Baking with Zelo

Baking with Zelo

            My parents had given me the ok to have Junhong over for the day.  No school for the day and no homework left to be done, so they didn’t see the harm of having my boyfriend over for the day while they were gone.  They had met him a few days ago, and everything just fell into place.  My parents weren’t worried that he would be one of the trouble makers that my other friends had dated.  They praised me for finding a boy that would be a right match for my personality.

            However, the thing with Junhong, was that he wasn’t like the other guys.  He was tall, like REALLY tall.  He stood at a height of 6 foot 3 inches, and with me being about average height for a girl at the age of 17, I feel like an ant next to him.  However, it wasn’t just his height that made him different; he was also in a popular group with the stage name Zelo.  I would slip from time to time and call him by his stage name; he would laugh and play it off like nothing had happened.  Every time that I slipped I would blush and look away from him, and he would kiss my cheek and tell me that it didn’t matter what name I used, just as long as I was happy being with him.

            Somehow the bright idea of making cupcakes was brought up by one of us.  It might have been him saying that the hyungs wanted to try out my baking skill.  The more I think about it the more that joke became almost a rite of passage to Daehyun-oppa’s heart if your baking was at the amazement level.  I was still worried what the other members would think of my cooking and baking skills every time I sent something back with Junhong.  However, every time we talked he said they all loved it and couldn’t wait for what I would make next.

            There was a soft knock on the door and I ran to open it.  I looked through the little peep hole of the apartment door and seen Junhong standing in front of the door, and looking somewhat nervous.  The last time I had ever seen him like that was when my parents asked to meet him.   I opened the door and smiled up at him. “You’re early,” I said jokingly.

            He scratched the back of his head slightly, “the hyungs were picking on me, so I needed to get out of there,” he answered back. “Mainly Daehyun-hyung.  He said that all the cupcakes that we make were going to him, and no one else.”  I laughed at what Junhong had told me.  I stepped aside and he entered the small apartment.  He looked around and glanced back at me. “Appa, and umma aren’t here?” He asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

            I shook my head, “no, they went out for the day,” I told him as I closed the door softly behind him.  I looked to see him turn away and blush.  I could tell that he didn’t like the fact of being with me by himself.  He was still trying to get used to the fact that he can loosen up around me and not be so stiff.  I walked up to him and took his hand.  “Oppa, you know I don’t bite.  So relax!  Come on, let’s make the cupcakes for Daehyun-oppa,” I said jokingly as I lead him into the kitchen.

            He stalled at first as I tugged him, but he followed me to the kitchen to see everything set out ready to go. “Do I need to put on some music to keep us moving?” I asked as I handed him an apron.  He shook his head as he looked down at the ‘kiss the cook’ apron that I had handed him.

            “Do I need to wear this?” he asked sheepishly.  I couldn’t help but laugh that he would really consider wearing it.

            “No, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” I told him as I slipped on the apron that was in my hands.  I watched as he placed the apron down on one of the kitchen chairs and then walk behind me.  I was having a hard time tying the apron strings behind my back.  I felt the strings as they were taken out of my hands and as Junhong tied the strings with ease.  I turned my head to look at his smiling face. 

            He softly kissed my cheek and whispered “I thought you needed some help with that.” I blushed and turned my head so that he couldn’t see just how much I was blushing.  I could hear him laughing softly as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in.  He softly laid his head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry noona, but I do love it when you blush.”  I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him.

            “You ready to make Daehyun-oppa’s cupcakes?” I asked jokingly.  I watched as he rolled his eyes and smile.

            “Hyung isn’t getting all of the cupcakes.  He’ll be lucky if he gets one of your amazing cupcakes,” he chuckled with a smile.

            I laughed as I pointed at the boxes of cake mix on the counter, “yes, because my box baking is just that amazing!”  He started to laugh along with me, and looked around the kitchen.

            “No frosting?” he asked.

            I couldn’t help but keep laughing at his puzzled look on his face.  “I make my own frosting.  So while the cupcakes are baking, I’ll teach you my family’s home made frosting that we use,” I beamed brightly at him.

            His puzzled look died down a little, but I could see the question of how good does the frosting taste running in his face.  “I’ll even let you try a little of the frosting and have you judge on how it taste.  If it doesn’t taste good to you we can run down to the store and pick up some canned frosting,” I told him. 

            He blushed lightly, “no, I’m sure your frosting will taste amazing,” he said, covering his tracks that his face lead to the wrong idea.

            I the radio to give us some tunes as we started off on the boxed cake mix, and started the oven to preheat it for the batches of cupcakes soon to come.  We had our own system going; he would mix all the stuff together as I added in what the box called for. After the mixing was done I grabbed the cupcake pan and Junhong placed the cupcake wrappers in each of the spots, I followed behind him and added 1/3 of a cup of batter into the wrappers.  The first batch was in the oven within ten minutes. 

            Junhong looked at me with anticipation for this amazing frosting.  I pulled out everything that I needed for it.  I walked him through how to make it; he watched almost memorizing all the ingredients like I was going to give him a quiz afterwards.  After it was all mix together, I dipped my finger into the frosting and held it out to his lips.  However, I was shacking a little and smeared it a little above his top lip and under his nose.

            He looked somewhat shocked and I blushed at what just happened.  “I’m sorry,” I choked, “I got nervous.” 

            He smiled lightly as he dipped his finger into the frosting and smeared the frosting on the side of my face. “There, now we are even,” he proclaimed with a look of satisfaction on his face.  I blushed lightly and dipped my finger in for a second round.

            “If you think so, you are sadly mistaken,” I jokingly said as I smeared the frosting along his cheek. The next few minutes was us running around the small apartment laughing and smearing frosting on each other’s faces. 

            With five minutes left for the cupcakes in the oven, we both sat at the kitchen table laughing at the frosting war paint that we had given each other.  Junhong reached for a napkin  and I reached his hand.  “I’ll clean it off for you,” I told him softly.  “I made the mess so I’ll at least do that.”

            I came up with a better way to clean off the frosting.  I took a napkin in my hand and made the movement like I was going to use it; however, I leaned over and kissed his cheek that was smeared with frosting.  I could taste the sweetness of frosting, but I could also feel the warmth of his cheeks as he blushed at my actions.  I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me down onto his lap; I couldn’t help but squeak a little.  “Well if that is how you plan to clean it off,” he started to say, “I still have yet to taste this AMAZING frosting that you said it is.”  He kissed me where he had smeared frosting above my upper lip.  I couldn’t help but blush from his soft and gentle kiss.

            He pulled away and his lips clean of the frosting. “Hmm, that is good frosting,” He said with a smile on his face.  I could still feel the warmth of my cheeks from the shock of what he just did.  I could also see that he was blushing from the action that he did.  “Did I tell you how much I love it when you blush?” He asked me.

            I could feel the shade of red go up one more step as I nodded to his question.  He smiled and leaned his head in for another go for the frosting over top of my lips, and I couldn’t help but kiss back.  Even hearing the timer screaming that the cupcakes in the oven were done didn’t pull me away from him that quick.

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Chapter 1: Soo cuteee~~ <3
jwelfs #2
Chapter 1: Cute! Update please :D
Chapter 1: Nice! Hehehe, so sweet :D
AegyoPuing #4
Update soon *-*