
To The Underworld



‘Your angel.’

Baekhyun just stood there, gaping at Chanyeol, his mind unable to comprehend. Finally, after a long time, he managed, ‘Are you lying to me?’ Chanyeol smiled at his innocent question and shook his head, ‘No, I’m not lying. Angels don’t lie.’ ‘B-but,’ spluttered Baekhyun, ‘how can that be?’ Having majored in Mathematics, Baekhyun couldn’t believe anything that didn’t add up, anything that defied logic.

I guess I have bit of an explaining to do, thought Chanyeol. He made Baekhyun sit down on one of the rocks in the cave and said, ‘When a child is born, the gods assign an angel to the child. That angel remains very close, yet hidden from the person throughout his life. He only reveals himself when the person is in extreme pain, or grief; to help them out. To lessen their pain or grief.  And...’ Chanyeol’s voice trailed off and Baekhyun completed his sentence, ‘And you were assigned to me.’ Chanyeol nodded.

Baekhyun nodded back, letting this new piece of information sink in. Chanyeol saw that Baekhyun believed him, and continued, ‘When someone near to our assigned human dies, we show ourselves and make them an offer to travel to the underworld. Most people refuse. But when they do agree, the angel accompanies them, so here I am.’

Baekhyun reached out, took Chanyeol’s hand in his own and said softly, ‘Thank you.’ Chanyeol looked down at the small hand holding his large one, well aware of his heart speeding up, oh Baekhyun...

But Chanyeol bottled up his feelings and put them in the back shelf. There was no place for an angel in a mortal’s world, especially one journeying to the underworld to get his lover back. He was just there to help, nothing more. His heart ached but he knew that it was the truth. He smiled at Baekhyun brightly and gently freed his hand from Baekhyun’s soft grip, ‘Let’s go.’

Baekhyun nodded in agreement, ‘Let’s.’





As they walked, the huge tree came into sight. ‘Whoa...’ said Baekhyun in utter amazement. He could say with confidence that he had never seen anything as tall as the tree. The tree of life had a thick trunk with branches reaching up, far into the clouds.

‘Baekhyun?’ asked Chanyeol. ‘Hmm?’ replied Baekhyun, not able to tear his eyes off of the magnificent tree in front of him. ‘Are you ready?’ asked Chanyeol. Baekhyun nodded. Then all of a sudden, without warning, Chanyeol revealed his wings.

Baekhyun heard the rushing sound of air and turned around. There stood Chanyeol, his wings unfurling. They were white; and when Baekhyun looked closely, he could see each soft feather independently. With wings, Chanyeol seemed to emit a light. Now I understand what the wings on his shirt signified, thought Baekhyun.

Chanyeol gestured Baekhyun to move closer. When Baekhyun was close enough, Chanyeol folded his wings around Baekhyun. As soon as he had done so, a dark hole opened up in the ground and they plummeted down. Baekhyun was on the verge of screaming when Chanyeol lifted his chin up to face him and smiled. Something about Chanyeol’s smile calmed Baekhyun down and he smiled back.

He didn’t notice his surroundings and became aware of them only when his feet touched the ground once again. Chanyeol moved his wings from around Baekhyun and gestured to the river in front of them. ‘Welcome to the Underworld.’ Baekhyun stood wide eyed, taking everything in; it doesn’t look very different from the normal world. It’s like a….darker version of the world.

The sky was dark; and red. There were no clouds, or moon or sun. Just a blood red color everywhere. The river was dark and Baekhyun didn’t even want to wonder what might be lurking underneath the surface. Near the bank where they were standing, was a small ferry. Inside it was an old man. He had a pleasant face and seemed friendly enough.

‘This is the Acheron River,’ said Chanyeol, ‘it’s the passageway to Hades.’ Baekhyun nodded back, not saying anything. Something about the whole gloomy and intimidating surroundings made him too scared to speak out loud. Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand and squeezed it gently. Then he led him over to the ferry.

‘Charon,’ nodded Chanyeol in greeting at the ferryman. ‘Angel,’ nodded the ferryman, Charon, back. Chanyeol got in first and helped Baekhyun in. Baekhyun was a little wary about getting in the tiny ferry; can it hold three fully grown men? It barely looks strong enough to hold one. ‘It’s alright,’ said Charon to Baekhyun, ‘it can hold all three of us, no need to worry.’

Baekhyun’s eyes widened, he can read minds? After he realized this, he tried to clear his mind and not think anything; instead took Chanyeol’s outstretched hand and got in. They sat side by side, in silence. Something about the deafening silence was killing Baekhyun; he felt as if he was being suffocated, he couldn’t wait to get out of the tiny ferry.

When they were almost to the other side of the river, Charon stopped the ferry. ‘What’s wrong?’ whispered Baekhyun. ‘He wants a payment,’ Chanyeol whispered back. ‘What payment?’ asked Baekhyun. Instead of answering, Chanyeol stood up and unfurled his wings. Baekhyun had never been gladder to see something his entire life. The purity Chanyeol seemed to emit with his wings open was something that Baekhyun desperately needed at the moment.

As Chanyeol’s standing up had unbalanced the ferry, so Baekhyun stood up too, to balance it. It was a tight squeeze; Baekhyun could feel Chanyeol’s warm breathe on his cheek. Baekhyun hesitantly looked up at Chanyeol, suddenly shy. Chanyeol was looking at him already. ‘Hold me,’ said Chanyeol, desperation leaking into these two words. ‘What?’ asked Baekhyun, surprised.

Before Chanyeol could repeat himself, Charon plucked a feather from his wings. Color visibly drained from his face and he slumped forward on Baekhyun’s shoulder. ‘Chanyeol?!’ asked Baekhyun in panic, trying to shake the limp figure fallen on his shoulder. ‘WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?’ shouted Baekhyun at Charon. ‘Baek…’ murmured Chanyeol, his voice muffled against Baekhyun’s shoulder. ‘Oh thank God,’ sighed Baekhyun, all anger draining out, ‘I thought…’

‘It’s alright,’ said Chanyeol weakly, ‘he took my feather as a payment, which weakened me temporarily. I’ll be fine soon.’ Baekhyun didn’t dare sit; afraid it might disturb the already weak Chanyeol. Instead, he put his arms around him, gently his hair; just like Chanyeol had that first night, when Baekhyun was at his weakest.

Chanyeol felt Baekhyun’s arms around him and tenderly his hair. He smiled slightly and lost himself in the embrace; one that he had long waited for.





‘Are you alright now?’ asked Baekhyun, holding out a hand to help Chanyeol out of the ferry. Chanyeol nodded back brightly, the color back in his face already. He took Baekhyun’s hand and got out of the ferry but didn’t let go even when he got out.

Without a word, the two men started walking. Soon, a large gate came into sight. Baekhyun could tell that some royalty lived there. The gates were made of pure gold, intricate designs carved into it painstakingly, two guards in full armor standing on each side of the gate. Baekhyun instinctively drew closer to Chanyeol when they passed the intimidating guards, but they made no move to stop them.

Inside the door was a huge stone mansion. There was no garden; in fact, now that Baekhyun looked around, he couldn’t see any greenery anywhere. Chanyeol knocked the bronze knocker on the mansion’s door. Soon, an extremely beautiful lady opened the door. She had a smile on her face which was way too bright for someone living in the Underworld.

‘Welcome!’ she exclaimed, ushering both the men in, ‘I was told you’d be coming.’ Baekhyun looked at her, puzzled; lady what is wrong with you? This is the damn Underworld, not a game show. Chanyeol saw Baekhyun’s puzzled expression and introduced the lady to him, ‘Baekhyun, this is Persephone, daughter of the goddess of harvest. She is also…uh…Hades’ wife.’

Persephone laughed and said, ‘Well, it is quite a story. He kidnapped me you know, to marry me. Very romantic.’ She laughed again but Baekhyun detected a hint of bitterness. However, he smiled and nodded politely. ‘Anyway,’ she continued, ‘I heard the reason you travelled to the Underworld. And I must say, I was very impressed and interested in meeting you. It has been eons since anyone did this for the one they love.’

Baekhyun nodded again, ‘I couldn’t imagine life without Kyungsoo.’ ‘Well forgive me, then,’ said Persephone, ‘you must be quite eager to meet my husband. I’m holding you up.’ ‘No,’ replied Baekhyun, ‘that’s alright. It was nice meeting you.’ Persephone smiled,

‘Same here, young Baekhyun, same here.’





‘It’s alright Baekhyun,’ said Chanyeol soothingly, ‘he may be the king of the Underworld, but he is nothing like you’re imagining. He’s actually very hospitable, to the alive and dead, alike. You have nothing to fear.’ Baekhyun was still nervous, how do you greet a damn god?

They both entered his room and suddenly Baekhyun saw that Chanyeol was right; Hades was nothing like what he had imagined. The room was quite big, with a fire flickering in the fire place. There was a shelf on one side of the room, covered with books. A table in the centre of the room had wine and goblets on it. In front of the fireplace, was a magnificent rocking chair, on which sat Hades.

The first thing that popped into Baekhyun’s mind as soon as he saw Hades was Dumbledore.

The man had a long white beard and hair, which he had tied up, not unlike Dumbledore. He wore a fur coat made from the skin of some animal, but Baekhyun could see that underneath it, he wore a normal shirt and pair of pants. He had a face not fitting the lord of the Underworld. It was kind and amiable; and it seemed as if he smiled a lot.

Not sure what to do, Baekhyun knelt in front of him. ‘MynameisByunBaekhyunsircanihaveKyungsooback?’ Hades chuckled, ‘Get up Byun Baekhyun.’ Baekhyun got up and looked at him. ‘No need to be afraid,’ said Hades, ‘Now tell me again, what were you saying?’ Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who nodded encouragingly and patted him on the back. ‘I was saying sir,’ said Baekhyun, ‘that can I have Kyungsoo back?’

‘I stand impressed. Your love is young, yet deep and extremely pure,’ said Hades, ‘not something you see a lot. However, I have some rules. Rules that apply to everyone.’ ‘Rules?’ repeated Baekhyun uncertainly. ‘Yes, rules,’ replied Hades, ‘bringing someone back from the dead is not something usual. It is like cheating death. So, a price must be paid to do this; are you willing to pay the price?’ ‘Yes,’ said Baekhyun, ‘anything.’

‘My Lord,’ interrupted Chanyeol, speaking for the first time since they entered the room, ‘if you allow, may the mortal be excused for a while? There are matters about which I have to talk to you.’ Hades nodded.

Chanyeol led Baekhyun to the door, ‘Baek, you go wait outside. There is something I have to talk to him about.’ ‘Why can’t you do that in front of me?’ pouted Baekhyun. Chanyeol’s heart skipped a beat; what he was about to do won’t ever let him see Baekhyun’s adorable pout or Baekhyun himself again, but it’s the right thing to do, thought Chanyeol and answered,

‘Just because.’





Baekhyun sat on one of the many chairs in the lounge of the mansion. I wonder what Chanyeol is talking about, I should have tried harder to stay in the room…Anyway, I’ll get it out of him once he comes out. He sunk into the comfortable chair deeper, only realizing then how tired he was, I feel like as if I haven’t slept in forever. He yawned and settled snugly in the chair, readying himself for a nap.

As the first traces of sleep started to creep up on him, he let his mind wander freely. He let himself think all the things he’d kept bottled up, to prevent him from hurting. Soon, he’d be asleep, blissfully oblivious to the present situation; it wouldn’t hurt to explore his mind a little.

He thought about Kyungsoo, how he missed him so much even though it has been a day since he died, how he is so grateful to get a chance to get him back, how he experienced so many wonderful things on this journey, how he feels about the underworld…and how Chanyeol’s arms go around him and make him feel complete, how he could feel Chanyeol’s breathe on his cheek in the ferry…

Wait, WHAT? What am I thinking?!




While Baekhyun slept just outside in the lounge, Chanyeol was negotiating with Hades in the room inside. ‘You know the rules, Angel,’ stated Hades plainly, ‘to bring someone back from the dead, an exchange must be made. This has been going on ever since time started, ever since this world was made. I cannot just change these rules for a normal mortal.’

‘I know my Lord,’ said Chanyeol, ‘but please, can you not consider it? He travelled all the way to the Underworld just to get his lover back. What will be the point of all this if he himself gives his life in exchange? He will not be able to be with his lover, something that he wants desperately.’

‘Love is powerful, yes,’ admitted Hades, ‘but not powerful enough to change rules made eons ago. He might have come to get his lover back, but that cannot be done without an exchange.’ ‘Please,’ said Chanyeol, desperately. Hades voice softened, ‘Look, you think I want to do this? I don’t. But if I do allow this once, havoc will rage. Everyone will want this for themselves too; you think no one loves anyone like Baekhyun loves Kyungsoo? As much as this is an interesting love story, I cannot allow it. An exchange has to be made; otherwise Baekhyun will have to go back empty handed.’

Finally, when Chanyeol saw that this was not working, he came to his original plan. ‘So,’ said Chanyeol, ‘if someone is given in the place of Kyungsoo, he can go back?’ Hades nodded and Chanyeol continued, ‘Does it have to be Baekhyun?’ Hades was taken aback a bit by this question, ‘Well, no, it can be any one, but who will it be in this situation?’ Chanyeol smiled and sudden realization hit Hades.

‘Me,’ said Chanyeol.





I do love him, thought Chanyeol as he walked out the room and to the lounge, but he doesn’t love me back. He loves Kyungsoo. If I can’t have him be happy with me, at least I can get him Kyungsoo, he can be happy with the one he loves. He travelled all the way to the Underworld, just for Kyungsoo. It doesn’t make any sense to either leave empty handed or exchange himself for Kyungsoo; they won’t be together, like he wants. What is the point of this unreciprocated love of mine? The only thing that is right is to let myself take Kyungsoo’s place, Baekhyun won’t notice my absence and he’ll be happy. Mission accomplished. Chanyeol smiled sadly, sure he’d admitted it, but it was hard. It hurt him to think that he wasn’t he one Baekhyun loved, that Baekhyun won’t notice his absence.

He saw Baekhyun, asleep on one of the chairs in the lounge. Just the sight of his peaceful face made Chanyeol forget his sadness and think that what he was doing was the right thing.

But because, he was in love, he couldn’t stop himself from doing it before they were separated forever. He kissed Baekhyun.

He gently pressed his lips to Baekhyun’s soft ones. I’m sorry Kyungsoo, thought Chanyeol, he is yours and what I am doing is wrong, but please forgive me for stealing a few moments. It will be the only thing I’ll have to hold on to for eternity.

He began softly, careful not to wake Baekhyun up, but he couldn’t control himself. He pressed down harder, biting Baekhyun’s lower lip. Baekhyun woke up with a start. At first, he got startled to find Chanyeol kissing him, but soon, he lost himself to a subconscious part of his, which loved Chanyeol and kissed him back.

Chanyeol grabbed a bunch of Baekhyun’s hair and roughly pulled him closer, his tongue wetting Baekhyun’s lips. Baekhyun allowed it in his mouth, letting Chanyeol take control. Chanyeol pulled back and slid down, the skin on Baekhyun’s neck, leaving faint red marks. Baekhyun buried his face in Chanyeol’s hair, his mind reeling, not able to think straight.

Chanyeol trailed kisses across Baekhyun’s jaw line, leaving the other feeling frustrated at the lack of Chanyeol’s ual desire. It seemed as if Chanyeol only wanted to love; he wanted romance. He loved Baekhyun completely and purely; there was no lust.

But Baekhyun, however, was a human. A human who was wildly attracted to the man trailing burning kisses along his collarbone. He bunched Chanyeol’s shirt in his hand and pulled it up. ‘No, wait…’ murmured Chanyeol, trying to stop Baekhyun. But he was not one to be stopped. He ran his nimble fingers across Chanyeol’s well defined body, and watched as goosebumps rose in the path made by his fingers.

Chanyeol dove back to Baekhyun’s neck, kissing it and making his way down. Baekhyun couldn’t take it anymore. He ed and ped Chanyeol’s jeans. He was about to tug it down that Chanyeol stopped him. He put his hand on Baekhyun’s and shook his head, ‘I’m sorry, I gotta go.’ He buttoned up his jeans and stepped back. ‘B-but...’ stuttered Baekhyun, ‘where?’

Chanyeol smiled, ‘Somewhere.’  Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with desperation; it sent pain slicing through Chanyeol’s heart. You’ll understand my decision, thought Chanyeol, soon enough. He walked closer to Baekhyun, and smiled broadly, ‘Stay well,’ and kissed his forehead. He didn’t pull away at once but whispered against his forehead, ‘I love you.’

Baekhyun closed his eyes to stop the tears that were threatening to fall. He felt Chanyeol’s lips move from his forehead and he opened his eyes. Chanyeol was walking backwards, away from him with a smile on his face. Baekhyun reached out to touch him one last time. But before he could touch him, Baekhyun fell to the ground in a dead faint. The last thing he felt before blacking out was an extreme feeling of regret…





- Two months later –

Baekhyun woke up with a start. He had the same dream he had been having for the past two months. It always started out as a nightmare, and then it would get a little better and then take a turn for the worse again. He usually didn’t remember the entire dream, but he always saw a dark place and felt despair; and then it would go away, and something white would come into his view. A pair if wings perhaps…

 He had a feeling that the dream was his body’s way of making him remember something important, something he had forgotten. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t recall anything. He even asked Kyungsoo if he remembered something drastic happening in the past two months but Kyungsoo would also shake his head no.

This morning, as he woke up with a start, he felt Kyungsoo stirring. He had woken Kyungsoo up. Kyungsoo, half asleep, put an arm around Baekhyun’s waist and rested his face on Baekhyun’s shoulder, ‘Hey,’ he said in his hoarse, morning voice. Baekhyun turned his head a little to kiss Kyungsoo on the cheek, ‘Hey sleepy head.’

‘Do you know what’s tomorrow?’ asked Kyungsoo. ‘Uhh, Tuesday?’ asked Baekhyun. ‘Silly, it’s our turn at the adoption centre. Baekhyun, we’re becoming parents tomorrow!’ replied Kyungsoo, obviously psyched. ‘Oh my,’ said Baekhyun, ‘really?’ ‘Yup,’ answered Kyungsoo. He sat up, hugging a pillow, and pulled Baekhyun’s arm until he sat up too.

‘But Baek,’ said Kyungsoo, ‘there’s something I’m worried about.’ ‘What?’ asked Baekhyun. ‘We still haven’t decided on a name for the child,’ answered Kyungsoo. Baekhyun smiled and Kyungsoo pouted, ‘Hey! It’s important; I have no idea what we’ll call our child. I don’t even know what his last name will be.  Yours is Byun and mine is Do, what do we call him?’

‘Park Chanyeol.’

Baekhyun seemed surprised at hearing the name come out of his lips. Then suddenly it hit him. All that had happened two months ago. The journey he had made, the things he’d seen, the feelings he had developed…

Kyungsoo said something, but Baekhyun barely heard him. He was too busy exploring his mind; going deeper and deeper into the memories he’d just discovered he had. Absent mindedly, he looked at Kyungsoo, and as he did, a revelation struck him.

Chanyeol gave himself in exchange for Kyungsoo.

Something inside Baekhyun broke. He now understood what the ‘somewhere’ was. He now understood that before leaving, when Chanyeol had said ‘I love you’ to him, he wasn’t kidding. He couldn’t believe someone could actually do that for him, that someone loved him so much. Again he felt a searing regret for not seeing what was when it was, instead just focusing on the past or future.

‘Babe?’ Kyungsoo’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts. ‘Hmm?’ he replied. ‘I asked something,’ said Kyungsoo. ‘I didn’t hear it. What did you say?’ asked Baekhyun. Kyungsoo sighed, ‘I asked where you saw this name.’ Baekhyun smiled sadly, ‘In the stars.’



Hey guise~~~ Finally done!! What do you think? Comment and subscribe~~~ and lemme know.

P.S. I'm sorry for the teaser-kinda- (?) I wrote. Although I did try, but I'm not ready for writing yet. 

Maybe next time ^^

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Princess_lee #1
Chapter 2: anyone? $equel kudasai? Happy endueng ple5~~ kinda next???? Huehuehue ヽ(T ▽ T)/T I'm still creyin
Chapter 2: This story is so beautiful. NO DOUBT AUTHOR-NOM! :DDD hihhih
Chapter 2: You make my eyes watery;_;
Love the story<3
parkchan_ #4
Chapter 2: wow wow so heartbreaking :(
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sillyc_135 #6
This is beautiful! iacutallycriedduringsomeparts. ;~; haha, wonderful story, author-nim. :)
Chapter 1: OMHOMGOMG!!! I love how the story goes so far B U T I need to know wat's the main pairing here! Is it Baeksoo or Baekyeol? PLEASE reply!!
Chapter 2: i love this ~ i'm crying omo TT_TT i hope you can write another baekyeol story and please i'm begging you please let them to be together~

this is now one of my favorite stories
Chapter 2: omgg...!!!
*sigh*...chanyeol chanyeol chanyeol...how can someone not love dx guy?!!?!?
luved it,even da teaser-kinda-!!keke^^
update soon!!