Fight with Daehyun

Fight with Daehyun

            The tension between Daehyun and I had been rising steadily over the past few weeks.  He had been home for the past month, because the company finally gave the group the break that they needed for so long.  However, with him at my apartment what felt like 24/7 was driving me nuts.  Don’t get me wrong, I missed him when he was gone on tour and doing concerts, but with him here all the time I don’t have time to myself.

            We had been bickering lightly for the past few days, neither one of us wanted to talk to each other.  He would do something so small and I would snap at him, and he would snap back, there was never an ending point to any of this. My breaking point came when he had taken the last piece of cheesecake that my mother had made me for my birthday. “Did you REALLY eat the last piece of cake!?” I snapped at him.

            He looked over at me, the fork still in his hand with the last little bite on it.  “Yes,” he replied, “you ate the whole thing by yourself; I thought this piece was mine.” He slid the fork in his mouth to finish of my mother’s heaven on earth cheesecake.

            My breaking point had come to an end, “WHY!? WHY didn’t you ASK!?” I snapped at him. 

            His eyes were sizing me up, and he knew that there was no way of getting out of this one like the other small fights that we had gotten into.  “Like I said,” he snapped back, “I thought you saved this piece for me.”  I could hear the plate and fork rattle on the coffee table as he set it down harder than what he should have.

            I threw my hands up in the air and marched into the bed room. “Why do I even bother sometimes,” I mumbled. I could hear his footsteps coming from behind me. Daehyun was never a physical fighter, but that never made me stop from checking my back to make sure there wasn’t a hand about to fly my way.

            “You’re going to get mad over a piece of cake?” he snapped, “Something that you know how to make!?”  He was right on that one, I knew how to make my mom’s cheesecake, but that was beside the point.

            “Yes! I’m going to get mad over this.  My mom made that for MY birthday!” I could feel the tears building up. I threw open one of the dresser drawers that had been taken over by Daehyun’s clothes and started throwing them on the bed. 

            “What are you doing?” he asked, anger building up in his voice, but also a hint of sadness as he watched me throw his stuff on the bed.

            I turned and glared at him, “don’t give me that, you know that we have been at each other’s throats for the past few weeks, and you didn’t see this coming?!” I snapped. I turned and went back to my task of cleaning out his stuff.

            I could hear his footsteps start up again, I stopped to face him head on.  He grabbed my hands with one of his and pinned them over top of my head onto the wall.   His other hand he placed on the wall beside me, so he could lean into me and keep balance with.  I was about to protest when he kissed me deeply.  I didn’t see this coming at all.

            I welcomed it with open arms.  My eyes slowly closed and the hand that was right underneath his started to intertwine together.  There was passion in this kiss, something that had been lacking for the past month. He broke the kiss first, and my eyes slowly opened, and his face had sadness written on it.  “I’m sorry, noona.  I didn’t mean to hurt you,” his voice spelled out how sorry he was. 

            I leaned in and kissed him softly, “I’m sorry too. I missed what we had before your break.” I said softly. His hand let go of my hands and he wrapped both of his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer to him.  We were chest to chest and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around him to make it so that we couldn’t be separated.

            He smiled softly, and kissed me deeply again, my eyes closed and the fire that was there before only grew stronger.  The Daehyun that I loved so much was back, it took that little piece of cheesecake to give me back the man that I love.

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darkfire-382 #1
Chapter 1: *reads photos caption* NO. He's not sorry and you and I know it! He's a gorgeous life ruiner. OTL

I don't know why, but reading that first bit reminded me of this fear I have where Daehyun is going to just barge into my apartment and take my food just because.

At first I didn't understand the outburst and how they got so upset, but they've been at each other's necks for a while so it makes sense. I would've loved if this was a longer story and we (the readers) got to see the change from the beginning. (From when they were close to the progression into snapping at each other to making up.) When I think about it, it's something that's really common. If you've been agitated with someone for a while and they move your book out of place, you wanna table flip 'em. XD

That last line proves what I always say: Everything is solved with Daehyun and food. Bonus points if it's cheesecake.

I found you on tumblr as I was swimming through the BAP tag. My s/n there is the same as it is here.
ggy_erd #2
Chapter 1:'s a nice it
warriorbaby #3
Chapter 1: OMG it is too short but i really feel it ;A;