
A morning with Sandeul and You

“Heeeeey baby, how, how, how are you??” Sandeul is just a walking singing machine. But you love it so much, his voice is so beautiful and his melodies, even though the lyrics may be utterly silly…

“so, what do you want?” You ask as you two enter the kitchen. “I saw Justin Timberlake eating pancakes in a movie! Do western people really eat pancakes for breakfast??” he asks you excitedly. It’s not even that funny, but the way he is mouthing “pancakes” got you grinning and snorting.  “n.not reverywhere, but I can make them” – “uoooohhhHH!!! Really??! Waaah, you are so great!” his overwhelming excitement and joy are just unbearable and he laughs and claps his hands. “Hm! Well then let me show you, my pupil!” You mischievously answer and take the apron. You put one over your neck and another one over his, and as you put your arms around his waist to tie it he just does the same (and here you are all wrapped again.), well but he’s also mingling a bit lower…

Playfully hitting HIS , you turn around and show him how to make those damn pancakes. While working you see his face many times and it’s either amazed or lusty in a silly way omg how he is his lips and biting them the whole time, he really can’t wait for the food, right? You stuff some pancakes into his mouth as his drool was almost dripping off his mouth and his eyes got blurry. His face lightens up and sdfkaskdjfh he got the puppy eyes but as always he stuffed it all at once into his mouth, looking like a greedy hamster but honestly… you love that expression just as well.

He watched you make another pancake but then he just turned off the heat and gets right behind you. He unties your apron and puts his hands on your shoulder. You’re about to say something like “ooooiii you little , what are you doing” and turn your head around, but you don’t get to say any word. His hands slide to your neck and underneath the band of the apron, lifting it over your head and then touching your chin. “Hn Hm Hn Hmmm…” he hums quietly in a deep voice, as he gets your face closer to his. “There’s dough” he whispers and the corner of your mouth. No idea if there was actually dough or not, but do you even care?? “Here’s flour…” he turns you around so you are facing each other properly and he touches and rubs your shoulder. Well there was flour apparently?? His hand slides to your neck again and his thumb gently caresses it. You probably look extremely shocked and wear big eyes like a cow, because when he looks at your face again, he bursts out laughing, cringing his body, but not letting his eyes from your face. “wha- ?” you say and start laughing confusedly, too. “Aigoo~ let’s eat! Your pancakes are so tasty.” He puts one hand around your face and over your mouth with his thumb. “You so tasty!” he sings in english, and he doesn’t sing it to the pancakes, but to you. You are choking due to his choice of words and you are wondering “what are you implying, ducky??”

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sandeulsprincess #1
Chapter 4: omg cutest story ever
Aweee <3 Your so cute Deulie! I Love You so much!
nanaa00 #3
cute~ !! x$ please update soon :3