Chapter 3

Working for the Enemy
You got up to approach to the swimming pool, slipped and fell down inside, but you could not swim. You were trying to swim, but you did not know, L without raising the sight of its book he said to you:
 - It stops playing.
 -... - you were Trying not to suffocate-.
L it looked for you and saw that you could not swim, the T-shirt came out and it was thrown to the water. It extracted you of the swimming pool and put you in the soil, you opened the eyes and the first thing that it dresses was to L looking fixedly, it seemed worried. You sat down and L it separated, you said to him:
 Thanks. .
 - That happens to you for doing bull.
 - It was not doing anything... 
L it sat down in the hammock and kept on reading. You approached him and said to him:
 - Were you concerned?
 - I? Why?
 - For me...
 - No, I do not want that anybody dies in my swimming pool, I would not like to use it again. And now keep silent about you.
L he kept on reading, you sat down in a hammock next to him. You were very boring, the time was happening slowly. You were on the point of falling asleep when L he got up and it was I point of going away, then you asked him:
 - Where do you go?
 - And to you who matters for you?
 - I must be with you the whole day.
 - I go to the bath: also do you want to come?
L it went away to the bath and you went for a walk for the interior of the house. It was the biggest house and luxuries that you had seen. You were just in front of a door, did not know that there was behind, so you went to open it, but in that moment anybody was opening it. It was L and very astonished he said to you:
 - Were you going to spy on me?
 - He did not know that it was the bath.
 - If, skylight, become the innocent person. You were going to spy on me!
 - It was not going to do it!
L it separated you to go away, but you took him of the arm and said to him:
 - Does it hurt you?
 - The kind being.
 - What?
 - Why are you like that?
 - How?
 - Really that you do not realize?
 - Of what?
 - You are a person...
 -... am a horrible person, but get accustomed, I am like that. I am not going to change my personality why a girl tries it, dates already for conquered.
 - I will not give up.
 - What you say. - It went away-.
You entered the first room that it dresses, took a cushion of the bed and began to strike it. You were beating to the cushion so strong that it broke and pens began to car for all sides. You left the cushion in the soil, I will sigh and you thought: "I already will gather it then". You went out to the lounge and L he was sitting in the couch watching TV. You sat down next to you and a little bit later you had dinner. After terminarais of having dinner it Him went away to its room. You helped to gather the table, while you were taking a few plates L it shouted:
 What is this?! ____________!


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cherLynmyung #1
Chapter 1: I would like to recommend u to use another font ...
Chapter 1: do you use google translator or something? because the english is not that good, you know. Do you know the meaning of "If"? You should've put "Yes" there instead. I mean, it's not that my english is the best, but at least I try to put coherent sentences. Yeah anyways, I'm reading the spanish version so yeah. I like that one more :P haha.
nathrakh #3
Update soon, neh?