
Unexpected Love

Amber and Kai go out to nearby cafe.They discuss about their business.They calling the waiter and order 2 cup of hot chocolate.''Next month , our company will held a fashion show ,so.....''Kai said.''I suggest that your design should be there too...you know how much I ...love you''Kai smile.

''Mwo?Love me?''Amber shocked.

''Ah no no....I mean I love your design...it's all amazing ...''Kai quickly reply.

''Oh god''Amber take a deep breath.

While they are talking , suddenly Kai's phone ringing.''Hello ,bro!''Kai said.Kai excuse himself for awhile to answer the call.Amber suspicious nothing.She thought it just .Not long after that , Kai coming back and Amber ask Kai to wait because she wanna go to toilet.


A man walk toward Kai and they shake hands.''Wassup ''he said.

''Kris , u are so fast , teleport or what?''Kai joke.

''Dragon ''Kris reply.They both burst into laugh.

''You are alone?Where is your 'girlfriend'?I tho u here with her''Kris .

''We are not officially couple.Hahah ....we're just a friend...close friend..mybe?''Kai said.

Not long after that , Amber appear and from far he saw a guy sit beside Kai.

''Mybe Kai's friend''Amber said in heart.He walk toward them and not look at their face.She sit infront of Kai and raise up her face.And then , she in shocked.She just can't run away , anymore.Too Late.

''Amber?''Kris said.

''Kris...''Amber still in shocked.

''Kai , i've to go now....meet you soon , bye''Amber give an excuse and wuickly walk away from there.She don't expected to see Kris.She'd forget about Kris but why Kris appear all of sudden.Kris called Amber and ask her to stop.''Amber!Wait!''Kris chase her.She pretend like she don't hear it and her step become more fast.Kris run and manage to hold Amber's hands.Kai secretly follow them from back.

''Amber!I say stop!!''he voice become even louder.

''What's more?We are over.....right?''Amber trying to hold her tear from falling hands.

''I know...but I've something to talk with you....''Kris beg to Amber.

''I've nothing to talk with you...now let me go...''Amber trying to escape from kris.

''I repeat......let me go!''Amber slap Kris.

''Amber..I'm sorry''Kris stubborn and he don't want to let Amber go.

''LET ME GO!''Amber struggling to escape.And then when the hero , start his action.

''Hey , calm down bro....I don't what your problem but I don't like you treat her like that..''Kai seem mad.

Amber hide behind Kai.''Kai , please let me settle this first..''Kris try to reach Amber's hands.''Never''Kai almost smack Kris.Kai hold Amber hands tightly and there go from there.Leave Kris alone.

''Come into the car''Kai open the door for her.

While ddriving,Kai keep thinking whether he should ask or not.That may be a sensitive question and he don't want to hurt Amber's heart.

''Are u okay?''Kai asked while driving.

''I think so''Amber reply and then keep quiet.She try to put a fake smile on her face but Kai know that she's not okay.Kai want to know what actually their realationship.He wonder how they met and what actually happen.

''What's your relationship with him''Kai said before thinking.

''Give me some space..please''Amber want to cry.This is not the right time to tell about everything.She want a time for herself to calm down.She look at Kai and know that Kai is sad.So she decide to tell him the truth.

''He's my ex-boyfriend.''Amber play with her finger.

Kai can't control and almost hit other cars.He give a signal and stop at the roadside.

He can't look direct at Amber's eyes.''Why do u breakup?Do you still love him?''Kai keep asking her non-stop.He curious.

''Kai....I just...I can't tell u all my past....please respect me''Amber begging not to ask about her personal anymore.

''Okay....I'm sorry ''Kai drive to Amber's house.Amber out from his car and Kai just leave without hon or wave like always.Amber know kai is dissapointed and sad.But she really can't do anything about it.She  is lost in her own reality.









Comment who u think is the best for amber.Kris?Kai?Sehun.I just curious hahahah.There are few chapter more.Support me ok?Love ya :))



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amberliu1 #1
Chapter 11: What's Krystral up to hmm I bets she going to try and seduce kaiser am I right and why is he do this to amber it's so mean
diaheee11 #2
Chapter 10: Why krystal eonni? :'(
Btw i don't ship kristal but this fanfic is adorable! Hehe
Ohshaadoh #3
GUYS ,f(x) comeback coming soon ,maybe this month .LETS Support them
Chapter 10: KRYSTAL????
DUJCNDIXHXUSKDZBX XJS&▪←_》》_`₩¡¥`_£``¥`\`₩

So, krystal is behind all of this??? Cant believe it but... who knows right...

Kris is cheating with amber bestfriend? And now... krystal is coming back to ruin amber lives one more time?????

Kai, sehun pleaseeee save amber from krystal the bitc*h
lohengay #5
Chapter 10: yeah u are right ,,i'm dizzy haha
why krystal like that?
she hate Amber?
Chapter 9: Woooahhh... kai and sehun fighting???
Pleaseeee... update soon..
Its that a hint that kris would be a winner at the end...
Chapter 8: Who amber choose is the same with who ever i choose!!!
Kai is a good man and sehun is an adorable boy... but kris already have a special place in amber's heart, its only need a explanation for what kris eeal feelings for her... <3
Chapter 8: I love ship Amber with everyone, but I'm more a Krisber shipper.
Chapter 4: Hahaha, Sehun being Sehun as We met him, until wild EXO's showtime appears and EXO members... Say goodbye to your image XD.
I miss them so so much. I want everything to go back, when We were one, We were twelve, We were EXO with a Galaxy style u.u
diaheee11 #10
Chapter 8: Sehun pleaseeee >< i love krishun the most