget about Donghae!

Anyways, thanks for reviewing my fic! I'll credit this shop in my foreword once I get onto my laptop! Thanks again!
Chapter 8: introduced. I will definitely consider expanding the beginning at this point for at least a little more character development pre-Valkyr status. :)

Thank you for the comment on style as well. I have my hangups and hiccups with some points but I'm glad that it's coming off as at least a little advanced. That is sort of what I'm striving for.

I'm very excited that the flow is paced decently well. It's always a concern of mine and I certainly don't want to rush things but neither do I wish to have something drag on forever. So thank you for that.

In the end, even if it's not your preferred story, I'm glad it was at least mostly enjoyable and thank you again for the review. It has been helpful and I'll credit you and the shop asap. :3
Chapter 8: First off, thank you very much for the review! I was definitely excited when I got the update that it was finished and posted. ^_^

I'll agree the title is a bit longer than my norm but it fit and I'm good with that. With your agreement of it suiting the story, it works for me. I also will agree that the description may be a teensy bit misleading with the 'love' bit but even though romance isn't the focal point of the story, their love is critical to how and why certain things unfold the way they do. I'm glad that the foreword was attention grabbing enough though. I definitely wanted something to catch the eye without being too tell-tale. In reference to blending the game and actual mythology, it's more of a notice so that if anyone's actually familiar with either, they hopefully won't try to take events at face value. I try to explain relevant Norse mythology bits in Author Notes in the subsequent chapters as well to help elaborate on points that I've either pulled straight from the mythos or used a little creative license with.

I'm glad the plot is coming together in an understandable manner, though I have felt a bit iffy with the lack of romance in the first few chapters, especially with my description the way it is. Like you suggested, I think adding a chapter before the prologue would sort of help with the initial development of Daehyun and Yongguk's relationship; at least maybe enough until they do come back together later in the story.

Fair point with the names. Because I'm pulling from the Norse pantheon, I wouldn't change those but I can see why strictly fantasy names paired with Korean names might be a bit confusing. They just tend to be my fallback and default setting when writing fantasy based pieces, especially as it's not taking place in Korea and is actually occurring in various cities across the continent. But again, I do see your point.

I have been told before the prologue was a bit rushed with the way that Daehyun was (cont.)
Chapter 1: Hi guys! So actually I've requested for my story to be reviewed, but when you already did, I've only posted the first chapter. I don't know if you are still accepting request nor that you will accept mine - but if you still are, can you probably review the second and third (final) chapters of my story :-)

Story tittle: Unthriving Vow
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/479526
Reviewer: Since Jam had reviewed the first chapter, it'd be great if she can review the rests :-)
Genre: angst, romance
Anything else: I don't really expect this request to be accepted, though, lol but Jam's review really helped me so I thought it would be great if you can give me more of your thoughts :D
typical #10
Am I late? I hope not, I deleted my book and I would like to cancel it, sorry for the bother. ^^ I will come back though,