Coffee Love Shot



The Graduation Day is near! Sunny and Ana went shopping to buy a dress for their Graduation Day. 

Sunny: “The Graduation day is near but Kris doesn’t say anything to me yet since the day I confessed to him.”  She looked at Ana and saw her like she is in a deep thought. “Yah! What’s happening to you? You’ve been like that since last week.

Ana:” A! So-sorry! I-I’m just thinking of something. “

Sunny:” Something? Like what?”

Ana just stared Sunny’s face. “Sorry for falling in love to the person you like.“ She said in her mind and embraces her Best friend.

Sunny: “Aigoo! What are you doing? Ahh? You already miss me? Haha! Ya! The Graduation is not yet coming?”Sunny embraced her too.


Kris is still in shocked about Sunny’s confession to him and their friendship become awkward when the group has outings. But he tried to act normal so their friendship won’t be ruin.

Kris: “Sunny about what you said last time about me and you. I don’t know what to say. Everything was so sudden; I didn’t expect that you will have this feeling for me. I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

Sunny: “I just can’t hide my feelings for you. I really like you Kris.”

Kris: “I’m sorry. I tried to understand what you feel for me. I also tried to like you back, but and the end I can’t, I only like you as my friend.”

Sunny:  “I’m still going to wait for you, I’m sure in the right time, and you will appreciate how I care for you.”

Kris:” I have something to confess too. I’m going to study in New York.”

Sunny:”what?!” tears are coming out in her face.

Kris: “you’re the first person whom I told about it; please don’t tell this to others, ok? I’m going to tell them after the Graduation.” He saw sunny crying he wipe it with his hands. “Stop crying.” Then sunny embraced Kris. And Kris Comforted her. “I’m sorry for not loving you back, but, I promise that I will take care and protect you because you and our friends are important to me.”



Speaker: Congratulations Graduates! and the graduation ceremony ended.

Peter: “Let’s go out guys! Let’s celebrate our Graduation!”

Kris: “That’s a great idea! Ok! It’s my treat!”

Ben: ok! That’s a deal!

Ana is quite but sunny looks happy and the others. Ana bought a gift to Kris as a remembrance but she doesn’t have the courage to give it to him. They went into a Restaurant.

Kris: “Order anything you want.” His friends ordered and eat their foods cheerfully. Kris decided to tell his plan about studying abroad, he  took a deep breath and courage.”Guys I have something to say. I’m going abroad to continue my study there.” Everyone was shocked of his sudden announcement.

Ana was so sad about Kris said. But she doesn’t want to everyone to notice it.

Kris: “Sorry for telling this just right now.”

Ana: “then this celebration is a double celebration. Congratulations Kris!” but deep inside her sadness is prevailing.

Jayson:” hyung! Then let’s go to a Videoke Bar! Let’s do  your Farewell party there!

Everyone: “yeah! That’s right! Let’s go!” Everyone went outside the restaurant and look for a Videoke Bar. They found one and they continue their celebration, they sing, dance, and drink until almost of them got drunk including Ana. Peter, Ben and Joe went home first because they were so drunk.

Sunny:” Ana! You’re drunk!”

Ana: no! I’m not! But her faced was red as tomato.

Sunny: “look at yourself your face seems like going to explode anytime. Ya! Get up! Jayson is also Drunk I can’t bring you home in your house. 

Kris:” I’ll do it. Just give me her Address.”

Sunny gave Ana’s Address. “Here, sorry I didn’t know that Ana will be like this. We’re going first then. Take care!” Sunny help his brother to stand up and ride in a taxi.

Ana: “more drinks!” she said but her eyes were close and lying in the long chair.

Kris: “Ana your drunk I’ll bring you home in your house.”

Ana: “I don’t like! Ya! Come over here let me tell you something!” Kris gets near to her.

Kris: “What?” he said as she gets closer to her. Ana pinched Kris face. “a-a! Hey! What are you doing!? Stop it! You’re drunk!” She grabs Kris face. Kris was surprise because his face and Ana’s face was just inch apart if both of them move a little more, they will touch each others lips.

Ana: “Kris ... I ..”

Kris:” Shhh. Ana .. I have something to tell you.I-I love you since the first day i saw you. Sorry if I don’t have the chance and courage to say what I feel for you. Everything has been complicated since the day Sunny confessed her feelings to me. Forgive me.” He hold Ana’s face he close his eyes and gave her a Deep kiss and smiled at her and Ana fell asleep after the kiss.“Silly Girl!”


Ana: Aiissh! My head! It hurts!

Sunny: At last! You’re awake! Here take a sip of this soup your mom made that.

Ana: “Thank you for bringing me Home.” Smiled at her friend.

Sunny: oh! I’m not the one who brought you home. You don’t remember it?”

Ana: “ hmm. I don’t remember a thing. Then who brought me home last night?”

Sunny: “ It was Kris.”

Ana almost spit out the soup in . “What!? Why him? Why you’re not the one who brought me home?” mad at sunny.

Sunny: “hey are you mad at me?! Be mad at yourself you almost drunk a case of beer. You stupid and my brother was drunk too I can’t take both of you. You should say thanks to Kris.

Ana was clueless in what happened last night to them. Because of embarrassment she covered her face with a blanket.

Sunny: “ya! get up! We have to meet him at the coffee shop! She pulled the blanket. Get up or you want me to kick you out of there!”

Ana: “How can you do this to me?!”


Sunny: Hello! Ana wants to say something about you. She pushed Ana towards Kris.

Ana:  “last night.. I’m sorry if I get disturbed you.. Thank you for taking me home in our house. Thank you!”

Sunny: “she doesn’t remember anything! That’s why she looks like that.”

Kris: “you don’t remember a-anything?”

Ana: Nod.” I’m so drunk last night that’s why I don’t remember anything in what happened last night.”

Kris: “You even don’t remember anything what I said to you last night?”

Sunny:” why? What happened? What did you say about her?” she asked Kris.

Ana: “Did we talk last night.” Ana was clueless.

Kris: “a-a.. No-nothing.” Kris was sad in what Ana said. Ana doesn’t remember what he said to her.”I’m so stupid. Why did I confess my feelings to her while she’s drunk? I’m such a stupid human being” Mad at his self, He said in his mind. “I have to go first ladies. Ana I hope you’ll remember what I said h last night. I’m going bye!”

Sunny: “what did he says to you last night.” Sunny started to be suspicious about Kris.

Ana: “like what I said earlier I don’t remember anything in what happened last night.”


Kris was in love with Ana since the day he saw her! What a revelation! What will happen to Ana? Can she remember what happened between her and Kris? And sunny become suspicious to Kris because of what he said to Ana.

Watch Out for the next chapter!





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Missjhoanne #1
I'll update this story as soon as i can. Sorry. Im just so busy at work. -MissJhoanne
VunChan #2
Chapter 6: Love it so much!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! xD
marlimacha21 #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^