Welcome to Sinro

Midnight Fantasies

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"So tell me more about Sinro." Donghae begged as he struggled to catch up to Eunhyuk's hurried, long strides. They had been walking for a while now to get as far away from the demon territory as they could before meeting with Shisus. A million questions swirled in Donghae's mind and he wanted them answered espicially if he was really awake at the moment.

"I can't, I need Siwon to tell me what to do." the guardian angel continued to ignore the sixteen year old boy filled with curiosity. "He's in charge of us guardian angels so I can't do anything until he tells me why in the world my human is in Sinro." he explained as he kicked a stick aside. The rocky land had gradually shifted into a more grassy one the further they traveled.

"Hmmph, I bet you're not even a guardian angel. No wings, no halo, no white, no pureness, and no love for the human you're supposed to protect." Donghae began to rant as he ticked each point off his fingers. Suddenly the platinum blonde stopped walking and whipped around to stare at Donghae who was still looking at his fingers.

"I am a guardian angel and I am your guardian angel whether you believe it or not. Not all guardian angels have to fit the stereotypes you humans give us on Earth." he poked Donghae's chest with a finger making the boy look up at him. His face was filled with anger causing Donghae to gulp in fear. Eunhyuk looked scary at the moment. Maybe he never should have questioned his identity. He didn't let it go though, Donghae had to get some kind of explanation out of him.

"You don't seem like one. Look, we're the same height and same build and everything. I bet if you really are an angel then I must be one too." He snickered and Eunhyuk's fist grabbed Donghae's shirt nearly pulling him off the ground. Eunhyuk yanked on the shirt making Donghae shuffle forwards until their bodies bumped. Donghae dared himself to look into Eunhyuk's eyes and there he saw them burning with rage. He was furious and the way he leaned in closer to Donghae with a glare made goosebumps rise on the boy's arms.

"Do you not believe I'm really your guardian angel?" His growl was low but clear. Donghae cringed his neck backwards afraid that he might bite him and tear his neck off with the rage within him. He really shouldn't have said any of that. But all of this was too surreal. It was a dream after all, right? Guardian angels and demons only exist in fantasies. Again, Donghae almost made himself believe he would be okay if he just told himself that it was all a dream, and guardian angels didn't exist. He closed his eyes and tried to convince himself none of it was real. Guardian angels don't exist, Sinro doesn't exist, this is all a dream. Eunhyuk's grasp on Donghae's shirt seemed to have loosened and there was a small thump. Donghae's eyes flung open immediately as he saw the blonde had collapsed onto one knee, his shoulders trembling. What was wrong with him?

"Do you believe that I'm a guardian angel?" Eunhyuk asked again. His voice was shaky and weak as he looked up at Donghae. His body was shivering a bit almost. Donghae's eyes widened, Eunhyuk's face was pale, so pale it almost looked translucent.

"Eunhyuk...what's going on?" 

"Answer the question!!!" Eunhyuk roared making Donghae take a step back. Does he really believe that guardian angels exist? Even if they don't Eunhyuk has proven to be able to protect Donghae having saved him twice now.

"Yes." He replied hesitantly. The color began to return to Eunhyuk's face as the blonde slowly stood back up. He took a deep breath and dusted off his cloak and black skinny jeans.

"What was that about?" Donghae's voice was filled with worry. The man looked extremely weak just a moment ago, almost like he was fading.

"Let's go." Eunhyuk grumbled and walked away ignoring the boy. The rest of the journey was filled with silence. Donghae didn't dare think about guardian angels again.


A sound of awe left Donghae's mouth as he stared up at the tall palace. It rose feet into the air and according to Eunhyuk it was in the shape of a pentagon. Pure white columns twisted upwards to hold up the roof. Donghae peered through the two closest columns before him hoping he could see inside.

"It's enchanted you can't see inside because there's a barrier set up by the columns." Eunhyuk explained making Donghae's eyes widen with interest.

"So, it's like the gate?" Donghae asked as he remembered the large arc they had to go under. The arc of silver was adorned with gold carvings within it that glistened. When Donghae had cluelessly tried to run through the gate he was thrown back and Eunhyuk wouldn't stop laughing.

"In a way, they both have similar powers but the gate is alot more powerful." The blonde shifted his gaze go the boy who seemed to have frozen from all the information.

"Let's have you meet Shisus." Eunhyuk sighed and grabbed Donghae's hand. A mere human isn't capable of crossing barriers without an angel.

The feeling of walking through a refreshing, cool mist washed over Donghae's body as he stepped through the barrier after Eunhyuk. Within the palace the clouds were still there, some light pink and others light blue. Steps led down to a small platform descended from the area behind the barrier. Clouds floated around the place either up high near the top of the palace or so close to the floor that Donghae could literally reach out and touch one.

"Stop goggling, you're about to drool and you look like a fish." Eunhyuk chuckled as he led Donghae to the small platform.

"Oh my god what is that?" Donghae looked up to see large slabs of white marble cut into pentagon shapes. They were scattered like stepping stones in the air. The only problem was clouds didn't cushion the large area under the stones. It was just clear skies and beneath them was the land of Sinro seen clearly.

"Your eyes are about to fall out if you don't stop that." Eunhyuk snickered as he casually stepped onto the first marble pentagon. The marble wobbled slightly but Eunhyuk didn't panic as much as Donghae did.

"Are you coming?" He waved at Donghae once he was almost halfway across. The marble pentagons ended on a piece of the building that seemed to be floating. It was covered with large, exotic plants that Donghae has never seen before. But seeing that he had to step on unstable stepping stones, he didn't particularly want to see the plants.

"Can't we meet Shisus somewhere else?" He asked feeling fear creep through his skin.

"You're scared aren't you?" Eunhyuk chuckled and made his way back to the platform where Donghae stood. He grabbed Donghae's hand again to drag him across but the boy stood firm trying not to move.

"You're not going to fall off, I won't let you." He said firmly and managed to get Donghae near the edge close to the first pentagon. "Don't you trust me?" He asked looking deeply into Donghae's eyes with his warm brown ones. 


"That ruined the fairy tale moment." Eunhyuk sighed and yanked Donghae's hand causing the boy to stumble forward and onto the first pentagon. His mind completely freaked at that moment trying his best not to look down. Eunhyuk didn't give Donghae that satisfication of looking down though as he continued to drag the boy across the pentagons. Donghae hopped quickly to every stone trying not to slip and fall or he would face death. A little over halfway across and Donghae's foot slipped on one and it wobbled to the side. If it wasn't for Eunhyuk's hand that held his he would've tumbled downwards. A slight yelp escaped Donghae's mouth when he looked down. Rolling hills flattened out into a plain. In the curve where the hills met plain was a small village filled with houses and a river ran past it. It was all so small from where Donghae saw it. Suddenly the phobia of fears kicked in and he was scrambling to get on sturdy ground again.

"You're not going to die!" Eunhyuk's edgy voice cut into Donghae's panicking mind.

"I'm going to die!" He screamed at the angel. He continued to scrambled on the pentagon with his eyes shut. "You're a freaking guardian angel, save me!" he wailed helplessly. If Sinro really is real and Donghae's in it walking around in flesh and blood then, it's possible to die, right? He couldn't die yet, at least he didn't want to die in some dreamland.

"Open your eyes Mr. Damsel in Distress." a familiar teasing voice crept through Donghae's ears as he collapsed onto the ground. Slowly he opened his eyes as he laid back on his back. He's alive. He couldn't believe it. Donghae heaved a sigh of relief and stared up into the sky. The view was then blocked by a platinum blonde head that wore a smug look on his face.

"I forgot to tell you. What you see below the stepping stones is a mirror. We can see the land below but all they can see is a normal sky." Rage boiled inside the sixteen year old as he shot up from the ground glaring at the guardian angel. Deciding to ignore Eunhyuk, Donghae brushed himself off and turned around.

"Let's go see Shisus so I don't have to ever see you again." he huffed and walked towards the jungle of plants and trees. Eunhyuk had no choice but to follow with a smirk plastered to his face. It was fun teasing the human.


"He has dark magic on him. Somehow a demon was able to mark him with dark magic making him return to Sinro. He will continue to return here every night until the spell is removed." Eunhyuk and Donghae's face was in total shock at the news as they both stared at the man named Siwon or more favorably known as Shisus. The tall man was half with white pants on held up by a golden belt. His necklaces, bracelets, and rings were also made by gold.

"How do we get the dark magic off him?" Eunhyuk asked. He was very troubled with the news. When he had made the dream of becoming a guardian angel, never would he think that he would have such a troublesome client.

"I won't be able to do it. It's pure dark magic from the depths of Hell. It's impossible for me to do anything."  Shisus shrugged and sat back in his throne as he sipped his tea. He seemed pretty lax with the news.

"But you're God!" Donghae wailed. How could he return to Sinro every night? That's pure horror to have to deal with all of this confusion and then to have to be stuck with Eunhyuk too.

"No, I am Shisus, there is a difference. I'm much more handsome." Shisus chuckled as he winked at the human. Donghae groaned not liking the position he was in. "Now, to get rid of the black magic you will have to go to the only other place that's covered with demons besides Hell. You don't want to mess with Heechul, I promise you don't go look for him. Find the Death Mountains, the demon and I are on better terms than Heechul so if you do some persuading, blackmailing, threatening, then he'll help you." he took another sip of tea before looking up at Eunhyuk's and Donghae's slightly confused faces.

"So if I just teleport there-" 

"That's impossible." Eunhyuk wasn't given the chance to finish his question. "The mountains are guarded tightly with about the same amount of demons as Hell. Besides that, it's too far to teleport too. You'll be able to fly there if you had your wings though." Immediately, Eunhyuk's head snapped towards Siwon. He didn't need anyone to remind him that he, unlike other guardian angels, have wings. Most of the other guardian angels were able to earn their wings faster than Eunhyuk. Donghae was the last client, the last client he would have before he would get his wings. 

"So, can't you explain to me what the hell Sinro is?" Donghae sighed. No one ever gave him a clear explanation and he wanted one now. All the talk of Heaven, Hell, mountains, and wings was confusing him. 

"Sinro is a beautiful land full of magical creatures that you silly humans on Earth believe to be a fantasy. Sinro extends into a pentagon and Heaven covers only the center of the land, whereas Hell is buried within the southern part. Sea surrounds the pentagon shaped land and there are more unknown places far beyond that. Angels and Demons are the more predominant creatures of Sinro. Are you with me so far?" Donghae nodded hesitantly as he tried to digest all of the information. Suddenly Siwon pulled Donghae away from the coffee table they were sitting at and into the shade of an odd looking tree that slightly resembled a palm tree. Eunhyuk was eyeing them weirdly wondering what Siwon couldn't say in front of him.

"Now, let me tell you about guardian angels pretty boy." Siwon grinned and leaned against the tree trunk. "Guardian angels are one of the only creatures that are connected to Earth. Their jobs are to protect certain humans for a period of time. Their contracts usually extend to maybe ten, twenty years or so. And since they're immortal to some extent they usually carry the job their entire neverending lives."

"What do you mean when you said, to some extent? So they are able to die as well?"

"In a way. When a human realizes, or has some idea they have a guardian angel then the angel's life is slightly endangered. They begin to have to rely on belief. If the client they are protecting doesn't believe in angels and continues to deny their existence then the angel will slowly begin to fade within seconds. Technically they'll be dead." Siwon shrugged as he rested his head against the tree trunk. Having to explain everything to Donghae was tiring, he had to recall information he had nearly forgotten. It wasn't everyday a human wander into Sinro.

Donghae blinked after hearing the news. He risked a glance at Eunhyuk who was sitting back at the table with his feet propped up on the table, his cloak nearly touched the floor. The angel was eyeing the two of them warily and Donghae was scared he could hear what they were discussing. That's when Donghae realized, he had almost killed Eunhyuk.

"I advise you, don't kill your guardian angel just yet. I know Eunhyuk's good at being annoying but you'll get devoured out there in a heartbeat without him." Siwon said as if he was making small talk. Donghae's eyebrows twitched at the thought of how relaxed Shisus was with the whole situation. He was expecting him to be worried and pacing around from seeing a human stuck in their land of angels and demons. But all he gets is a half man who buries himself amidst odd plants and acting like today is just every other day.

"Yah are you guys done yet?!" Eunhyuk's impatient shout made Siwon chuckle and slowly lead Donghae back to the table before taking his spot back on his throne.

"Yes. I'll place this amulet on him before waking him up." Siwon took out a gold necklace that dangled with a small silver wing. It didn't look very special but if it was enchanted with Shisus magic then it must be. He carefully put it around Donghae's neck letting it fall onto the boy's chest. "Whenever he returns to Sinro he will arrive back in the place where he was last before waking up." Donghae hardly heard what the man said as he was examining the necklace. It shimmered a little now and looked so magical.

"What's the quickest way to make him wake up?" Eunhyuk asked looking irritated.

"Simple, with a kiss." Donghae didn't know if he heard clearly but Siwon's lips met his and it must have worked. His vision swirled. Shisus's face became blurry and as he glanced to the side, Eunhyuk's shocked face did too. All the plants became one large green blob and before he knew it his blue orb friend was bouncing on his forehead making it ache. Surprisingly it wasn't in the dream this time. Donghae wanted to know why but Ari had rushed into his room, but this time his usual grin was replaced with tears.

panda: i hope siwon answered some questions if not u can ask them in the comments and if they need to be ill try to find a way to fit the answers into a future chap xD i hope dis chap was interesting probs ALOT of errors OTL haha ive been typing half and half on diff devices :( anyways to those in america happy independence day xD hope fireworks were prettyful xD nd those not in america hope ur day was good and filled with eunhae luv xD

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257471 #1
Chapter 10: It's getting more interesting with hyuk and chonchon...
please update this soon. thanks
Chapter 10: Keep it ChonChon, it´s cute ^^ and please pleeeasee update soon! :D
Chapter 10: ㅋㅋㅋ there were two hyukkie around hae now, its gonna be interesting, eunhyuk jealous over chonchon
moonlight_bat #4
Chapter 10: kekekekeke, see hyuk, if u don't treat hae better, you will be replaced by that spirit
Chapter 10: LOL...
i think maybe hyuk will be jealous w/ chonchon... hahahahaaaa...
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 10: Yay you updated! xD But I think ChonChon is fine :) It's cute! ^_^ And awww is Eunhyuk jealous? ;)
Chapter 10: lmao dont worry, just update!
Chapter 10: -gasp- ChonChon/Eunhyuk looking spirit!!!! The part with him just saying Donghae's name over and over and snuggling with him is sooo adorable ^^