Chapter 5

Working for the Enemy
You sat down in the couch to watch TV, L it went away to the kitchen to prepare the breakfasts. It spent almost one hour and L it went out to the lounge and said to you:
 - The breakfast is already ready.
 - Already culprit hour.
You went to the dining room and L he said to you:
 - That makes use of you.
 What is this? - Everything what it had prepared was burned or raw-.
 - Your breakfast.
 - It is not well I begin...
 - It was the first time that was entering the kitchen... it had never used this thing that it warms.
 - The microwave?
 - That! It must be that...
 - Leave it, I will prepare the breakfast for myself.
 - No! You must eat up what I have prepared, at least it proves something, unless...: are you afraid?
 - Of what? Of dying? Sure.
 - No, of that I cooked better than you.
 - That is impossible.
 - Prove it.
You took a spoonful of the soup that it had prepared and the thing was a frightful sea that you had proved. You got up and quickly you went away to the bath to be sick, since they had given you morning sickness. You went to the dining room again and said to him to L:
 - Do you want to kill me or a little?
 - Is it rich? I have I throw my own recipe.
 - If this recipe is to exterminate the human being, it is perfect.
 - What? It is the best thing that you have proved. You already will see it.
L it took a spoonful of the soup and also it went to the bath to be sick. You were behind him and you said to him:
 - Is it rich? 
L it went out of the bath and said:
 - I believe that I am going to throw that wing garbage.
 - I believe that it is the best thing that you can do.
You prepared the breakfast for the two, you had breakfast and L it began to wash the plates. You went out to the courtyard, looked at the sky and thought: "A beautiful day ago, I will go out to give one am walked by me, but not where to go...". Then you shouted:
 - L, come here!
 - What?
 - Today we go away of walk.
 - This way dressed? No.
 - Why? You go quite elegantly.
 - I do not go to any side.
 - So when your father should come I will say to him that he has denied to you to do anything.
 - It costs, costs, but only why my mother sometimes scares me.
You went out of the house and went to a shopping center, there were many shops. It dresses a shop of clothes that you wanted to bring in, then you said to him to L:
 - Do we enter there? - You turned your head but you did not see to L-.
You began to look for him, but you were not finding it, until finally it dresses it. It was behind a plant, you approached him and asked him:
 - What do you do there?
 - I do not want that anybody sees me.
 - Do not be idiotic and we go, I want to enter a shop.
You took it of the arm and pulled him with all your force, but you fell down to the soil and L he was quiet on you. You had to L just on you, could notice its respiration and your heart was beating hard. Is it possible that you were feeling something for the most odious person that you had known?



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cherLynmyung #1
Chapter 1: I would like to recommend u to use another font ...
Chapter 1: do you use google translator or something? because the english is not that good, you know. Do you know the meaning of "If"? You should've put "Yes" there instead. I mean, it's not that my english is the best, but at least I try to put coherent sentences. Yeah anyways, I'm reading the spanish version so yeah. I like that one more :P haha.
nathrakh #3
Update soon, neh?