Page 2 — Freshman

Once Upon A Change

September, 30th 2010 (Present)




The buzz of an alarm was shutted off by its owner.


A young man stood up from his previous push-up position to glance at the time. 5:30 huh? Beat the time again. He smiled at his own thoughts, walking to the restroom to wash his face and gurgles some mouthwash. He walks out to his closet, taking a clean black long-sleeve with the turtle neck, a pair of black jeans, a pair of grey hand warmers, and slipping on a very nice-dark blue sneaker. He slung his leopard-printed backpack on his shoulder, standing up on his full-length mirror.


Raising his eyebrow, he grunts as a pair of small puppy-like ears was seen on top of his raven locks. He grimaced when he opened his mouth to touch the tip of his tooth, recognizing that the size of it was different than usually.


Man…. “Tonight’s supposed to be the full moon, wasn’t it?” he groaned to himself as he fixes his hair nicely so they would cover the tip of the ears that was seen.


Double-checking himself and being amused, he grabs his keys and phone, walking out from his room to the kitchen. He grabs a carton of strawberry milk, chugging it down while staring a pamphlet that was on clipped on the fridge by a magnetic clip.


Cheon Guk Arts and Theatre High.


The boy shrugs, he took out his iPod; scrolling down to a particular song to play it on his earbuds as he walks towards the door, locking it, then clasping on his helmet before finally hopping on his motorcycle to speed off towards the street.




Tao glanced on his wrist watch, looking at the time that reads 6:13. He took off his helmet as he hops off the motorcycle.


“Now I have enough time to find the principal office on my own.” He muttered as he inhales a good amount of air – loving the autumn breeze against his skin.


He slowly strolling down around the school, admiring how well-built his new school is. Looking around the hall, silently reading the panel of each room that was neatly carved in a wooden name plague.


Laboratory…. Music room… Art room.…  Indoor courtyard? This school is definitely good. He thought, he then found the room he was looking for, separated from the hallway, strategically located on the corner in front of the school garden. Principal’s room. He knocks the door gently, to hear a very soft voice allowing him to come in.


“Good morning, Principal Park.” He said as he politely bowing towards the principal’s desk. She spun her work chair around.


“How may I help you with, young man?” she brightly smiled.


“My name is Huang Zi Tao. I am the exchange student from Qingdao High’s scholarship program. I am hereby to claim my schedule time table, if I may, Principal Park.”


“Oh! Yeah! Sit down please, sit down!” The boy did what he was told. “Don’t be too formal. You may call me Ms. Kahi.”


“Thank you Pri—Miss Kahi.”


The young looking woman was shuffling on her drawer, mumbling things like ‘I’m sure I put them here somewhere…’ before finally exclaimed cheerfully, handing Tao a brown envelope.


“Everything you need is already packed there. The school map and rules, your schedules, your class, and your locker key. If you are planning on changing course, or your major, make an arrangement with the Student Council President before. Is there anything else I could help you with, Mr. Huang?”


“I’m all fine, Miss Kahi.” Tao smiled politely as he shook the lady’s hand in front of him. “Thank you very much.” He then stood up and bowed again. The woman smiles, standing up to pat the young man on the back.


“No, thank you for choosing our school. You’re good enough at Korean, Zi Tao.” She smiled.


Tao then replies the smile; bowing respectfully before excused himself, walking out as he now holding the school’s map. New school, here I come.






Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait 3 Aww, I love getting positive respoonses. Feichang xie-xie ni! ^^

P.S: Classic raven-Tao always kills ;) Till then!


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130925 - Oh my gosh.. Terribly sorry for the late update. My laptop's charger crushed. And the story is mostly there.. I'm sorry to keep you guys wait.


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Chapter 6: I hope he dosn't find guts in his locker or something?
Chapter 8: ok loved the chapters so far
Uzanagi #3
Chapter 8: Author-san thanks for the great story *.* please keep updating (when you can of course).
I have a question: When Tao received the dead animals, was that to show him that the one courting him is a good hunter and can provide food for his mate (something like that, i don't know how to explain it better --') or was that a threat???

Please update soon and good luck XD
Chapter 5: Please update
jujujulius #5
Authornim~~~ Update juseyo~~~ Your story is interesting... I just can't wait to read the next chapter!!! >.<
Chapter 5: awwwwwww thats soo cute zelo916 out
HappyMonster #7
Chapter 4: Aww Kai following D.O like a puppy..... Or wolf:p
Chapter 3: wow just wow please update when u have a chance i love it zelo916 out