Eating breakfast

A morning with Sandeul and You

Sandeul and you are sitting at the table of your kitchen. It’s cozy and in front of you are the steamy pancakes…sandeul sits on the other side of the table, directly facing you and he’s bowing over the table and over the plate on his elbows and stares at them like they were the biggest wonder he has ever seen (you’re smiling…how silly!)

You start eating and sandeul eats his pancakes with butter and maple syrup, because he saw it that way! But you love your pancakes most with nutella or any other chocolate thing. He eats his portion diligently and releases thousands of tiny “ahh” “wuooh” “mmmmhhh”, but just shortly, because he is so focused on eating. You love that thing about him so much, you never met anyone being that serious about food like him. You thought you were the only one who gets quiet when it comes to eating, because you want to enjoy the food to the fullest. Like you, his mind is turning into a tunnel which only shows the food. Holy , you have obviously found your soulmate!

But at times he glances over at your plate, on which you have half of a rolled pancake with nutella and the other half is in your hands (seriously..eating with your hands is just easiest.) you notice of course, I mean you’re always staring at him 24/7 (even though you try hard to suppress because you can’t get over the feeling that you probably look like some idiot with cow-big eyes and open mouth and like a horrible creep).
you see crumbs of pancakes at the corners of his mouth and maple syrup on his cheek… his eyes turned big and his eyebrows are raised and his mouth turned tiny: “does it taste good with nutella? It smells so good”
“Oh, sure, I like it most with nutella. You want to have a bite?” You put your pancake down and take the other rolled half and reach over to sandeul. He takes your hand with both of his hands (sfahgdsjhg his hands are still so warm and they are so big, they cover your whole hand and it’s like a cozy, soft cave….you wish he would never let go) and guides it to his mouth. God you love the expression when he has his mouth open to eat something, because that’s the point where he completely doesn’t give anything about that he is an idol star and looks like the country boy he originally is, hahahah
you see his lips wrapping around the rolled pancake, his pinkish red perfect lips, as he bites off a chunk of pancake. You must admit that there is only half of it left, damn that boy doesn’t let anything burn, right?
As he chews like some farmer-boy he doesn’t let go of your hands (jfhgjhasdg perfect…!!) but holds them tighter. You’re thinking romantic thoughts, but you know that he probably just holds them in case he wants another bite, hahahah
his eyes wander to the ceiling and he chews with a thoughtful expression, as if he is judging and analyzing this food thoroughly. He finishes with his lips quickly, his eyebrows still raised and his eyes big as ever saying: “more!”
as he wanted to take another bite he randomly glances at your face… catching you staring at his face… your expression is priceless though, the whole time when he was eating you were sitting there motionless, a face with a stiff expression, because you didn’t want to get on your fangirl mode and melt at everything about him.

Suddenly his fork fell off the table; he accidentally hit it with his elbow. “wuaah hahahaaha!” he yells out with his high pitched voice and he quickly turns around to it, letting go of your hand. You turn around to look, too, and you’re both bending your bodies like idiots trying to look underneath the table. “it’s ok, ok!” he says  laughing and you get up again, taking a sip of your milk, still feeling the warmth of his hands around your hand.  You stare at the pitiful rest of pancake you’re holding and sort your thoughts, when you suddenly feel sandeul touching your knees. He wraps his hands around them and places his chin on them and you look down surprised ?? what??  He is sitting in front you and his thighs are around your bare feet and he looks at you smiling and crunching his nose (NOOO NOT THE NOSE THING OH GOD YOU HAVE SUCH A HORRIBLE WEAKNESS FOR IT).
“boo!” he says
you’re completely out of mind. This boy keeps surprising you 24/7. No idea what you’re thinking but you say “hi there. I’ve missed you!”
he chuckles. He probably expected such a nonsense answer from you and you blush up a little… suddenly he tries to squeeze his body upward underneath the table to get up, and he reaches under your thighs and lifts you up (again…what horribly strong man is there underneath that duckling-surface??). he turns you and himself around and takes your seat and places you onto his lap, sideward, like a bride. (you love sitting on his lap though, it’s warm and cozy)
“do you want to know where I have been?” he asks you, his head tilted to the left and looking at you with his mischievous expression. “ yes, tell me all about it, traveler!” you reply, smiling.
“I have been to pancake wonderland and I’ve met a girl, who gave me the best nutella pancakes in the world… you wanna have a bite?”
“oh sure, of course I want to!” this silly conversation causes you to grin…
he reaches around you to your plate, he takes your hand and wraps it gently around a pancake and then guides your hand to your mouth. “aaahhh” he says while you open your mouth to bite off a chunk, and you start to giggle.
“so? How is it? Isn’t it amazing?” he asks you and you say “oh god yes, this is very very tasty. Daebak!” he laughs out loudly because you said deabak so suddenly! He laughs so hard that you feel like on a shaker omg
well, then he fold his hands and places them on your waist and rests his head on your shoulder while you’re eating. “haaah, this pancake girl was so great, I think I fell in love with her hopelessly!”
“whaaat”, you say, “who is this girl? I thought you would love me!!” you’re just joking  ofc, ok.
he looks up and places his chin on your shoulder, and your eyes meet. A warm smile appears on his face as he whispers  “this girl…has the most beautiful face, the most gorgeous smile… the prettiest eyes, the most splendid body and the most marvelous personality on the earth…she’s just so fine and she takes aaaaall of my breath away”

You are melting. Melting, melting, melting.

“but who? Who is it?” you ask

He reaches for your hand and takes another bite…!!  You see the corners of his mouth are full with nutella. As he finished his bite he touches your cheek and leans you over to him.
He gives you a light kiss on the cheek.
“it.” Kiss on the nose.
“is.” Kiss on the forehead.
“….you. <3” kiss on your lips.
you smile a smile so big, that it’s not even fit for your face, and he just smiles broadly, too and you feel so warm and incredibly happy, and you wrap your arms around his neck and snuggle with him and release a happy sigh “I love you,too…”

There you sit, snuggling and eating, and we all just wonder…when will you notice that sandeul has smeared nutella all over your whole face?

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sandeulsprincess #1
Chapter 4: omg cutest story ever
Aweee <3 Your so cute Deulie! I Love You so much!
nanaa00 #3
cute~ !! x$ please update soon :3