1. How It All Started

Afterlife's Forgiveness

Hi o.o

I've come back and changed the way the chapters look


They used to be like in paragraphs, but when I went to go re read it


I had a hard time keeping to the sentence and would lose my place and I'd have to look for it again so, I've come back to change it to help everyone's reading experience better.



Chapter 1~


Eun-Mi Kwang and Yumi Yukita were the best of friends. They grew up together, you could almost say they were like sisters from their close bond. Nothing could come between them.. Until one day.


The class Exam was this Friday. Everyone was studying hard, even Yumi who at studying. It was difficult for her to focus on studying since she's always hated school. It was already Wednesday and she was falling way behind on studying. Her mother warned her about failing this exam. Pressure and stress was getting to her that she resorted to the worst method, Stealing the answers for the exam. What she thought would be a difficult task turned out to be an easy task. The janitor was making out with one of the teachers thus making it easy to sneak into the teacher’s desk, grab the answer sheet and run for her life all the way home.


"Yes! With this I won't have to worry about failing this exam. Mom will kill me if I do. God I know this is a sin.. But please let it slide. I don't know what else to do, other than this..." Yumi prayed on her bed with the important paper laid out in front of her..  "I know this is wrong but with my mom threatening with 'You better pass this exam or else' and studying stressing me out I'm breaking..." She sighed resting her face in her hands. "I know I will regret this later on but for now..." She took the paper and looked over the answers studying it.


The next day Yumi had invited Eun-Mi to hang out. Eun-Mi complained that they were supposed to be studying, so Yumi suggested they studied together for a bit. Eun-Mi said she'd be over in an hour. An hour passed by and she waiting near the front door to let her in. 30 minutes passed by and she thought maybe she got stuck in traffic and were on her way but no text message or phone calls. Another hour went by, another 30 minutes went by. That's when Yumi decided to call Eun-Mi to see what in the world was going on and why she was not showing up. It was already 7pm and time was ticking.


"Hello?" Eun-Mi answered.


"Hello, where are you?" Yumi asked annoyed looking up at the clock.


"Home.. Why?" She shrugged looking at the clock as well.


"What! I thought you were coming over!?" Yumi exclaimed in shock.


"What? Oh I thought you were joking about that" Eun-Mi laughed a little, Yumi frowned.


"What part of 'why don't you come over and we'll study together' did you not get, I was inviting you over!" She started raising her voice.


"I'm sorry! Fine I'll be over for sure in 10 minutes!" Eun-Mi apologized hearing how upset she sounded.




"I know I know calm down! I'll be right over!" She hung up worried.


Once Eun-Mi showed up to Yumi's house Yumi still seemed upset about her not showing up, let alone that she thought she was joking.


"Seriously Yumi you need to get over it, you're so childish." She crossed her arms not pleased with her attitude.


"Well at least I show up when I say I will." Yumi backfired.


"You know I didn't think this was per se really important. Other than your house, I show up on time everywhere else." Eun-Mi rolled her eyes.


"Excuse me?" She raised a brow not pleased with Eun-Mi's attitude.


"You heard me." Eun-Mi looked at her.


"So you think it's okay for me to wait around for you like I'm some sort of puppy waiting for her master to feed her?" Yumi crossed her arms.


"To feed you attention yes." Eun-Mi did the same.


"What's your problem." She looked at her insulted.


"I should be asking you that. I simply thought you were joking so I didn't show up and now you're trying to start something about it..." Eun-Mi sighed annoyed.


"I'm not trying to start anything!" Yumi protested.


"Then why are you yelling!" Eun-Mi defended.


"Cuz I'm mad okay! Apparently you think I'm childish and joke around too much, You're my best friend, you know I hate it when people tell me one thing and then they do something else.. It really ticks me off… But then you thought I was joking about coming over. Why would I joke about studying together?" Yumi looked at her confused.


"You never study! I've never seen you study, so I thought it was a joke.." Eun-Mi explained herself.


"I see.. I see how you see me.. Like I'm this stupid little girl who messes around huh?" Yumi's face changed.


"I didn't say that!" Eun-Mi worried.


"Get out.." Yumi pointed out the door.


"Yumi.." Eun-Mi worried even more now.


"I said get out!" Yumi almost yelled.


"Fine then! This is exactly what I meant.." Eun-Mi threw her arms in the air frustrated leaving out the door.


"This.. This is it.." Yumi growled filled with thousands of angry thoughts.




The next day at school, Yumi ran into Eun-Mi in the hallway, knocking her notebook out of her hand. The answer sheet page fell out into view.


"Watch it!" Yumi snapped holding her shoulder.


"Sorry.. I see you're still mad.." Eun-Mi sighed bending over to pick up Yumi's notebook for her. When she saw the answer she for their exam today..


"What is this." Eun-Mi grabbed it looking at Yumi confused. "Are you cheating?" She added. Yumi snatched it from her.


"It's none of your business." She tucked it back into her notebook quickly.

"You stole the exam answers.. Yumi you can get into serious trouble." Eun-Mi whispered.


"You think I don't know that. I tried to study! I tried so freaking hard and nothing was working. My mom is pressuring me to pass this exam.. I asked you to study with me last night but you thought it was a joke. I was seriously trying and now I have no other choice!" Yumi defended herself.


"Oh my god Yumi this .. This is sooo not like you... If you'd resort to this.. I.. I don't wanna be known as the friend of the girl who cheated on the exam.. You're on your own now." Eun-Mi shook her head and started to leave.


"So just like that you'll drop me as a friend huh! You're the worst friend ever!!!" Yumi cried feeling hurt. Her best friend just pretty much ditched her.. Abandoned her over the situation. "I thought best friends had each other's backs..."She stared down at her notebook that held the cheat sheet. "Fine.. If this is how it'll be.. Then.. Then I don't need this..  I'll just fail like I always do.. What do I have to lose this time.... The only reason I stole this stupid thing was so my mother wouldn't take my free time away from seeing Eun-Mi.. She's ditched me now .. I don't need this anymore.." She sniffled walking over to Eun-Mi's locker, folding the sheet of paper and slipping it in through the vents. "It's your problem now..." She glared at the locker before leaving.


Yumi entered the classroom and immediately saw Eun-Mi, who just gave her a -I don't know who you are anymore- look. She sighed and went to take her seat in the back. Their teacher gave out the Exam and everyone began filling in answers. An hour passed and about everyone was almost done. Yumi was the last to turn hers in. She felt terrible. She knew she tanked it and let alone she was starting to regret putting the cheat sheet into Eun-Mi's locker.


"Was that going too far..?" She wondered to herself worried. "I think it was... I have to.... I have to go fix this!" She panicked noticing the teacher looking around for the answer sheet. "I can't let the teacher think Eun-Mi stole it.." She ran down the hall to find Eun-Mi's locker. When she went around the corner, she saw Eun-Mi was already at her locker and had found the cheat sheet in her locker. She looked shocked. Things got worse when a fellow classmate looked over to see what Eun-Mi was looking at and noticed it was the answers to the exam.


"Heey, are those the answers to the exam from just now?" The girl asked.


" Uh." Eun-Mi didn't know what to say.


"They are! You stole them! You're a cheater!" The girl exclaimed.


"Oh no.." Yumi frowned hiding around the corner.


"I didn't steal this! Someone else did!" Eun-Mi defended herself.


"Yeah right, like who?!" The girl rolled her eyes not believing her as she pulled out her phone and texted her friends the info of Eun-Mi stealing the exam answers.


"I didn’t steal it. Yumi did!" Eun-Mi growled. "I can't believe she would do this to me.." She was beyond pissed. Eun-Mi hated to be called a cheater and she hated that she was getting accused for something she didn't do.


"As if Yumi would do something like this, she's too innocent." The classmate shook her head.


"She did! I saw it with my own eyes! She's the one who stole it!" Eun-Mi freaked out that this girl didn’t believe her.


"You're so mean, blaming it on Yumi like this, I feel sorry for her. Some best friend you are." The girl shook her head one last time and walked off. It wasn't long before everyone knew about the answer sheet. Someone even told the teacher about it and out came an angry teacher.


"I'm very disappointed in you Eun-Mi. Go to the principal’s office." She demanded.


"But I didn't do this!" Eun-Mi worried.


"Blame everyone but yourself huh?" Others around her snickered. Yumi was peeking around the corner and Eun-Mi noticed. She shot her a death glare before turning to leave for the office.




Over the next few weeks Eun-Mi was bullied by everyone in their class, being called as the class cheater. They were even bullying her about blaming it on Yumi. They ruined her books so she had to buy new ones. There were a couple of girls who even poured milk on her at lunch one day, calling her mean names while pulling her hair. Her parents were very angry with her as well and didn't believe her when she said it was Yumi who did it. Eun-Mi was suffering now for something she didn't do. Now she loathed Yumi with all her heart and was thinking up of how to expose the truth.


"I will never forgive you Yumi Yukita.." She stared at the picture in her hands of them two on a sunny day at the park. She pulled out a pair of scissors, resting the blades to Yumi's face getting ready to slice her up from the photo. "You'll regret the day you ever met me..." Down went the scissors blades, slicing Yumi cute innocent face in half...




It was Friday night. There was a party going on at one of Eun-Mi and Yumi's classmate’s house. The girl mentioned that everyone was invited to come if they'd like. It wasn't going to be one of them typical, someone brings beer and everyone get wasted party. Since they were graduating from their last year of High School soon, this girl was throwing a party. She lived a little way out of town in a nice house near a lake. (visual for the lake)oVJMD9wTApzNRdYTo8FVz7jIKV1lrNnpOL3IFWwv


Everyone was going and that meant Eun-Mi and Yumi were going too. The girl did state everyone was invited but once Eun-Mi got there it was a whole other story. The girls who had been bullying her, didn't allow her into the girl’s house. They called her names and told her to leave. Since Eun-Mi didn't really want to go back home to her parents she thought she would just sit outside until the party was over. Half way through the party Yumi arrived. She was welcomed in with open arms. She had only come to the party to see Eun-Mi, since she heard she was coming. She wanted to apologize and make things right. Eun-Mi was her only real friend, and she'd hate to lose her like that over a stupid stunt she pulled. She deeply regretted what she did. "I have to apologize.." She thought looking around the place trying to spot Eun-Mi. She was nowhere to be found. "She did come right?" Just then she notice Eun-Mi through the window sitting out by the lake. By herself. She made her way to the front to exit the house and go meet her. Three of the school bullies happened to meet Eun-Mi first before Yumi could get to her. She stayed behind not really wanting to get involved but if she needed to she'd run over.


The three girls confronted Eun-Mi about not leaving like they told her to and they began to fight with her. At first it was verbal then it got physical but not for long since one of the girl pushed Eun-Mi back into the cold ice water behind her. The Lake.


"Go home already, nobody wants you here." The girls spat before returning back to the house. Yumi hid so they wouldn't catch her watching.


"Poor Eun-Mi.. They didn't have to push her into the lake like that." Yumi sighed to herself looking back over to see Eun-Mi still in the water. "Why didn't she get out?" She looked harder to see her head bobbing up and down into the water. Small splashes surrounding her. "What's wrong!?" She started rushing over. "She knows how to swim, what's wrong!?" She thought getting closer to see Eun-Mi was drowning. "Eun-Mi!" She exclaimed starting to feel panic kick in. "I have to do something!!" She turned to see the house was too far to run and ask for help. Everyone inside was oblivious to what was going on outside. "I have to save her!" She ran, jumping into the water. The water was ICE cold. So cold it felt like needles were being stabbed into her body as she emerged under from jumping.


She came up gasping for air, teeth chattering instantly. "SO COLD!" She shrieked swimming over to Eun-Mi who seemed to be losing strength. "Eun-Mi! Hold on I'm coming for you!" She shouted trying her best to get over to her quickly.


"You....IDIOT!...GET OUT!" Eun-Mi exclaimed struggling to stay above water. "What is she doing! She's going to DIE along with me! GET OUT! GET OUT! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DID TO ME JUST PLEASE DON'T DIE TOO!" Eun-Mi thought to herself in horror as Yumi finally reached over to her. The reason Eun-Mi was drowning even though she is an excellent swimmer, was that the water was too cold and caused cramps in her muscles.


"Eun-Mi!" Yumi exclaimed reaching over wrapping an arm around her torso in attempt to bring her up above water.


"YOU IDIOT!" Eun-Mi gasped for air.


"Save your breaths till we get on la-ungh!" Yumi felt sharp pains in her muscles. "What's happening? It hurts so bad! I can't move!" The two started to go under.


"You.. Idiot.." Eun-Mi mumbled again, her lips had turn blue by now and her face was pale..


"No Eun-Mi you can't die!" Yumi felt tears in her eyes. Eun-Mi's hold around her shoulder disappeared as Eun-Mi was finally losing to Death.  She held onto her friend for dear life.


"Don't let go!" Yumi exclaimed. She tried with all her might to keep them above the water...


"Don't let go!!" She cried out feeling her friends body get heavier and heavier. She was losing her.


"Don't let gooo!" She shouted before finally going under with her. She clung onto Eun-Mi's sinking body, losing air as bubbles escaped .


Yumi's final thoughts before death...


I'm SORRY!!!


Eun-Mi! I'm sorry for everything! I never meant to hurt you so badly!


Please forgive me! I wanted to save you! I tried! I've failed, forgive me!


You were my only true friend..


We promised to be friends until the end!


Our end is here!!


But I've betrayed you! I'm so sorry! Please please forgive me!


I'm here with you. I'm here at the end with you! I will die with you because I love you!


You were there for me thru all the bad things in my life. You were like an older sister to me!


I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from the bullies! I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time!


I wanted to tell you I'm sorry before it was too late!


Please hear me thru your heart as I hold you tight with the last of my strength, we'll die together.


You won't die alone!




I've done something wrong!


Please hear me as I ask for your forgiveness!


I never wanted this to happen to her!


I don't know where we're going after this but please, please let her know I'm sorry!



Yumi held her friend tight as the already darkness she could see became pitch black... 


The two drowned together in each other's arms...



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prinsessen #1
I like the whole concept of your story~ looking forward~~ =)
JiaXuanKPOPer #2
Chapter 7: AWWWWW update soon.. CAN'T WAITTTT XD
Chapter 6: I just read the last chapter XD update pleaseeeee.... I've been busy with school and other personal events that I haven't had the time to write anything for my stories lol but I always come to read any fanfics here when I get the chance ^^
fArhonEy #4
Chapter 4: This is absurd. Eunmi was framed. yumi can't be i the angel sections.. noooo.. i hate this...
Chapter 4: Noooooo, Why was Eun Mi put with the demons? She's the one that was framed and everything. Panda needs to wake up and smell some coffee because Eun Mi was framed! >:(
The_Dreamer #6
Chapter 1: That was a very heartbreaking chapter... So sad T.T
But I look forward to the next update :)