Choose Your Job

Vesria City

Here are the list of categories of jobs and its description. Please select one category in which you are interested in:

If you love working with the law, organizing things, and enforcing discipline to the people around, this might be the perfect job for you.

1. Mayor
The mayor will be the main admin of this city. It is the Mayor’s task to supervise everything and give consent to his/her people’s activities that he/she agrees of.

Numbers of space(s) needed: 1
Numbers of spaces taken: 0

2. Co-Admin
The co-admins will edit the City’s website, collect data of every citizen living in the City, proceed advertising, give new and fresh ideas to the city hall members, help the mayor in his/her tasks, and also to give solution to whatever problems that may pop out someday in the City. There will be monthly meetings for all of the co-admins and also the mayor so they can discuss about the City’s progress.

Numbers of space(s) needed: 2
Numbers of spaces taken: 0

3. Law-Enforcer
Think of yourself as some kind of a police. Your task is to supervise all of the citizens’ activities, give them warnings when they break the rules, and report to the mayor or the co-admins when someone is moving to the City, leaving the City, or taking a hiatus. All of the Law-enforcers will also have a monthly meeting along with the mayor to discuss activities that has to do with the security and the laws of the City.

Numbers of space(s) needed: 3
Numbers of spaces taken: 0

Since everyone that had just moved to the City will get their own house, there must be someone to manage all of the houses in the City called the House Manager. Don’t worry, though. The job is not as silly as it sounds like. The job is actually very important and also very easy to do. So if you have a good taste in houses, rooms and apartments, you belong here.

The house manager’s job is actually to ask new citizens to give a picture of their desired rooms to be later be put in the blog. Keep reminding citizens who would not upload their room pictures too! Also, you have to ask citizens who are newly married or have children to send you their new rooms since now they have to live together!

Numbers of space(s) needed: 2
Numbers of spaces taken: 0

Your job is to run the stores that are available throughout the City. If you love doing business, this is your place!

1. Gift Shop
You are working in the gift shop. Collect pictures of beautiful flowers, toys, and other gifts and sell them in your shop! Your shop will of course be crowded on Valentine’s Day or the New Years Eve, so be ready!

[Sub Jobs: a.) Owner b.) Florist c.) Toy Seller d.) Candies and Sweets Dealer]

Numbers of space(s) needed: 7
Numbers of spaces taken: 0

2. Food
You will work at the restaurant. You will prepare food, or even cook if you want! Prepare delicious menu to be served for people to enjoy. This shop will also be crowded on Valentine’s Day, it seems…

[Sub Jobs: a.) Owner b.) Waiter/Waitress c.) Chef  d.) Cashier]

Numbers of space(s) needed: 6
Numbers of spaces taken: 0

3. Fashion
You will be in charge of the store that provides clothes and other accessories for the citizens to buy. People will buy your stuff when they want to give it to their loved ones. Especially on Christmas! Don’t forget to update the pictures of everything that you sell though!

[Sub Jobs: a.) Owner b.) Designer c.) Store Operator]

Numbers of space(s) needed: 8
Numbers of spaces taken: 0

If you love celebrations, good at socializing with people, and are very good at organizing things, why not work as a celebration organizer, where you can organize things when a party is coming! You will be needed when someone is having a birthday, having a wedding, or if the City is having an award!

1. Host
If you’re good at talking, you can be a host. Knowing the party’s rundown, telling people to shut up and carry on with the party…these are the things you will do! You will also decide the music that will be played in the party.

Numbers of space(s) needed: 2
Numbers of spaces taken: 0

2. Organizers
At parties, you will decide the theme of the party, the food that will be served, the decorations, and also all other things that are needed for the party. Don’t forget to discuss things with the food people, the host, and the party throwers though!

Number of space(s) needed: 2
Numbers of spaces taken: 0


Of course, we will also give you an option to just be a normal citizen. Enjoy the life as a citizen...etc,etc.

Numbers of space(s) needed: unlimited

Numbers of spaces taken: 0


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