The Seven Deadly Sins


Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride; seven very different vices with only one thing in common, each is one of the seven deadly sins. And the punishment for carrying out any one of these is....eternal damnation.

What happens when 12 boys unknowingly stumble onto these? 


These boys just don't know what they're messing with.



Hey everyone! So, this will consist of seven one-shots, each based on one deadly sin, starring (is that the right word to use here?) an EXO OTP. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment and subscribe~ ^^


Poster courtesy DEER♥ poster shop. Thank you for the wonderful poster ^^


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CrazyShoe #1
It's been two years just update!!! Pleaaaaasssseeeeee!!!!
EXOtic181818 #2
Chapter 1: Omfg wae!!!!??!???? No
parkchan_ #3
please update soon. can't wait for other sins.
Chapter 1: woahhh...that was deeep!!!
nice one,authornim!
Chapter 1: Wow.. Never let one deadly sin overcome you ):
V-Machina #6
Chapter 1: Kyungsoo T•T
Chapter 1: *sobs* they died...