I'm Your Anti-Fan (chapter 1)

I'm Your Anti-Fan (STOPPED)


UGHHHHH, I HATE CHO IN' KYUHYUN! Yep, I'm talking about the very famous solo singer Cho Kyuhyun here. Why do I hate this "omg! so hot and cute!" guy? Well, my reason isn't specific. I have loved Korean music for years and years. This guy just ruins it, okay?

First, his personality on TV is too cold and snarky. He seems so rude! He indirectly insulted my bias fan groups before! Such as SHINee! He said that they "needed more practice on their vocals" AISH. WHY DON'T YOU JUST PRACTICE ON YOU ATITUDE?

Second, he's too overexposed! Every time on the news, "Kyuhyun releases a new single!", "Kyuhyun brings the audience to tears with his sad story in Strong Heart!", "Kyuhyun gets a new haircut!", Kyuhyun this, Kyuhyun that! What's so special about this guy? I mean, he sings well and all, but that's it! I don't like overesposed people.

Lastly, I hate his fans! They are so mean just like him! For example, I was just pointing out his flaws in a video of his performance and all of his fans started bashing me. "Gtfo, troll. Kyu oppar is flawless.", "Oppar is tired! give him a break!", "Whatever. It's not like you can do better than oppar." Like seriously??

That's why I am a proud member of his anti-fan club. I didn't just sign up and be an anti. I do all these crazy stuff with my fellow antis. Sometimes after school, a group of us goes and stalks him. We take pictures, videos, etc. And post them online to see his real side and all these bad stuff about him. We try our best to make him look bad so it would ruin his image. Our goal is to make him resign from being a singer.

I started being an anti about a year ago, during my sophmore year of my performing and visual arts high school, SM Academy. I came here so I can pursue on being a guitarist and composer. Members from SHINee even attended here during their pre-debut days! Haha, you guessed right. I'm a Shawol! A proud fan of SHINee. Anyways, so I am in my junior year now! My best friends are Eunhyuk, Heechul and Seohyun, who are also antis of Kyuhyun. Actually, Seohyun, is the founder of Cho Kyuhyun's largest anti-fan cafe. Fascinating, huh? Eunhyuk, Heechul and I are the co-founders. Almost everyday, we go on the cafe to rant and post about that bastard. To prevent us from getting jumped, we all use anonymous usernames, so no one knows who we are. Mines is "BlackSmile". Of course, we get a lot hate messages from supporters of Kyuhyun. We don't give a crap. They can't force us to like Kyuhyun when it's our opinion. We just tell them to get the out of our site. Anyways, we are all 17. What's bad about it is that Kyuhyun is also 17....makes me feel disgusting that I am the same age as him.

Anyways, I'm a single girl..however, I do have a crush right now....He's a total hottie!!!  And a gentleman too. Very kind, nice, friendly. His name is Choi Siwon. He also attends SM Academy. He's in some of my classes too! We're friends, but not close friends. Hopefully soon though! My ideal type is anyone who is opposite of Cho Kyuhyun. Which means that anyone who isn't made by the devil. Choi Siwon is an angel fallen from heaven! And I know what you're thinking...."Psh, you're so gonna love Kyuhyun one day, I mean who doesn't?" which are the exact words his fans said to me. And never, will I fall in love with him. Impossible. What a stupid and preposterous idea. Anyways, on to my own daily life shall we?

I am now sitting in the classroom with my friends Heechul and Eunhyuk with me. Seohyun had a different class from us, so that's why she isn't here right now. The class was filled with other students and was chattering on and on. There were only tables that could fill up to two people so I had to sit by myself at a table with Eunhyuk and Heechul in front of me sitting with each other. We were talking about our plans in the anti-fanclub organization.
"So I was thinking after school today that we should stalk Cho Queerhyun today and take ugly snapshots of him at downtown Seoul." Heechul said.
"Oh~ we could do that...but he might not be able to go to his morning and afternoon schedules today except for filming for Music Bank" Eunhyuk said.
"Because I heard that he's entering a musical arts high school today." she said.
"Psh, his company probably thought he was still too tone-deaf and decided to train him more." I scoffed.
"I wish, but from online sources, he's attending the high school to be in 'more-depth with music and study it more' Tch, 'study' my . He's so lazy to even do anything." Eunhyuk stated. Then I thought for awhile.
".....A musical arts high school.....oh my god..if it was our school, SM Academy, I would kill myself." I said.
"Oh god, but we'd have to kill him first." Eunhyuk replied.
"True that" I said.

The teacher went in the classroom finally. She stood in front of the class.
"Good morning class. Right now, I have a special announcement to make....a new student will be attending here at SM Academy today in this very class. You may recognize him easily since he's highly popular." the teacher announced. Every student except me and my friends got excited about it and started whispering. As for us, we got nervous. Oh my gosh, what if it is Cho--No! Don't think like that! You're gonna jinx it Sungmin!
"Everyone....please welcome........Cho Kyuhyun." she said. I widened my eyes and took a glance at my friends. They were also shocked.

I see him walking through the doorway, with his hands in his pockets and his dark orbs of eyes looking at the floor. He was wearing his uniform but in a trendy way. His wavy brown hair was blowing through the wind he walked through. Even though I hate his guts, I have to admit he does look handsome. but I still truly hate him. I glared at him deeply. The other students screamed as he walked in.
"Hello everyone. I'm Cho Kyuhyun. I hope you treat me well. Thank you" he simply put. The students just giggled while I was staring in disgust.
"Thank you Kyuhyun. You may take whatever open seat." the teacher stated. He nodded and walked slowly towards the students. The students were calling out his name to sit next to him while I was avoiding him as much as I can. It would be torture if he sat at my table. As he was heading over the a random student to sit down next to, I was quietly sighed in relief. Kyuhyun saw me and decided not to sit at the random table. Instead he went over to me while I quickly try to put my bag down on to the seat so that he wouldn't sit. Before I could put my bag down, I heard, "May I sit here?"
I look up and see Queerhyun looking down on me and giving me a fake smile. I gave a not-so-obvious dirty look at him.
"Fine." I said to him. Heechul and Eunhyuk looked at me in disbelief. We were shocked right now. I take my bag away as he sat down. He then looked at me, while I try to avoid his gaze. I did that because it didn't make it obvious that I hate his guts.
"Hey, I'm Kyuhyun. What's your name?" he asked me.
"...Sungmin." I coldly reply to him, while just look straight ahead.
".....why are you being so cold?...Do you not know who I am?" he asked me. I glared at him.
"Oh~ Sorry~ but I really don't know who you are..I don't pay attention to Korean entertainment." I lied to him. I thought that I should not tell him I'm an anti fan for now. I think it would benefit for the anti fans anyways since I would get more scoop from him that way.
"..Is that so?...Anyways, now that I met you and seen you.....you look very pretty for a student." he said as he rubbed his chin. Ew. Being called pretty by Cho Kyuhyun? That's disgusting. I just frowned at him.
"Haha, you are one tough cookie to break. Not even thank you? It's rare to be called pretty by a celebrity. And even if you still don't recognize me, shouldn't you be amazed that I'm still a celebrity?" he asked.
"No, not at all. To be honest, I just don't like your attitude right now." I said to him.
"It's my personality. I can't help it..." he said.
"Actually you can. Go learn some manners and be nicer to people when you first meet them." I firmly put.
"Seems like you should be the one needs to do those type of things, no?" he said. Darn, why does he have to be so witty?? Another thing I hate about him.
"ugh, whatever. Just don't bother me." I said. He just smirked and turned to the teacher.

After the lecture, I quickly grabbed my things and try to avoid him. My friends were already at the door waiting for me. I quickly try to go to them but I suddenly hear "Hey, Sungmin." I sigh and I turn around to see that Kyuhyun was calling me.
"What?" I say coldly to him. He went up to me, grabbed my wrist and put something into my hand. It felt like paper.
"Let's be friends." he said. After that, he winked at me and left. Some of the students in the class squealed after he did that while I narrowed my eyes at him. Kyuhyun passed the door leaving my friends to give him a disgusted face. Then they went inside and stood beside me to see the thing Kyuhyun gave me. I look at my hand and it was a small piece of paper. I open it and see an array of numbers written on it, which was most likely a cell-phone number. My blood boiled and held the piece of paper tighter, crumbling it. Aish! That damn Cho Kyuhyun! He really insulted me this time. My friends' face left a shocked expression.
"S-Sungmin! You were able to get Cho Kyuhyun's number?!" Eunhyuk yelled out. I glared at her immediately and try to shut by covering it, but it's too late. All the girls in the classroom faced our way and scrambled towards our way like a cow herd. The students were pushing towards me yelling.
I was getting furious as I was getting squashed.
"HEY! BACK OFF!" Heechul screamed. Immediately, all the girls backed away like whimpering puppies. Oh man, I'm so glad to have a fiesty friend like Heechul. We then get out of the crowd and outside the hall.
"Thanks Chullie." I say to her as I sighed in relief.
"No problem, Min. Now first things first..Why the hell is that Queerhyun at our school and why did he give you his number?" she said.
"I don't know. I'm still mad over the fact he's in our school. But I'm even more mad that he gave me his number...Like what the hell?? I feel insulted....thinking I'm an easy target." I said.
"Well, I saw the two of you talking....did you tell him that we're anti-fans who wouldn't mind if he gets killed?" Eunhyuk asked.
"No, and don't ever tell him okay? Keep it a secret. It's because I feel that if we tell him, it'll reach the public soon and we'll be targets. Also, if we get close to him, we'll reveal his true mean personality and it'll benefit for us." I explain to them.
"Ooh~ Good idea. Okay, we'll tell that to Seohyun also. And how did you get his number?"
"Oh yeah, the number...well it seems that he's interested in me and called me pretty which is absolutely disgusting. He thinks that I'm an easy target to shoot at. So~" I said as I look at the piece of paper which contains the number. I hold it up and and began to rip it in anger until my friends stop me.
"Wait!" they yell out.
"What?!" I reply.
"We can do A LOTT Of things with this number...kekeke~" Eunhyuk said evilly. I thought for awhile and saw what they were doing.
"....Oh~~Good idea.....hehehehe~.." I smirked.

It was now time for lunch. I was sitting with my anti-Kyuhyun friends.
"Hm....what should we do with Kyuhyun's number?.." Seohyun said.
"I don't know.....Prank call him sometime?" Eunhyuk suggested.
"Ooh! Nice-uh!" Heechul said in English.
"Hello ladies." I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turn around and see Kyuhyun yet again.
"What do you want?" I growled at him while my friends stare in disgust.
"Is that how you greet a friend?" he said back.
"Since when we were friends?.." I asked innocently.
"Since I gave you my numb--Owh!" he exclaimed before I pinched him. I did that because I did not want him to say that in front of his fangirls or else they'll attack me again.
"What the hell was that for?" he frowned while rubbing his arm which is the place I pinched him. I just sighed and stood up.
"Let's talk in private shall we?" I said to him as I lead him outside.
"I'll be back ladies~" he said to his fangirls who sat at the table next to us and my friends. My friends just rolled their eyes while the girls squealed.

I arrive outside and turned around to face him. Suddenly, he pushed me against the school's brick wall and leaned towards me, with his hand on the wall. He stared into my eyes with his dark orbs and was very close to my face. I suddenly stiffened and was very uncomfortable at that moment.
"W-What are you doing?..." I stuttered.
"I thought you wanted to speak in private" he whispered into my ear huskily. I then gulped. I got out of my senses and pushed him roughly at the chest, making him trip back a little.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell at him, feeling harassed.
"What? I thought you wanted to have some private time with me." he simply put as he puts his hands into his pockets.
"Not like that! What the hell? Is that how you treat a girl when you first meet them?!" I yell.
"Usually when I first meet pretty girls that interests me, I hook up with them and get laid." he said care-free. That made my blood boil. Now I know that I am definitely an anti of him.
"...What kind of person are you?...A celebrity too.." I scoffed. He smirked.
"Well, doesn't celebrities have personal lives too?...Anyways, that was the reason why I gave you my number....so we could each other. Haha~" he said. Immediately, I got very furious and without knowing,


I punched him right across the face. Thanks, dad. For signing me up for martial art classes. He was shocked at the punch and stumbled on to the ground due to the force of it. He wiped the side of his mouth and realized it was blood oozing out of it. He then just looked at me in disbelief.
"You wanted to each other right? Well, I'm done ing up with you. Bye Kyuhyun~" I say to him innocently as I wave to him like a little girl. Then I went back into the cafeteria in triumph.

I was only joking around when I pushed her to the wall and wanted to have some "private" time. But I was serious about the giving her my number and ing part. She looked hot when I first saw her. I wiped the blood away completely from my mouth and looked at it. I then unconsciously smirked.
"I can't believe she was able to do that...to a celebrity too...." I say to myself. I then stood up.
"And that what interests me to her even more"

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Chapter 3: Update soon!!!! :D The story is really AWWESOME!!
Chapter 3: oh no! poor kyubaby doesn't have any friends :(
i hope min accepts him as a friend though even if it's only at the academy..
iSuperJuniorART #3
Chapter 3: Awww.. i love this story. Minnie, you're going to fall for Kyu soon LOL XD
neverland85 #4
Chapter 3: Aww... kyuhyun is going to be disappointed hearing what Sungmin said..
minniemgee #5
Chapter 2: this soo funny, denial!Min and tease!Kyu..
from anti become hardcore fans, right Minnie? XDD Kyaaa..update soon..chuu~^^