Our Activities

Vesria City




1. Vesria's Buffet - 20th of June

This is a day to enjoy the best food that will be served by the best cook in Vesria. The citizens are all invited to join the cooking contest and the lead chef of Vesria will be the judge. The competition will be closed with a big buffet where every single citizen can enjoy each other's cooking! 


2. T/D Day - 30th of June

This is the day for all of the citizens in Vesria to play the ever-so-famous game of Truth or Dare! We will all gather and give each other truths and dares. It's always been fun to play it, but it'll be even more fun to play it altogether!


3. Love Day - 20th of July

Love Day is similar to Valentine's Day. This is the day where you express your love to anyone! It can be your mother, your friend, or your special someone. The different thing is...you MUST give one special kiss on this day!


4. Vesria's Peace Day - 9th of August

Peace day is the day where you are in complete peace. No one says a word in TL. Not even to reply mentions. Keep your conversation in DM and remind everyone that doesn't know about Peace Day to shut up.


5. Vesria's Birthday and Award - 16th of  August

Even though it's not the real birthday of Vesria (which is on 16th of June), we are still going to celebrate it on the 16th of August. There will be a formal party in the City hall's ballroom and there will also be an award! Be sure to wear your best dress and your best look!


6. Goodbye Party - 17th of August

It's just a day after Vesria's most anticipated event, but yes, this is the goodbye party. Vesria will be officially closing on this day, and every citizen is expected to be online, say their goodbyes, and give their last words to their close friends. There is this one tradition in Vesria where we give 'Summer letters' to our dear ones and give them when the Goodbye party comes. We will all miss you so much!

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