Chapter VII; Asena

Spirit Wars
chapter seven



KyuJong listened intently at the doorway as SungMin and KyuHyun walked away, still discussing the Hunters newly arrived from China. Something about their tone sent shivers down his spine. It sounded like they were expecting far more trouble than SungMin had hinted at when explaining who Hunters were to him and KiBum.

They sounded worried about these Hunters. And that worried KyuJong.

Turning away from the door when he couldn’t hear their voices anymore, KyuJong chewed his lip and looked down at Yuetu. “…I don’t suppose I could bribe you into not telling SungMin I was eavesdropping.”

”There’s carrots in the kitchen, was Yuetu’s reply, the rabbit leaning up on his hind legs to sniff at the top of a pile of papers.

Chuckling and shaking his head, KyuJong sat down to finish off his paperwork. His mind wasn’t really on what he was doing, signing where he needed to without reading. It was still hard to process that he was now on speaking terms with a spirit beast. But why would Yuetu choose to speak with him? “Do you talk with the other Keepers too?” he asked the rabbit as he worked. “KyuHyun?”

”Why would I talk to KyuHyun? He keeps threatening to add rabbit to the menu,” Yuetu replied, nose inside a shelving unit. He sneezed and dust blew all over KyuJong’s papers, making the young man cough.

“I mean…you’re talking with me,” KyuJong frowned, signing off the last paper and slipping them all back into the folder. “If you don’t talk to others besides SungMin, why me?”

“Because you’re the Center,” Yuetu replied, ears flicking up as he removed his head from the shelving unit to look at KyuJong.

“…I’m the what?” KyuJong asked. He’d heard that before. The tiger spirit the night before had said the same thing.

”Anansi!” Yuetu squeaked, leaping off the desk. KyuJong stood up and leaned over the desk to see Yuetu playfully batting at the spider from before. For his part, Anansi seemed to be trying to escape.

“What are you, a cat?” The door to the office opened and KyuHyun scowled down at the rabbit. “You’re just as bad as your Keeper, I swear.” He lifted a hand and a web appeared between his fingers and the spider, Anansi using it to get out from between Yuetu’s paws. The spider spirit shrank in size as it skittered up KyuHyun’s arm to his shoulder. “Eat him and I’ll turn you into stew. Are you done?” That was directed at KyuJong.

“Yeah,” KyuJong nodded, holding out the folder. KyuHyun took it and tossed it onto a shelf unit.

“SungMin’ll see you after classes on Tuesday for your first day of training. Wear nice pants, black shoes, and there’ll be a shirt ready by then. We do have a uniform, don’t follow SungMin’s example in not wearing it.”

KyuJong nodded in understanding. Before he could help himself, he asked, “What’s the Center mean?”

“What?” KyuHyun raised an eyebrow.

“The word ‘Center’, for spirit beasts.”

“Beats me,” KyuHyun shrugged. “Never heard that before. Out, I have work to do,” he walked around the desk.

KyuJong left the office, frowning to himself. When he felt a tugging on his pant leg, he looked down to see Yuetu gazing up at him imploringly.

“…Oh fine,” he snorted, heading to the kitchen. It turned out the carrots were in the highest possible vegetable drawer, probably to keep them out of Yuetu’s reach. There were two cooks, but they didn’t pay KyuJong any attention as he fished out a carrot and brought it into the hallway.

“Here,” he stooped and held it out to Yuetu, who yanked the carrot out of his hand and hopped off.

SungMin was too busy to talk to, so KyuJong just left. What now? He was infinitely curious about what KiBum’s training would be like, so it already went without saying that he’d be coming back later that night.

He had a lot to write down in his notebook. This whole spirit beast business was getting more complicated each day. On one hand it was relieving to know he wasn’t alone in this, just some country boy with faint memories of a spirit battle late one night. On the other hand, he had absolutely no idea what he was getting into.





By the time KyuJong left his apartment later that night, KiBum was already gone. He hadn’t told the younger brother he was planning on tagging along, but KyuJong figured it wouldn’t be that hard to find him and SungMin. Just follow the pink glow.

It wasn’t quite dark enough to see the glows yet, so KyuJong headed towards the coffee shop as his next best bet on where to find them. Humming to himself, he watched those walking around him. He wondered who was a Keeper and who wasn’t. There were far more Keepers than he’d thought there would be, judging by how often he ran into them and the amount of lights in the night sky.

For the first time since last night, KyuJong had time to consider that he’d finally met the snake spirit and Keeper from his childhood. By now, he understood he wouldn’t be seeing the lynx Keeper again; she’d lost the challenge, and her memories. Part of him was surprised to realize the snake Keeper was still around; it had been around fifteen years ago after all. To hold onto a spirit beast that long without ever losing a challenge meant Daniel and Jormungand had to be very powerful.

It made him wonder about the other Keepers he knew. How long had DongHae had Abaia? What about HyukJae and Wukong, and JunSu and Muninn? And who used to have a spirit beast, but could no longer remember it?

Looking around, a silver glow caught KyuJong’s attention. His eyes widened when he saw HyukJae and JunSu standing not far away, talking and laughing amongst themselves. It was as if thinking about them had summoned them, and KyuJong chuckled a little to himself at that.

Those two didn’t seem to like him much, but KyuJong couldn’t help himself. He turned and crossed the street, walking up to them with a small smile. “Hi?”

They both turned and looked at him, with different expression. HyukJae looked confused but still smiled, while JunSu’s expression was wary again. “Hey,” the monkey Keeper nodded at him. “What are you doing here?”

“Trying to find a good vantage point to watch the battles tonight,” KyuJong chuckled. “I’m still…trying to get used to all this. What about you?”

“Oh, we’re just hanging out,” HyukJae shrugged. “We don’t do the challenges like the others.”

“Why not?” KyuJong blinked, watching Wukong climb up onto HyukJae’s shoulder.

“It’s none of your business,” JunSu replied, frowning at him. “Why do you care so much what we do? What is it to you?”

KyuJong shook his head quickly. “I don’t mean anything by it,” he held his hands up peacefully. “I’m just curious. None of the other Keepers I’ve met have any problems with challenges, like DongHae.”

“DongHae thrives on challenges, but we don’t really care for them,” HyukJae shrugged. “We’d rather have fun, right Wukong?” He scratched the top of the monkey spirit’s head.

“We’d rather not lose our memories,” JunSu muttered, looking away.

Watching him, KyuJong saw the crow Keeper’s eyes widen slowly. “…HyukJae, hide Wukong.”

“What?” HyukJae looked at his friend in confusion.

“Just hide him!” JunSu hissed, calling Muninn down from the sky and making the crow disappear.

Looking around to see what had alarmed JunSu, KyuJong saw him. A man younger than any of them standing on the other side of the street, with closely cropped black hair and eyes with dark shadows underneath. He was looking straight at them.

So was the wolf spirit pacing by his feet.

“Who’s he?” KyuJong asked, looking back at the other two.

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen him around before,” JunSu snapped. “He’s seen us, we have to go,” he grabbed HyukJae’s arm and pulled him down a side street. “Stop following us!” He protested when KyuJong jogged after them.

“I don’t think it’s me you need to worry about,” KyuJong glanced over his shoulder to see if the wolf Keeper was following them. The sight of the wolf spirit had sent shudders down his spine and he’d broken out into a cold sweat, just wanting to get as far from the canine as possible.

They made it down another street before a loud snarl made KyuJong flinch. The wolf spirit stepped out of the shadows in front of them, body illuminated by a blue so dark it was almost black. The wolf stalked towards them, cutting off their escape route. Turning around, KyuJong saw it’s Keeper behind them.

“Which one of you accept my challenge?” The words that came from the wolf Keeper’s mouth were heavily accented and not entirely grammatically correct, but understandable. His eyes went between all three of them; he had to be only a teenager, but he held himself as if he had decades of experience.

“We don’t take challenges,” JunSu said, straightening. “So go find some other target.”

“All Keepers must take challenges,” replied the wolf Keeper. “You have nowhere to go, so you must accept.”

“Who are you?” KyuJong asked, trying to think past his fear of the wolf right behind them. His whole body shook with tremors.

Dark eyes met KyuJong’s. “My name is Zitao. I am China’s strongest Keeper, and I’m here to challenge Spirit King.”

The Chinese hunters. KyuJong felt his eyes slowly widen as he recalled what SungMin and KyuHyun had been talking about just that morning.

“Well neither of us are the Spirit King,” HyukJae replied. He still had Wukong out, the monkey screeching at the Chinese man from his shoulder. “So leave us alone.”

Zitao’s lips curled slightly. “I have to know the strength of Korea’s Keepers before I challenge it’s King. Now, who is first to accept my challenge? Or will Asena choose?”

The wolf barked behind KyuJong and he seized up, heart hammering in his throat.

HyukJae looked between JunSu and KyuJong, eyes wide. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Zitao. “…I’ll accept your challenge, under one condition.”

JunSu stared at HyukJae. “Are you mad?!”

“What is your condition?” Zitao asked.

“That you do not challenge either of these two during your stay in Korea,” HyukJae lifted his chin. “You will leave JunSu and KyuJong alone.”

KyuJong’s stomach clenched; HyukJae spoke like he fully expected to lose. He remembered KyuHyun’s words that morning.

No one else here’s ready to deal with Hunters right now.

“I accept your conditions,” Zitao replied, expression impassive.

“No!” JunSu grabbed HyukJae’s arm and span him around. “Don’t you even think about accepting his challenge Lee HyukJae!” JunSu’s high-pitched voice rose until he was shouting. “You promised me you wouldn’t forget, so don’t you ing fight him!”

“I know you don’t want me to forget, but do you really want to forget everything yourself?” HyukJae asked the other man, lips thinned. “Again?

That shut JunSu up, his skin paling. HyukJae sighed shakily and wrapped his arms around the other man in a tight hug. “I’ll see you around, Su,” he whispered before stepping back and turning towards Zitao. “Let’s get this over with.”

“I think we should move,” KyuJong said quietly, touching JunSu’s sleeve. JunSu slowly stepped back up against the wall, eyes on HyukJae.

The wolf Asena walked past them to Zitao, the proximity sending KyuJong’s heart into his throat. He felt himself freeze when the wolf’s head turned and Asena regarded him for a long moment, KyuJong pressing himself back against the wall.

The spirit snorted and he heard a female voice whisper ”weakling” in his mind before Asena continued on her way to Zitao. She walked around him and stopped on his other side, lips curled back in a snarl.

“You ready to do this, Wukong?” HyukJae held out one hand and Wukong leapt off his shoulder onto the street in front of him. The silver glow coming from the monkey intensified.

“You kick his , Hyuk!” JunSu yelled, voice catching. HyukJae threw a sad grin over his shoulder.

“Begin,” Zitao shouted. Asena launched forward, fangs flashing as she lunged for the monkey. Wukong screeched and dodged out of the way, nimbly evading the wolf’s sharp teeth and claws. A silver band trailed after Wukong like an extra tail, growing longer the more the monkey ran away.

The whole atmosphere in the street had changed. There was an energy humming in the air that both scared and energized KyuJong at the same time. Zitao was shouting instructions in Mandarin, Asena lashing out at Wukong without giving the monkey time to retaliate. The wolf also avoided the band that seemed to be on the verge of tying her up, moving on it’s own. HyukJae wasn’t saying anything, but his concentration on the fight convinced KyuJong that the Keeper had to be doing something to help.

With a yelp Asena was caught, legs tied up by the silvery band. HyukJae shouted in victory, Wukong leaping on top of the wolf. Thinking Wukong had her then, KyuJong saw the way the wolf’s blue glow pulsed and was back into her.

“It’s a trap!” JunSu yelled just before a wave of ice burst out of the wolf, the sharp icicles catching Wukong by surprise. The monkey went down with a screech, pinned by the icicles. Asena easily broke the silver bands around her legs and whirled around, snarling.

When the wolf lunged at the monkey, KyuJong couldn’t help it. He closed his eyes.

HyukJae’s and Wukong’s scream blended into one before cutting out. A quiet sob came from JunSu, and KyuJong slowly opened his eyes again. Wukong was gone. HyukJae had collapsed on the ground, sprawled awkwardly on the concrete. Asena sat down and howled in victory before disappearing, the dark blue light reabsorbed into Zitao’s skin.

“It is over,” Zitao said, turning to leave. He came face to face with DongHae, the other man standing right behind him with wide eyes.

KyuJong watched DongHae’s gaze go to HyukJae collapsed on the ground, then JunSu and KyuJong. His eyes flashed gold and he looked back at Zitao. “….Get out of here. You’ve done enough damage for one night, Hunter. And next time we meet, I’ll be the one to send you back to China.”

Zitao nodded. “…I accept your challenge.” He walked past DongHae, jostling the man’s shoulder on the way by.

DongHae didn’t even look at him, going straight to HyukJae. He crouched down and rolled HyukJae over so he wasn’t face-first against the concrete. “Hyukkie?” he whispered, brushing HyukJae’s hair out of his eyes. HyukJae was unconscious.

“How much?” JunSu asked, voice shaking. He stepped forward, crouching down beside HyukJae. “How much is he going to forget?”

“You know already,” DongHae replied, brushing the dirt from the street off HyukJae’s clothes. JunSu ducked his head and sniffled, tears flowing.

KyuJong slowly approached them, feeling like he was intruding on something personal. “…I don’t understand,” he said quietly. “He’ll just forget about Wukong, right?”

“He’ll forget about Wukong, and everything that was a result of meeting Wukong,” DongHae looked up at KyuJong, large eyes sad. “He only met Su and me because of our spirit beasts…so he won’t remember us either.”

“You idiot,” JunSu whispered, punching HyukJae’s shoulder lightly. “You promised me you weren’t going to forget…you promised me you wouldn’t take anymore challenges!”

KyuJong stood there quietly, not sure what to say or do as JunSu cried. DongHae wiped away a few tears of his own before sighing. “…Gotta bring him back home.”

“I’ll take him,” JunSu mumbled, and DongHae nodded. The eel Keeper helped get HyukJae onto JunSu’s back, the crow Keeper slowly standing.

DongHae stood beside KyuJong, both of them watching as JunSu slowly walked away with his best friend. “Welcome to the world of the spirit beasts,” DongHae said quietly. “Some people just aren’t cut out for it.”

SungMin had been right; having a spirit beast wasn’t a game. KyuJong wondered how JunSu felt just then…knowing his best friend no longer knew he existed.



Over 300 views! :D Thanks guys! Maybe we can reach 10 subscribers next? Only two away \o/

Does anyone know how the view count works on AFF? Is it per individual user, or per page hit?

There's now a character guide up, it'll be kept up-to-date with current chapters. Hope everyone enjoyed~ comment, vote and subscribe if you did!


@Forever5501: LOL you are XDDD Always first!

@Forest_pixi: Anansi has been fun to write xDD Him, Yuetu and KyuMin are so far my favorite ones to write. And awww thank you, the thought means a lot to me! KP are hard to collect, I'm just happy I FINALLY got enough to vote on stories LOL

@curionenene: LOL You found me!! And did you know it's Byakko .______. Seriously, isn't there enough tiger spirits to mask it?? Though it's not that version of his name, but but still ;A; You're totally not fair sometimes LOL <3


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Kyeo-Baby-Min #1
Chapter 16: T_T... cries...


Do you remember me?

I chatted with you once or twice on Twitter... or was that Kat?

This story is amazing.

I loved reading through it two... not... it's three years now.... I miss it soo much.

I hope you come and finish this soon.

Good luck!
blahblahpok #2
Chapter 20: I first read this story on LJ ages ago, so when I was reading The Sworn and saw the note on Spirit Wars, I was like 'Hey! I remember that!' and couldn't wait to come read this again ^^
i don't read stories on ss501 or ukiss (or even know who the members are tbh) but this story got me hooked! I remember constantly checking to see if there were any updates to the story then. Haha
I really love reading this au and was wondering if you had any plans to update this story or the other stories mentioned. Or maybe they've been posted somewhere else and I've missed it? :)
Thank you again for sharing this!
smilesofblack #3
Chapter 20: This story is amazing. I was a crap pay reader for the first few chapters because I'm not really a fan of SS501, but my goodness, that didn't even matter after. I hung on every word, waited anxiously to see who would be in a coma next... I started reading because Sungmin and Kyuhyun were here but I kept reading to find out how Kyujong dealt with being the center and what would happen when the darkness became too much and had to be defeated. This hasn't been updated in quite a while but if you ever decide to, I'm going to be so freaking happy. Thank you for writing this. Quality excitement in fanfiction is hard to find.
Forever5501 #4
Chapter 20: I got cookies... And I get more today!!! Hyun is the spirit king!! I knew it from the beginning. So a lot of cookies!!!!!!! * nom nom nom*
Lol Tao. Wait wait, hyun's comment is bit......
Good luck
Chapter 20: OmO! even the hunters aren't spared by the darkness, even though they are somewhat evil in my eyes. Poor Yixing!
and I was so right about Hyunjoong being the spirit king haha!
Now what? more comatose keepers?! this is getting very dangerous for them, I remember Hyunjoong saying something to Hyungjun about being too close. I hope nothing happens until Kyu's ready but then that wouldn't be you writing author-nim if you don't drop bombs in my face.
don't worry I'll be you're ever patient reader waiting for your bombs! ><!
Chapter 20: and lolol. how the do you have time for nano ._.

*wondering if she should join*
Chapter 20: adsfa dsf asdf adsf adsfkj a.welr kjawe; ae ea AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh


and lolol. obviously Hyun was a spirit king i think we all knew that XDDDDD
Chapter 20: sem problema minha pequena! I understand completely...I was crazy busy last week as well and even more busy this week. (I'm using my fifteen minutes break from studying to speed read this week's update!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!)

of course Kevin won't mind the zombies...he probably forgot ALL about the damn zombies as soon as Bummie put his arm around him....kkkk

Kevin: zombies? what zombies?
Bummie: the movie? e_e
Kevin: oh..oh...those zombies...yh...scary (why is he so warm?) kkkkkkkkkkkk

Okay...the KyuHyun (you know who I mean...right?) thing is gonna take a while with him being all "riddle me this...riddle me that" with poor centre....

/ahhh...poor joonie...Yeonah might find someone for you somewhere in this verse..../somewhereeeeeeee out theeeeeeeereeeee...beneath the deep blue skyyyyyyyy....ahem...sorry...>/////<

Bummie...still estatic for you...henry..sorry.../

I saw my m-m-m-m-moon bunny...m-m-m-m-m-moon bunny...yo! kkkkkkk

no monkey in sight but I'm gonna find him...soon...very very soon....muhahahahahahahah

for now.../bunny fangirl sure he Yuetu isn't up for adoption Yeonah? I'll take good care of him...I promise....!
Chapter 19: AAAAAAAAA! Kibummie won! oh god I could give a sigh of relief! but poor Henry. well he asked for it now he got it! now what? Kyu has to be strong mentally and emotionally for him to help the keepers, don't worry Kyu I'm here to help in any way I can!
Chapter 19: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww man! poor henry. I understand why though, why they have to lose their memories. but still ;~;