Teacher [BAP and EXO Version]


Guys....You know what....!!!!

One of the BAP Member have a little Brother and he was an EXO member....




kekekeekeke.... >_<

Don't belive me....That wasn't the fact of BAP nor EXO.

But that thing Will be Found on my story..hehehe ^^







Trailer By & review



I stayed quiet and just stared at him. I realize that I liked this pretty boy. Knowing that scares me. I have gone so long training myself to turn off any of these emotions.

I finally gave him a small smile of disappointment and started walking towards my first hour class. Before I completely passed him, I paused, “Yeah, you better not stand too close to me. Just ask well, anyone and they will tell you about the disease that I have. The gay disease.” I finished sounding more and more depressed with word.

I sighed to myself in disgust, figures the one person I would let myself like just has to be someone that I could never have.



Two poster For This Stori From : YALU


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Chapter 1: omo i think,no, i'm sure that i'm going to love your story^^!!i'm sooo happyy that you used both bap and exo because they are my favourite kpop bands...so yeah that's the first reason that i like your story..and the second i think it's your writting skills >\\<,really you are amazing,the part with"just ask well,anyone and they will tell you about the disease that i have.the gay disease." just kill me but after i feel bad for him and also the part 'kim..kim..mr. kim...wait.. kim.as in kim suho." was sooo soo cute >\\<!!!so update soon author unnie i cant wait for this <3!!