Chapter 6

Working for the Enemy
L and you you looked fixedly at the eyes, until L it separated and said:
 - Be careful!
 - If you me were paying attention, this would not happen.
You got up of the soil and you entered the shop. It spent the whole morning and you were hungry, but if you ate something that has been prepared for L, probably you would die, so you decided to eat in some place, but you were not taking money, therefore you said to him to L:
 - Invite me to eat.
 - What? I do not think to invite you to eat.
 - Are you going to do your meal? Do you remember that you also have to eat?
 - Where do we eat?
You went to a restaurant, expensive enough, but you ate brilliantly. You were almost the whole evening walking about the city. You were going from way to house when you saw a small dog running it was doing you, when L it shouted like a girl and hid behind you. You asked him:
 - What happens to you? Does a dog scare you? - You Began to laugh-.
 Sure! The dogs are wild animals that control not even its force not its aggressiveness.
 - What? Savages? Aggressiveness?
The dog approached you, L it was raised on a bank and you began to play with the dog, but L it shouted you:
 - Not and touches or an arm will start you!
 - It does not do anything! He wants only to play, but it has no necklace and neither I see its proprietor.
 - I said it to you, it is a wild dog, vayámonos before we are its next victims.
 - Relax! Of course they will have left this poor dog.
 - Left?
 - If and it is still a pup.
 - What are we going to do?
 - To take it to us, we cannot leave it here.
 - To house? No.
 - If, to house. I do not want to leave it here, any thing might weigh him.
You went to house, you had the dog between your arms, for what L it was not approaching you. You came to house and the first thing that you did was to have shower, you left the responsible for dog L. Just before bringing in in the shower oíste to L to shout:
 - What do you do? Veto!
You went to the lounge, saw to L raised in the couch and to the dog with one of the sneakers of L in the mouth, looked to L and he said to you:
 - Move away from the dog! Here it has my sneaker! You see as it is aggressive!
 - It is not aggressive, he wants only to play.
You took the sneaker of the mouth of the dog and threw it so that the dog was running to take it, looked again to L and said to him:
 - It becomes like that, continues you, I am going to take a shower to myself.
 - No, do not make me alone with him...
You went away the shower and a little bit later you went down to the lounge with the put pajamas. When you entered the lounge you were surprised very much on having seen to L put to bed in the couch and sleeping with the dog. You gave him a few soft blows to L so that he was waking up and said to him:
 - It sees to sleep to your bed, here the back will hurt you.
 - It costs, but... I can remain with the dog. I promise you that I will take care of it very much and will air it.
 - That it has to be said to your mother. 
 - I will say it to him.
You rose for the stairs and L the dog took, to sleep with him. You entered your room and thought: "It seems that L it is beginning changing". You sat down in your bed, L he rang at the doorbell and entered. L it closed the door behind him and said:
 - Can I speak with you a moment?
 - Certainly: what happens?
 Thanks. .
 - Why?
 - Thanks to you, I have realized that the dogs are not bad and of many other things.
 - Of what?
 - Since... - L it looked at you fixedly at the eyes - Since... that one does not give me well to cook, I am still not very well. - It Went out quickly of the room in direction of the bath-.
 - Was it that quite what you were meaning me?
 - If: what another thing was he going to say to you? I have to go away, farewell. - It Entered the bath-.
You sat down again in your bed thinking: ": Did I want to hear another thing? What happens to me with him? Do I like? It cannot be, although it seems that it is changing and has to laugh more sweet than I can imagine, but not, I do not like it: or if? I do not know it...".



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cherLynmyung #1
Chapter 1: I would like to recommend u to use another font ...
Chapter 1: do you use google translator or something? because the english is not that good, you know. Do you know the meaning of "If"? You should've put "Yes" there instead. I mean, it's not that my english is the best, but at least I try to put coherent sentences. Yeah anyways, I'm reading the spanish version so yeah. I like that one more :P haha.
nathrakh #3
Update soon, neh?