Another Side of Him

Hopelessly Devoted ~ a One-Shot~COMPLETE


Sora was helping lock up around school, part of her after-school duties as a classroom secretary, checking around to  put things into the lost and found, when she spotted something on the ground of the study hall. 


Squatting down, she picked up a small black pirate hat, that looked to be about the size for a small toddler. Puzzled, she held the small hat in her hands, wondering if she should put it in the lost and found, or if it'd be better to put it in the library office.


As she ponded about this, she heard footsteps running down the hallway, curiously, she poked her head out the study hall's door, and was surprised to see Kris, looking a bit frantic as he  sped down the hallway. 


He spotted her and started running towards her direction. Eyes, widening, Sora took one step back, as he stopped in front of her, panting.


What is he doing here at this hour?


How did he know I was here?


Don't tell me he's going to confess.


Stop being silly Sora



He caught his breath, and steadied himself. "Um, have you seen a black hat by any chance?" He asked, unusually polite, and formal in tone with her.


Sora blinked a moment, and then remembered the hat she was holding. She extended it out to him.


"Is it this?" She asked, surprised that it belonged to him.


He looked relieved, and actually smiled. "Oh thank god. Yeah. Thanks." He said and took the hat from her.


She raised an eyebrow at this.


"Is it your's?" She asked, unsure if he even had a little brother.


Kris realized he wasn't by himself, and glanced at her, and flushed a bit.


He shook his head. "No it's umm..It's Ace's." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his head.


She was really surprised to see this bashful side of him, but she was glad.


"Ace?" She asked, still confused.


"Um nevermind it's none of my business. But glad I could help." She told him quickly.


He nodded slowly, grateful, but then found himself wanting to clarify.


"It's my.. alpaca's" He explained, feeling embarassed.


"You have a pet alpaca?" She asked, surprised.


He flushed even more. "No. It's one of those stuffed alpacas? Like the ones you see at the claw machines?" He added.


Sora's eyes widened in understanding and she nodded. 


"Oh. Those are really cute. I'm glad you got it's hat back. Ace is an interesting name too. Does it mean something?" She asked hesitantly, ready for him to return to his cold and aloof side.


Kris glanced down at the hat in his hands, then back at her. "Yeah. It's kind of a long story though." He explained.


"I like long stories." She offered.


He gave a small half-smile.


"Well, thanks for finding this. Are you heading out now?" He asked.


She nodded. "Yeah. Last door to lock up, and then I can go." She said.


He nodded back, and then she locked up and they walked out of the school grounds together.


Once they reached the sidewalk, she wasn't really sure what to say.


It was starting to get dark. Sora pulled her cellphone out of her bag, close in hand, as she was ready to walk home.


"You walk by yourself at this hour?" He asked, still standing there.


She looked back at him, surprised. She thought he would've gone walking off already.


She nodded slowly. 


"It's only a few blocks." She explained.


He nodded slowly.


"Well, goodnight. Be careful then." He said, and waved goodbye.


She waved goodbye, and nodded.


When she turned away and started walking the first few steps, she heard footsteps approaching, and was surprised to see Kris was following her.


"Hey?" She said, surprised when he was beside her.


"Um, mind if I walk you home?" He asked, and she almost stopped walking from shock.


This is one strange strange  night.


  When she didn't say anything at first he felt the need to explain himself.


"It's just...I feel bad letting you walk alone, even though you said you're used to it." He added.


Sora nodded slowly, and they surprisingly fell into easy conversation as they walked.


In a matter of what seemed like minutes, they arrived at her house.


"So...thanks again for this. And also...thanks for still trying to be nice to me even though I know I've been a jerk to you and everyone else." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.


Sora looked up at him and nodded. "Sure. Thanks for walking me. See you tomorrow." She said, and waved goodbye, as he headed down the street.


When she got inside the house and closed the door behind her, she was still in disbelief.


This has to be a very realistic dream.. I just don't remember going home, but I'm not awake. I'm asleep. Yeah. That's it. 


Tomorrow, he'll still be a cold guy.



She tried to rationalize with herself, but wasn't sure.


Wu Yi Fan, was being nice?


Shrugging she headed up the stairs to get ready for dinner, since her parents would be home soon.









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Chapter 5: Awwwwwww, so cute! I loved it, great job!~ <3
exotic_sehunluhan31 #2
Chapter 5: I really like this.. Its so sweet and awesome!! :-)
octa82_ichigo #3
Chapter 4: Aww can't wait for next chapter ^^