Chapter 4

Working for the Enemy
 - What is this?! ____________! 
L it was scaring you in this moment, therefore you hid to yourself in the kitchen. The door was opened, it was L and he asked:
 - Where is it _________?
You thought: "Why do I hide of?". You got up from which you were hidden, became just in front of him and said to him:
 What is happening?
L it took you of the doll and took you to a room. It was full of pens, that had happened for your fault, you turned yourself to look at the face of L, it was very angry and he said to you:
 - Is this any type of prank?
 - No, it is alone that...
 - What?
 - I will gather it at once.
 - Very well, I will see as you do it.
You began to clean and L it was not stopping looking at you, you were not going to steal not anything. You stopped and asked him:
 - Why do you watch me? I am not going to steal anything.
 - It is not that, you are capable of putting the pens under the carpet.
 - I not...
 - It continues.
You stopped cleaning and sat down in the bed, L it looked at you and said to you:
 - You have your own bed, he rests there.
You went to your room to sleep. The following morning came and someone entered your room sudden and began to shout:
 - why have not you woken up me?!
 - What...? - You opened the eyes and saw to L.
 - You had to wake up me.
 - He said nothing to my nobody.
 - Since any other person, but nobody has woken up me.
 - And that you want that it does? Another person sees shouting.
L it went out of the room and you kept on sleeping, but it entered again and you said to him:
 - Cannot you call?
 - There is nobody.
 - How that there is nobody?
 - There is nobody at home, not even the personnel.
You went out of your room and went down for the stairs, there was nobody, it was right. L he said to you:
 - I will try to call my mother. - A few minutes Happened - he does not answer: will anything have happened?
 - I do not know it, but first vistámonos.
You went to your room to put yourself the uniform, but it was not for any side, then you put yourself your normal clothes, but oíste a scream of L. Quickly you went to its room and rang at the doorbell. Some the second later L it went out of the room with uniform of masculine employee. You began to laugh and L he said:
 - He stops laughing, has no grace. 
 - Clear that has it, leave to me that I threw a photo to you. - You extracted your mobile and began to do photos-.
L it tried to take from you the mobile, of that time one a role fell down of the pocket of L. You took the role and you began to read it and it was putting: "There is nobody more that you two and for some weeks you will exchange roles, L you will have to do all the tares while _________ will be your chief and will give you orders. Signed Mom". L he said:
 - What?
 - This is brilliant. - You Began to laugh-.
 - Brilliant? It is the worst thing that could have happened to me.
 - Then...: am I your chief?
 - It cannot be, here there is an error - L it turned round him to the role and it was setting "there is no error"-.
You began to laugh, L it looked at you hard and you said to him:
 - Do not look at me this way, now I am your chief.
 - What are we going to do?
 - I to watch TV and you to prepare the breakfast for me. - You said while you were walking in direction of the lounge-.



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cherLynmyung #1
Chapter 1: I would like to recommend u to use another font ...
Chapter 1: do you use google translator or something? because the english is not that good, you know. Do you know the meaning of "If"? You should've put "Yes" there instead. I mean, it's not that my english is the best, but at least I try to put coherent sentences. Yeah anyways, I'm reading the spanish version so yeah. I like that one more :P haha.
nathrakh #3
Update soon, neh?