Chapter 1

Working for the Enemy
You were in Korea sat in a bank of the park thinking the way of renting an apartment close to the beach. You got up and began to walk, until it dresses a job vacancy cartel. You approached and an attendant was needed in a house close to the beach, this was your opportunity to go or to be close to the beach. You called to the number that was written and a woman answered:
 - Hello, I call for the attendant's job.
 - Oh! I am sorry about it, we have just hired someone - screams were heard - the free position is Already: do you want to work here?
 - If, but not like coming.
 - Do not worry, say to us where you are and we can gather you, to start today: do you like?
 - Sure.
You gave him the direction of the hotel where you were lodged, you were there, you rose to your room, packed the suitcase and went down to wait for the person who would gather you. After a little bit a limousine stopped just in front of you, a man of medium-sized age approached you and said to you:
 - Are you ___________?
 - If, and you are...
 - The person who is going to take you to your new work.
 - It costs.
 - Rise.
 - To the limousine? I?
 - If.
You rose to the limousine ye you went to your new work. The place was beautiful, the house was nearly one beach and surrounded with trees, neither were houses around. You entered the house and it was impressive inside, it was enormous and luxurious, it was looking like to you a lie to work there. A woman approached to you and said to you:
 - You must be ____________: no?
 - If, you have an impressive house.
 - That of holidays is alone, other one is even better.
 - That is incredible.
 - I am going to explain to you what you have to do, to start you must put yourself the uniform - you went to a room and put yourself the uniform - Must obey the orders that you of my son, but you must know that you do it is a little... rudely, but do not bear it in mind.
 - Do not worry.
 - Very well, also other girls will tell to you how you must do the things, I hope that you should be fine. I must go now. .
 - See you later and that spends a good day.
You entered the room that they had assigned to you and desasiste your suitcase. You went out and while you were walking along the corridor saw the most nice boy of the world. You continued looking at it with the open mouth and saw that it was approaching you once it was in front of you he said:
 - Who are you?
 - For the uniform, you must be the new employee. What do you make there stopped and with the open mouth? It sees to work, I do not want to dismiss you so soon.
 - I am ____________.
 - AND?
 - Good What’s your name?
 - Myungsoo, but they call me L. - You Released a small laugh: what happens?
 - Not at all, it is alone that L is a name a little...
 - A little that?
 - Rare - You Avoided to laugh-.
 - It sees to trabaja: Rapid!
 - If gentleman!
 - Are you laughing at me?
 - No.
L it went away and you thought that he was an a little serious but nice boy.


I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and please comment, which costs nothing ◕ ‿ ◕.
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cherLynmyung #1
Chapter 1: I would like to recommend u to use another font ...
Chapter 1: do you use google translator or something? because the english is not that good, you know. Do you know the meaning of "If"? You should've put "Yes" there instead. I mean, it's not that my english is the best, but at least I try to put coherent sentences. Yeah anyways, I'm reading the spanish version so yeah. I like that one more :P haha.
nathrakh #3
Update soon, neh?