Waking Up!

A morning with Sandeul and You

Uwaaah…time to wake up..? You are slowly opening your eyes and realizing what’s surrounding you… it is amazingly warm and cozy and you feel sandeul’s warm body besi-…on-…arou-…everywhere??
You feel him breathing and you realize your head is at his chest or tummy, and his leg is on your hip, his other leg is intertwined with yours like crazy and he is somewhat bowing over you and surrounding you, one hand at your back. Well, and you are hugging him. Did I mention crazy intertwined legs?

However, you can’t see his face. you are yawning and slowly loosening sandeul’s somewhat tight body grip and upright your body, turning around to see his face but…


You’re choking and suppress your laughter because he did it again! Goddammit, he’s wearing his silly hoodie on his head the strings tied together tightly (he looks like Kenny from south park??) and it’s just so ing adorable and dumb… you’re tugging the ribbon of his sweater and give him a light kiss on his mouth, which was squeezed together by his cheeks…he did tie his hoodie tight! You’re lying on him with your hands on his chest, about to put your head down onto his shoulder, when he suddenly starts moving a little. He raises his head and bents it back so he can see your face below the brim of his hoodie (what an idiot)- “waah~  ughn“ he says with his cracked and rough morning voice, wrapping his arms around you. He smiles a little squeezed smile (WHAT AN IDIOT HOLY JESUS) blinking with his eyes, like he could move the hoodie by that. “Whyyy… you laugh?” he asks you with his broken English… he is always pronounces “you” so ridiculously weird omg and you can still hear how sleepy he is.

You put up your hands and lightly squeeze your fingers between his cheeks and hoodie, one finger after another, a grin on his and your face grows. “Why not, you look silly!” you reply in your horribly broken Korean and he bursts out into laughter, partly because it is probably true and partly because of your clumsy pronunciation. You’re body is shaking on his laughing body, you can feel his muscles flex, and as you were almost about to fall off he grabs you tighter and rolls you over. “Uwaaah!!” you say and start laughing

Now he’s on you (holy jesus??) Still with this silly hoodie, his arms stuck under your back, and you put your hands out and tug at his ribbon, opening it. He puts his lips together to form this pointy v-smile thing and looked at your hands. You’re wrapping his head out (how the hell could he sleep like that?), push his hair back and see that he raises one eyebrow. Suddenly sandeul wears a mischievous expression. “Ahh, so cold now!”, he whines loudly, as he lowers his body and buries his head at your neck, putting your arms on it and the blanket around you and him, taking you by surprise. You start laughing at this duckling but almost choke and gasp when you felt him kissing and biting your neck (this duck!!!). His hands run underneath your shirt and over your back (well, you are sure getting breathless now). His big hands are so WARM and soft! And they are sure strong as you feel him lifting you a little to get into a more comfortable position. Holy Jesus, everything of him is so soft and warm, you think, you snuggle more into him and pat his back and ruffle his hair. He lifts his head, smiling with one corner of his mouth. Then he puts his hands around your face (so warm!!) and kisses your cheeks, your nose and then your lips.

Now that you both wear a healthy pinky blush on your faces, you roll to the side, still sticking together, and as you reach the edge of the bed, you want to release yourself from him, BUT HE JUST ROLLS FURTHER AND YOU TWO DROP ON THE GROUND, him first, you on top! “AUGHH—!! Hahahahaha!” (what an idiot!!) But no worries, he falls onto a pile of pillow and plushies you two have kicked out of the bed at whatever you were doing last night…

Oh man, for some reason you can’t seem to release each other, so you awkwardly get up still hugging each other (so many damn legs!) and walk sideward like some sort of double-crab and Sandeul sings beautifully in a joyful melody “Ahh~ we’re walking crab, we’re walking crab and I love you…~” (Ok. You’re both idiots.)

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sandeulsprincess #1
Chapter 4: omg cutest story ever
Aweee <3 Your so cute Deulie! I Love You so much!
nanaa00 #3
cute~ !! x$ please update soon :3