Writing a song together

I've got you

I glanced over at Sandeul as we walked to the recording studio. He was smiling to himself. 

"Why so happy, Sanny?"

Sandeul looked at me. "I'm just a happy person."

"No one is a happy person unless something made them happy."

"Well, I'm happy."

"Did you get a new cellphone?"

He shook his head.

"Did you lose your ity?"

He shook his head and looked over at me. "ert," he mumbled.

I giggled. "Well, you never know." I took a moment to think about it, "Is it a girl?"

His face turned red, and he looked away. "No," he squeaked.

I gasped. "SO IT IS A GIRL!"

He covered my mouth with the palm of his hand. "Shhh, I don't want the entire school to hear you!"

"What's her name? Is she your crush?" I kept asking more and more questions until Sandeul shushed me. 

"I can't tell you, and yes, she is my crush," he looked away, "she's been my crush for a very long time now."


Other POV~

“Well you’re a singing student for god’s sake, write her a song!” You offered. He gave you an odd look.

“That’s a good idea.”

You hit him on the arm. “I can have good ideas! Don’t give me that look. Now help me with this song.” You said, walking into the studio. You were kind of sad to hear about Sandeul’s crush, but you knew that you couldn’t date anyway, so you wanted to help him.

Sandeul handled the outside of the booth while you recorded your parts.

“Any good?” You asked.

“It was great! It’s really sad, is this a personal song?” Sandeul asked.

“Yeah, it’s about my life a bit, I guess.” You shrugged. Sandeul knew that talking about your home life was off limits. Whenever it was brought up, you shut it down immediately.

“Well the song sounds good, makes me want to cry though. My favorite part is the ‘I can’t settle down until the storm is over, so come back when I can love you back.’ or whatever the lyrics were. You might want to try the high note in the middle again though, because I don’t think you were close enough to the mic.” He advised. You nodded.

“Okay, so can I start at the top of that line then?” You asked.

“Go for it.”

He played the part, and you sang again, getting closer to the mic. Once you were finished, he came into the booth.

“So, speaking of my crush, do you have a crush on anyone, Chris?” Sandeul asked, moving the mic to be set for his own height. 

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Wow. This fanfic is just really really good. I myself am not really a fan of fanfics with murders and ed or any of those stuffs, but somehow this story just drew me in. Hell, I'm really annoyed by 'you' fics and I'm still enjoying this! I really like the fact that you guys manage to squeeze in those funny and sweet moments in such a dramatic storyline. It shows how creative and humorous you are :3

You and your friend are doing a really good job so far, so keep going! Just try to check out your grammar and spelling mistakes ('principal' instead of 'principle', 'you are' instead of 'your', etc.). Maybe try to proofread?

Hope your friend will have a nice stay in SK! Until then, I'll be waiting for the next update! Fighting! ^^
skoreafan #2
Chapter 26: oh no :( 6 weeks is a really long time...
skoreafan #3
Chapter 23: This story kinda sounds like a movie :P it's really unique (as in nobody made this kind of story yet) so I'm really curious of how the ending would be