
The Minimalist In Love


The picture was not mine this time. Actually, it wasn't a rumor or even a prank. Girls crowded around the board in awe. "I've never seen such a hot guy in my life!" Sae-Jin screamed in the sea of girls. The board consisted of a thousand pictures of one guy. Probably with gossip and information on him, too. You know, contrary to popular belief, money can definitely buy popularity. and even personality. Since last year Sae-Jin's father had spent thousands of dollars on stylists and life coaches just to make her happy. Funny thing is, she still seems miserable to me. I don't blame her for what she did to me, but why she did it instead. For something so petty. I rolled my eyes and began to walk away. I already knew he was coming. My father had told me in the car. 
"You remember your mother's bestfriend long ago, don't you?" He asked. "Of course. The one who abandoned her when she got sick. What about her?" I said coldly. Truthfully I was mad because she took my best friend away.

Three years ago Omma was diagnosed with cancer, and for 3 years we held it at bay. Omma's supposed bestfriend decided at that exact time instead of being there for my Omma, she'd rather take my best friend away, and move to Japan to benefit their corporation. She left her bestfriend to die.. and she's back now. Of all the times where she could have come back to see her, she chose now. In three years, I wonder how much of you has changed, I thought to myself.

I started out of the courtyard, until I heard everyone become silent. I turned around. One girl whispered to her friend beside her, "There he is." Unlike in dramas, rich korean girls do not jump up and down and crowd around men that are attractive to them. Instead they act horribly uninterested, and I actually mean the acting is horrible. 60 girls begin to stare. The entire crowd of girl's almost looked like they were staring at me. "What?" I slowly repeat over and over. My heart was racing. What did I do now? A hand grabbed my shoulder, and some spoke beside me. "Hey, you." he said to me with an all too familiar smile. "Lee Minho." I almost teared, I had forgotten what he looked like. "Mianhae." I said quickly and proceeded to run as fast into the school as my feet could take me. I could hear the crowd of people laughing at me.  Saying things like, "What a freak! Look at her," as I ran. 

I avoided him successfully through the entire day. I couldn't let him fall victem to the life I was condemned to. I dodged him everywhere I went. That is, until English class. Of course, my least favorite class was about to be made that much more difficult. I walked into class and stared around the room. Nothing seemed different, except for the addition of a new student. Lee Minho. I sighed. It wasn't like I could just leave now. I lifted my books infront of my face "nonchalantly." I say nonchalantly only because doing something like that just made me look ridiculous and all the more noticable. I probably should learn not to watch so many movies and apply them to real life. I giggled at myself and sat down unnoticed. It was a miracle. I kept glancing at him. He really grew up. He was unlike most guys in our school. His physique was masculine, and lacked the traces of boyhood. He was a man. Tall, and perfect. The girl next to me scoffed. "Do you really think you have a chance? Once he hears about who you are he'll regard you as an eyesore." She sat with her legs crossed ontop of a desk. "Yah! Aren't you too much? I have no interest in him. And furthermore, you know nothing about me. Show some class and sit in an actual desk, your existance is MY eyesore." I said coldly. "If that's how you want to be, should I tell him right now?" She grinned. "Who are you, again?" I raised an eyebrow. "Amy Seong. From America." Amy retorted. "Well it was nice meeting you, Amy. Buhbye now." I motioned a goodbye with my hand and laughed, returning my gaze to the board before the teacher came in. Our teacher began reading names. "Crap." I muttered. I forgot about attendence. My name was called and I hesitantly and quietly raised my hand whispering a short "Here." "Hong Min-Ah, could you speak up next time?" My teacher called. "Yes, sorry, Teacher." I apologized. I looked over at Lee Minho. He was staring at me. Everything was going smoothly, and I couldn't believe how fluent Lee Minho was in English to begin with. When the teacher called on me, I had not been paying attention to him, but Lee Minho instead. "Uh. Uh. How ah yooh? What can I do fo yooh?" I blurted out nervously. The entire class erupted in laughter, except for Lee Minho. "Lee Minho, show Miss. Minah how it's done," the Teacher instructed and then paused, "Better yet, why don't you sit next to her and make sure she understands this portion of the lesson." He demanded. "No, that's not necessary, with all due respect, I work better alone." I pleaded. "Nonsense, you'll need this information for exams. I cannot overlook you, Minah." I reluctantly gave up. I was tired of avoiding, and after all my efforts were for nothing. I cursed myself. Stupid Minah! You couldn't just pay attention? Lee Minho moved to an empty desk to the right of mine. His face got serious, "Minah, aren't you glad to see me?" He whispered. I didn't know what to say. So I didn't say anything. I shushed him and pretended to pay attention to the teacher. Instead, thoughts were racing in my head. Maybe Amy was right. After he finds out why everyone hates me, he will too. I couldn't lose him again. I suddenly had an idea. I mustered up the most cold impression I could make, and retorted back to him, "Why would I be happy to see you? Who are you to me now? You're a stranger. I don't even know you." I lied to him. "Minah. I know you're going through a lot with your Mother but you can't say that." Lee Minho whispered. "You should stop talking now." I wasn't very good at pretending to be mean, or cold, but with Omma's death, being ruthless was made that much easier. 

When the bell rang, I gathered my things and brushed past him. He followed the entire way. "Are you like a stray dog? So noisy and such a nuiscance!" I said viciously while I walked through the hallway with him attatched at the hip. "Roof." He tried to joke with that smile that had always made me weak. "Your abuji said that we should go home together. My Mom is at your house. And furthermore I'm your only ride." He laughed walking infront of me. I stomped my foot in defeat. I had no money on me for a taxi and I wasn't exactly popular. "Fine. But one condition." I yelled to him. He turned around with a grin. "Mhm?" He asked. "Pick me up around the corner. I'm embarassed to be seen with you." I lied yet again. "Yeah yeah." He mumbled.  I didn't want to ruin his school career by being seen with me. I walked swiftly to the block directly after the school while he followed. I got into the car and put my headphones in. He lifted one earphone off, and threw a black box onto my lap. I started to panic, "W-WHAT IS THIS?! HUH?!" I stuttered. "An engangement ring, of course." Minho laughed uncontrollably. "Just open it."

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Chapter 5: Please continue this. I really want to know
I'm going to update it C:
continue. impatient. it's been so long... <br />
message me. if you got anything to say <br />
about this ff.
XiaoYu #4
I can't wait till your next update! I really like your story :D
OMG; <br />
That Sae Jin didn't know Min Ho recorded it. <br />
Anyways, he is going to protect Minah NOW. (i hope)<br />
Continue ch. 6 <br />
you're doing a great job!
SHINeeLuver968 #6
:D OMG it's really good !! please update <3 :D
I know right! Gosh, that jerk.
Now that that's settled how is he going to make it up to minah
Damn straight, you tell em, gurl~
mochilovesschuyler #10