Sticks and Stones

The Minimalist In Love


         I found myself sitting on the bench again during break. I started eating my rice when I heard Sae-Jin open her big mouth. "So, Min Ho came over last night!" She lied to the girl next to her, "But I thought you went home together right after school?" Her friend commented. "Well yes, but he snuck over later. You know what that means...we-" I turned around and cut her off. "If you even finish that sentence you'll regret it. Stop spreading lies, Sae-Jin." I glared at her. Sae-Jin's face twisted in disgust. "Ew, you freak! How would you know if I was lying? What do you stalk him?" She thought she was really clever. "Oh my god. You do stalk him. That's Min Ho's necklace! Give it back!" Sae-Jin walked over swiftly to my bench and started grabbing at my necklace.

         She struggled to take it from me. I pushed her down with all my might. She fell on the ground with a thud. Min Ho stood behind her looking confused. "What the hell is wrong with you, Hong Min-Ah?" He glared at me. I didn't say a word to give away that we knew eachother. "She was lying about sleeping with you to her friend. She's not honest." I explained. "Min Ho! She's lying, I didn't say anything. She was eavesdropping on me and got jealous and just attacked me! She stole your necklace too! I just asked for it back." Sae-Jin cried. Min Ho picked her up in his arms, and carried her away. The dirty look he gave me chilled me to the bone. I heard my phone beep, and looked down at it to see a text from him. "We'll talk later." I scoffed and stuck my nose up at my phone. "Screw this." I said defeated. "Omma, I really need you right now.." I whispered to myself. In English class Minho sat on the other side of the room. He didn't look at me, and I didn't know how I was going to get home. I called my Abuji, who was held up at work. I started to walk home. I dragged my feet, I felt so lifeless yet again. I was tired of being misunderstood, and what's more is I didn't have any fight left in me to defend myself. Min Ho pulled up to the sidewalke. I kept walking, my droopy eyes only looked forward. "Minah get in the car." He rolled his window down. "It's too far for you to walk. It's 4 miles." I shook my head. "I don't care." "Minah, just get in." As Min Ho said that, I lost concentration and tripped over a crack in the sidewalk.

        I put my hands out to break my fall, but ended up scraping them along with hurting my ankle. "Ugh!" I growned. "Just what I need." I sighed. Min Ho jumped out of his car to help me up. "I got it!" I insisted. When I tried to get up, I fell right back down. "Alright, if you got ittttt..." He said slyly starting to walk away. I somehow managed to up my pride. "On the other hand, can you help?" I pleaded. I bit my lower lip angrily. "Of course." Min Ho grinned, picking me up and placing me in the passenger seat. The ride was silent until he pulled into my driveway. "Minah, why would you make that up?" He asked. "Are you kidding me? She's not who you think she is." I told him. "Minah, what are you JEALOUS? We'll always be best friends, but Sae-Jin is my friend too." He tried to appease me. "Okay." I got out of the car. "Wait, let me help you!" Min Ho begged. "I can still hop." I rolled my eyes. "Minah, you've really changed into a mess!" Min Ho said coldly. "Good." I smiled at him, limping back into my house. When I reach the hallway, I collapsed and tears started flowing like a waterfall. I couldn't help but sob for my Omma. I managed to get to my bed somehow, in a haze of tears and physical pain. 

     I finally let go, and drifted away.



"Saejin! " He welcomed her into his house.Min Ho began studying. Sae-Jin sat there fidgeting before she began to explain what had happened earlier that day. "That girl use to be my bestfriend. What a freak she is!" She continued to tell Min Ho.

Min Ho's eyes narrowed when he listened more and more to this girl pontificate about Minah.. Min Ho thought quickly, If she is who I think she is... Minah. Poor Minah.     

Min Ho pretended to talk about Minah, too.  "I know, what a weird girl. I can't believe she stole my necklace!" He laughed. Truthfully, even pretend to make fun of her made him feel sick. The two continued to work, when Sae-Jin laughed. "I have a secret to tell you! But if I tell you, you have to promise you won't tell anyone. That girl is actually not a ..." She grinned. Min Ho paused, and stared around the room. "Do you mind if I put some music on?" Min Ho asked. "No not at all." She smiled. Min Ho walked across the room to his stereo. His fingers trailed over the  old tape player, and pressed the red record button. "Ah. I forgot, it's not hooked up correctly." He lied. "Well anyway. I set that girl up. She was so weird and she always thought she was so perfect! I had to put her in her place. It's a pretty funny story, actually. I told some ajussi's to meet "Sae-Jin" at exactly where I told her to go, and they'd get free . Haha! Then I took a picture. It started out as a stupid prank.. I didn't want it to go as far as it did. But NOW! I'm so glad."

"Lee Min Ho?" Sae-Jin questioned, "Are-is-is everything okay?" 

Lee Min Ho pulled out his shell necklace, glaring at her. "If you ever hurt my Minah again..." He gritted his teeth, "Don't make me finish that sentence."

That night, Min Ho tossed and turned wondering how he could've believed anyone over Minah.

When he woke up, he got ready quickly, and rushed to school. 

"Min Ho? Where are you going in such a hurry?" His Omma called after him.

His only reply before he sped off was, "There is something I need to do."


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Chapter 5: Please continue this. I really want to know
I'm going to update it C:
continue. impatient. it's been so long... <br />
message me. if you got anything to say <br />
about this ff.
XiaoYu #4
I can't wait till your next update! I really like your story :D
OMG; <br />
That Sae Jin didn't know Min Ho recorded it. <br />
Anyways, he is going to protect Minah NOW. (i hope)<br />
Continue ch. 6 <br />
you're doing a great job!
SHINeeLuver968 #6
:D OMG it's really good !! please update <3 :D
I know right! Gosh, that jerk.
Now that that's settled how is he going to make it up to minah
Damn straight, you tell em, gurl~
mochilovesschuyler #10