Hang Out pt.2

forever and ever
"Are you ready?, ChunJi said while stretching his hands to her. J gave her hand to him and they walked to the park. They walked hand in hamd for awhile until J noticed. She looked up at ChunJi and he smiled. He then noticed so he let go. They walked towards the swings. "You wanna try?" He said to J. She nodded and got on the swing. "Oppa, i get nauseous when i go on the swings." J then felt a slight push on her back. ChunJi stared to push harder. "Oppa! I don't want to anymoreee!!!" J was freaking out. She didn't want to puke in front of ChunJi. So she decided to throw herself on to the sand. ChunJi quickly ran towrds her. "Why did you jump!!! Silly J!!" He said has he picked her up from the sand. J felt very embarrassed. Did she just jump of a swing going super high in a fast speed? Wow, aje thought to herself. "What do you want to do now?" J asked ChunJi while she was cleaning herself. "Something that won't make you jump up out of nowhere" he smiled and held her hand. J smile and started to walk. They walked to an ice cream shop. They spend the rest of the day in the shop. J was feeling weird. She already knew she liked ChunJi but she didn't know if he felt the same way. "Thanks for today oppa I enjoyed today." J said while taking a big scoop of ice cream. She smiled and looked at ChunJi. "Uhhhm...J you have some....uhhh...right there " ChunJi said while pointing at her lips. But she couldn't quite get it. Then ChunJi stood up amd leaned against her. J's heart started to beat very fast. He then got closer and without knowing, J closed her eyes. ChunJi then smiled and with his thumb, he cleaned her lips. J was super red and couldn't believe she had done two stupid things in one day. "Why did you open your eyes so fast?" He asked as he leaned again amd kissed her softly on her lips.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OMO! AFTER 2 MONTHS FINALLY UPDATE HEHEHE MIANHE.*BOWS* SO HOPE YALL LIKE IT...
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nathrakh #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^